God Promises To Keep His promises




God Promises To Keep His Promises

by Olga Hermans

Have you ever heard someone say that promises are made to be broken? Have you ever experienced that people broke a promise to you? Maybe right now you feel like your life is broken because somebody broke a promise to you. If you’ve had any of these experiences, it may be difficult for you to believe that God will keep His promises. However, God has never broken a promise and He never will!

Have you ever felt that God might keep His promises to others but He would never do it for you? Or that He might keep His promises some times but not other times for some mysterious reason? Whatever your experience has been, or whatever you may think, I want to tell you that God’s Word is the most certain thing in the world.

There are thousands of promises in the Word of God, and He declares strongly that He will fulfill each and every one of them. I like to say it this way: God promises to keep His promises. Every promise in the Bible is a gift to us wrapped in love. I can assure you that He hasn’t changed His mind about any of His gifts. James 1:17

Although God has the ability and the desire to bring every promise to come to pass in our lives, we each must individually appropriate the promises by faith. It is always faith that moves God into action on our behalf. It is a fact that when we mix faith with the promise, we receive what we ask for. Rom.10:17

You can see every promise as if you would set a goal and each promise holds the potential to come into existence; isn’t that awesome? That way you can use God’s Word as a “road map” for your life; and when you take hold of the promises in the Word, the Holy Spirit supplies the energy to travel that road without failure.

Do you know anybody that did this? Our great example for this is Abraham. He followed the book of God’s Word as a map. He had been busy following his own map when one day the Lord spoke to him and gave him a different direction. That was the moment that Abraham yielded to the Lord and planned every day of his life in accordance with the promises which the Lord had given to him.

Abraham lived in a land of idol worshipers and didn’t know the true and living God, but when God spoke to him, Abraham obeyed and changed the direction of his life. Didn’t you do that when God spoke to you, when the Holy Spirit wooed you to into the direction of God? Sure, you did; that is how you got saved.

I remember as if it were yesterday when the Lord tapped me on my shoulder to leave Amsterdam. I was living in the world, more at night than during the day. I don’t have to tell you what I was doing, because everybody knows that Amsterdam is famous for all the wrong things. But here I was, 21 years of age, my parents had died within 2 years from each other and I decided to go and live my life in Amsterdam.

My life was going down the drain quite fast. I had a friend; (my husband’s sister), who had a younger brother. I always had liked him because of his morals and values, he always stood out to me for that reason but he was 2 years younger than I. But this one particular night, I was sitting at my desk and I had the impression to leave Amsterdam and go to Canada, where he was living at the time. That is what I did, and within 2 weeks I was in Canada. Although that was a whole story in itself (a beautiful love story), I just want to point out right now that I thank God that I obeyed this inclination and decided to change my life and from then on God was able to direct my steps.

Just like Abraham who stepped into the unknown, I stepped into the unknown. Leaving Amsterdam behind me for a much better way of living, I loved the prairie at that moment. People thought I had lost my mind. How could it be that a person leaves the wild lifestyle from Amsterdam to work on a tractor on the prairies of Alberta? Only God can do that!

Let’s get back to Abraham; he was no more perfect than you and I are; he made mistakes, but he always got back on course. That is what we should do.

Do you have unfulfilled dreams? Haven’t you discovered the life you were born to live yet? Are there plans you won’t make because you can’t see how they could ever come true? Your life is all about making the right choices and decisions. Look at Abraham and Sarah; they left a comfortable environment to follow God.

What God has done for anyone else, He will do for you. God created you and He has a plan for your life and He wants you to discover it and ignite it with passion. He has a plan that will bring blessing and satisfaction. God’s way is always the best way, and God has expressed that way in His Word and His promises.

You can subscribe to The Daily Choice which is a SPIRITUAL Devotion that helps you to make the right choices in your life!

What About Faithfulness?



What About Faithfulness?

by Olga Hermans

Somebody said: “Being faithful in the smallest things is the way to gain, maintain, and demonstrate the strength needed to accomplish something great.” Joyce Meyer said it this way: “Faithfulness is not doing something right once but doing something right over and over and over and over.” And Mother Teresa said: “I am not called to be successful; I am called to be faithful”.

What do you say? Webster defines faithful as maintaining an allegiance to someone or something; to be constant; loyal; having or showing a strong sense of duty or responsibility; conscientious. Being faithful is a good thing; it implies having an undeviating allegiance to a person, cause or institution.

What do you think the opposite of faithfulness is? It would imply failure in devotion to someone or something, being dishonest, disloyal; unreliable and undependable. God is faithful and He keeps His Word. He is constant and unchanging.

God is always faithful to keep His covenant with us, even when we are not faithful; God remains faithful to His Word. Numb.23:19.
It is so sad that in our society many people lack faithfulness and integrity and do not keep their word. This creates distrust, disappointment and hurt in others. It also causes others not to believe in them or become involved with them on many levels because they don’t want to experience pain and hurt again.

Have you ever heard the saying? Hurting people hurt people. This should motivate us enough to become faithful. How many times, myself included, have we been faithful only when it’s convenient or comfortable and not keeping promises when it is hard and reap a harvest of pain and hurt later on.

There are times when God will prove your faithfulness. He does that by placing you in seemingly unimportant positions, all the while observing your faithfulness in the little things. God will not promote a person who is unfaithful (irresponsible) in the little things. Faithful people feel responsible for the things they do and the people they serve.

They do not quit because they are tired, offended, or because there is inconvenience. They go on to complete the task they’ve been given. People who are undependable or irresponsible will not be given leadership positions. A leader must be responsible and faithful. Proverbs 25:19. People who are not dependable or faithful can be a pain to those who work or live with them.

You know Daniel in the Bible right? He was promoted to the level of being a first prime minister under King Darius. Dan.6:1-4. He had already proven faithful through the reign of two previous kings. Darius, however, had promoted him because he valued Daniel’s wisdom and character above all the other men around him.

This caused jealousy in others who wanted his position. They began to look for ways to trap him but could not find any character flaws. Daniel 6:4. Daniel was faithful to God and to his king. I truly believe that when you are faithful to God, you will be faithful to those who are in authority over you.

You know what happened to Daniel; his enemies had to find something to betray him and although Daniel ended up in the lions’ den because of doing what was right, God protected him by shutting the lion’s mouths.

Faithfulness does not always mean circumstances will be favorable, but as you are willing to walk out your commitment to God and your assignment, God will deliver you and promote you. We must learn how to stand steadfast and immovable in what we know is the right thing to do.

Here are some helpful hints for being faithful:

1. Keep your word.
2. Do all you can do to the best of your ability in the assignment you are in.
3. Do what you are assigned to do, whether others see you or not. God sees you.
4. Go the extra mile if it is necessary in order to complete an assigned task.
5. Maintain a sense of responsibility, realizing that others may be dependent on the part you do. Remove the attitude that someone else will do it from your thinking.
6. Stay put when others jump out at the first difficulty. Learn to stay until you’ve spent time and heard direction from God before considering a move.
7. Keep a good attitude and avoid listening to negative people.
8. Submit to authority and learn to follow. Then God can promote you more quickly to a leadership position.
9. Don’t look for changes to always happen in others around you. Instead, learn to look inside yourself and allow God to change you even more into His character.

There are also rewards for faithful people and they are good!!

1. “A faithful man shall abound with blessings….” Pro 28:20
2. “….The Lord preserves the faithful….” Psa 31:23
3. “… You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little; I will put you in charge of much….” Mat 25:21
4. “… He counted me faithful and trustworthy, appointing me to [this stewardship of] the ministry. 1Tim. 1:12
5. “… Be loyally faithful unto death [even if you must die for it], and I will give you the crown of life”. Rev 2:10

You can subscribe to The Daily Choice which is a SPIRITUAL Devotion that helps you to make the right choices in your life!

Mercy Is The Missing Piece





Mercy Is The Missing Piece

by Olga Hermans


I don’t think I am wrong when I say that most of us desire to receive more from the Lord than we have in the past. Maybe you are thinking that because you have made so many mistakes and you have done so many wrong things that blessings will never come to you as it does to other people.

Let’s talk about that today, because you might have to wake up to the mercy of God in a brand-new way. Lam 3:22-23 says: The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning.

One way to receive more from God is by getting a deeper revelation of the mercy of God. To receive something from God, we must have faith. We all know that! We must believe that God has the ability to do what we ask for; we must believe that He is willing to do it. We have confidence in Him that He is a good God and that He is all that we read about in the Bible.

We must know that He is always the same. So there is not a day that He is moody or that He wants to bully us or not act according to His word, right? He is what He says He is and He is a God of His Word; what He says is always yes and amen to us.

This tells us that it comes down to us; we are the ones who have problems believing and maybe even a more difficult time to receive. If you doubt His willingness, you won’t be able to receive from Him. Or if you think He is angry, critical, or judgmental, you won’t be confident that He desires to bless you abundantly.

Even though you know that He has provided for all your needs, because everybody says that and you have heard this message preached over and over again. But the fact is that the blessings are still not coming your way.

You keep thinking why this is and why are others more blessed than I am? You need to realize how amazingly merciful and kind He is; then it is easy to reach out and receive from Him. It is easy when we realize how much He loves us, how much He cares for us and how much He wants to bless us despite of us. 

Always remember He is a good God and His mercies are new every morning. EVERY MORNING, His mercies are new and are there for us to receive. Psalm 103 makes it very clear to us that every miracle that was ever done, was done because of His mercy and love. God is merciful in all His acts and all His ways.

My pastor has been preaching about the acts and the ways of God for some time now; the acts of God refer to all the supernatural miracles that God has done for His people: things like the deliverance out of Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, the cloud by day and the fire by night and the many great victories He gave the Israelites when they entered the promised land.

The ways of God are the reasons He did those things. Psalm 103:8 tells us that those reasons are very simple. He did them because He “….is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy…”

God has a father’s heart, and He pities His children, so the Lord pities those who fear” Psalm 103:13 I like that because that lets us know that God covers us with His tender love and concern for all our needs the same as our parents. We should see Him this way, wanting to give us everything He has to give.

I want everything that He has for me, what about you? I don’t want to let anything go to waste; Jesus died on the cross for all our needs, so that makes us responsible to receive everything.

Aren’t you glad that God isn’t standing behind a door with a big stick ready to whack us for something we did wrong? NO!! He is bending over us with great joy and love and excitement because we are His children.

He is putting His arms around you and me and is filled with mercy and compassion, always wanting to forgive us. He desires to help us and pour out His blessings over us. Why? Because that is who He is; that is His very nature.

Many people don’t understand that about God. Religion has given them the impression that He actually enjoys punishing the wicked and disobedient, but the Bible doesn’t say that. Ez.33:11 “God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked for death is strange to His nature.”

You have to start believing that God delights in extending His mercy to you. The entire ministry of Jesus was all about Him giving mercy to people around Him; He demonstrated His mercy everywhere He went. Jesus talked to every person who came to Him and He always told them that He was willing to heal them or to forgive them. He always let them know how much He loved them.

He is continually moved with compassion toward people. He is always willing and desiring to have mercy on you and me. I believe that we should read through the Bible f or the only purpose to see for ourselves with a fresh eye all the merciful acts and ways of the Lord. That would give us such a great revelation of God’s mercy.

I am convinced that a greater revelation of divine mercy will open a door for the blessings of God into our lives. Start meditating on the mercy of the Lord and let the Holy Spirit reveal it to you in a greater measure; your life will be forever transformed.

You can subscribe to The Daily Choice which is a SPIRITUAL Devotion that helps you to make the right choices in your life!

You Take Control By Your Choice


You Take Control By Your Choice

by Olga Hermans

Some people think that self-control is not important, but I’d like to prove you otherwise. One of the things you need to know is that you area  spirit being; when you are Christian your spirit is the most important part of you. You probably know that you are a three-part being, right? Spirit, soul and body. 1Thess.5:23 You are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body. The part that everybody sees is the body. However, the real you is your spirit man.

If you do not build up your spirit, then your soul and body will dominate your life. You soul and body will then convince you to do what feels good at the moment or what looks easiest and most convenient. The soul and body will also convince you that no one will ever know, or what difference will it make to do a little of whatever you want to do.

Some people never learn to walk in self-control because they don’t take time to build up their spirit man. They learn to shove aside the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to them and instead follow their emotions or their own desires and reasoning.

Sometimes they may even put a religious coat on it and say that they felt God lead them to do what they did, when in fact, if they closely examined what they did, they would know that it goes against the principles of the Word of God.

When you desire to walk in the Spirit, you have to exercise self-control. You and I will have to learn to say “no” to that which pulls on our flesh and emotions to sin.

As Christians, we are to take control of what we see, hear and read, and whom we allow to influence our lives. We are responsible for our emotions, impulses and desires. For example, circumstances may press your emotions to respond negatively, but through the fruit of self-control, you choose to respond differently.

You choose to walk in peace while others may want to argue. You choose to forgive and show mercy when others offend, disappoint, or fail you. You choose to keep the joy of the Lord when you feel unhappy. You choose not to speak when your emotions are wanting your mouth to speak. All of these are example of self-control in operation.

Some may say, “Well, I believe you should vent your emotions.” There have been so many people today who have vented their emotions that we have destruction everywhere – destroyed marriages, destroyed family relationships, murders, and broken hearts, depressed and abused personalities, etc. Some people have vented their emotions and later regretted ever saying or doing what they said and did but cannot change it now.

Get control by submitting to God’s Word in your life personally. There are those who have learned that freedom is not doing whatever you feel at the moment. Freedom is in choosing to walk in love toward God and others. The love walk requires self-control. Gal.5:13

Jesus said in Luke 17:1 that offenses would come. He also said in John 16:33 to rejoice in the midst of tribulation. Walking in peace demands self-control! I remember somebody say once, “I have no problem walking with God. It’s just all the other Christians I have problems with!” That sounds funny, but that’s really the way some people feel.

When we become a part of the family of God, we must learn to live together as a family. God can use other brothers and sisters in the Lord to develop fruit in our lives if we allow Him to. We may not always appreciate the part they are playing in our spiritual growth, but we will realize it is a way God works the rough edges off of us.

Here are a few guidelines for helping you to strengthen the fruit of self-control in your life:

1. Take time to daily read the Word of God. Psalm 119:9-11. Hide God’s Word in your heart, so you will not sin against Him and will be able to live in His Blessings.
2. Take time daily in prayer. Matth.26:41. We need to “watch and pray” over our own lives. Watch for the attacks of the enemy in your life and then pray immediately.
3. Guard your heart with all diligence. Proverbs 4:23 We need to examine our attitudes and our thoughts on a regular basis and make adjustments as needed.
4. Be sensitive in your spirit to hear God. Hebr.3:7. When we hear from God we can choose to respond with humility and trust or
harden our hearts and ignore Him.

5. Be righteousness conscious. Remember, having an attitude of righteousness in Jesus makes you want to stay right with Him. 2Cor.5:21
6. Be quick to repent if you sin, and reckon yourself dead to sin and alive unto God. Gal.2:20.
7. Cast down wrong thoughts. Phil.4:8. Do you ever think about what you are thinking about? If you are not careful, your thought life can lead you into problems. It is important to think before you act.
8. Keep humble before God. James 4:6. We have our own ideas about what we can accomplish, but often we think more highly of
ourselves than we ought. We need humble attitudes, knowing that apart from God, we can do nothing.

9. Submit to God and to His Word, and resist the devil. We must remember that the devil is not going to just sit back and allow us to take new ground without putting up a fight, but James 4:7 says that he will flee if we submit to God and resist the enemy.
10. Set you affections upon the Lord. If you want to live the resurrection life that Jesus provides, then seek that new, powerful life by setting your mind and keeping it set on things above, not on things on the earth.

You can subscribe toThe Daily Choice which is a SPIRITUAL Devotion that helps you to make the right choices in your life!

You Are Unbeatable




You Are Unbeatable

by Olga Hermans

Did you know that you were designed to be unbeatable? You were created to be more than a conqueror and yes, again, UNBEATABLE! 

But, words like: winners, victory, determination, champions, legends, perseverance…are definitely words that come up, right?

All those answers are great, but the thing is that we all go through times in our lives where we feel inadequate and unqualified. Have you ever felt that way?

Sometimes you go through a week where things are really rough, you go to your job, the boss calls you into his office and tells you that you are no longer needed. Feelings of insignificance will come to you and that you are not good enough, that you do not really have what it takes. You might even feel that you have lost your reason and your purpose.

We all have had moments like this, where we feel like a defeated spirit. Things didn’t turn out the way we hoped they would. Things that we hoped would happen didn’t happen. Maybe one of your children started doing things that you had never thought would happen. Maybe things with your marriage, or a diagnosis that the doctor gave.

In those moments we have to ask ourselves if we still believe that God has a plan for us. Even when we are released from our job and the bills are stacking up and everything looks like it defeated us. Is there still something on the inside of us that is willing to believe and willing to hold on?

God has a plan for us and satan has a plan for us too, right? John 10:10 says: A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.

Which plan do you like best? I like the real and blessed life and I know you do too, otherwise you wouldn’t be here reading this post. Satan has a plan for us to stay depressed, to feel inadequate, and to feel insignificant and that we really don’t have any gifts, talents or purpose.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I see people who seem to have all the gifts and talents and I feel like God gave that person ALL the talents that exist. If we are not careful we can get in this mode and think “well, everybody has a gift and a talent, except for me. My talent is just to breathe! Everybody else can build a business, dance, or play hockey, they are good with numbers and statistics, but here I am just talented with breathing.

That is the lie of the devil!! The evil one wants you think that you don’t have a gift. That you don’t have a purpose and that there is no reason to live and that you were made by accident and that you are insignificant. Because the devil believes that if we believe that lie that we will never fulfill the purpose that God created us to fulfill.

And that lie keeps us from making a difference in our marriage and in our family’s life. The truth is that God has a plan for us, that we would live, and live our lives to the fullest.  He created us to live victorious and make a difference in the lives of others. He created you and me to be unbeatable.

Even if you would believe this right now, you still have to recognize this in your life and that you have to do something to make things happen in your life. You have to prove to yourself that you believe this. Not by comparing yourself with others but by competing with yourself, and then, there is no limit! Take the lid off your life and let the true you come out of the box. You might be surprised at all the talents and gifts that were there for such a long time, they were just dormant on the inside of you.

You might be doing things out of routine and tradition, but there is no life in it and you know it. You have to get up my friend and dust yourself off. This is a new day with a new beginning. We don’t want to do things any longer just because they are a good thing to do. We do them because we believe they are good things and that they will bring results in our lives.

We need to come to the understanding that what we believe and what we are saying will actually come to pass. Your words will bury you or they will resurrect you. They will take you over the top or they will put you under.

You can subscribe to The Daily Choice which brings an encouraging message 5 days a week to your inbox by clicking here

It’s Time To Believe for The Favor of The Lord


It’s Time To Believe For the Favor Of The Lord

 by Olga Hermans


It’s time and you know it; it’s time to believe for the impossible to come into your life. God only wants us to go forward, never backwards. You can read in the book of Job where he says that “the Lord gives and the Lord takes away.” But then in the end Job still believed and ended up with twice what he had before. God restored back to him double.

God is not a respecter of persons, what He did for Job, He will do for you! God not only wants to bring you out, He also wants to bring you out better off than you were before.

No, God is not limited by the economy. God is not limited by our education or our lack of it. God is not limited by the environment we were raised in. The only thing that is God is limited by is our belief. You need to believe that God is shifting things for you to your advantage. He is shifting things in favor of you.

Psalm 102:13 says there was a set time for favor. That means there was a set time for people to receive increase, a set time they would see blessings. It’s the same way today. God has seasons in which supernatural doors will open, seasons in which you will accomplish things you never thought possible, seasons in which you will see great things to begin to happen.

It is up to you to believe this; if you don’t believe this, you are going to miss out. This is for people who dare to rise up to their highest potential, for those who are pressing in to more of God. This is for those who have waited upon the lord and they know in their spirit that this is true. This is the time that God is doing great and mighty things even beyond our own imagination.

Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to help the poor, to comfort the hurting, and to announce the acceptable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:19 says …. “This is God’s year to act!” Msg The ISV translation says: … to announce the year of the Lord’s favor.”

People had been in a very dry time before this was proclaimed by the Lord. There had been years of fighting and of judgment, but Jesus announced that things were changing from that time on. He said: “This is your season of favor.”

He declared it openly to all people and some took it for real and some didn’t want to believe it. It was almost that they couldn’t believe it because they were hanging on to their past; they felt they had sinned too much and that they never would accomplish their dreams or that they never would get healed or get out of debt or whatever it was.

By holding on to those thoughts they missed their season; they missed everything that God had for them, they missed their season of favor. Don’t let this be you; I urge to rise up and believe that this is the time to rise up and discover the life you were born to live; ignite it with passion and do something with it.

Maybe you feel like you are rowing upstream; life has been a constant struggle for you. You know what; you are not the only one. Many people feel that way; things have happened to them that totally got them off track and they are very disappointed. But God says, “Things are about to shift in your favor to receive the favor of the Lord.”

Sometimes when we look into our futures, we don’t see much. We don’t have a clue how we could ever get out of debt or get healed; we don’t see how our son or daughter could ever come home again. I know; I have been there. I just couldn’t see until my pastor started to talk about the goodness of the Lord and that all God wants to do in our life is bring restoration; that is the favor of the Lord.

It doesn’t matter what you have done, it doesn’t matter where you have been. God is able to wash you in the precious blood of Jesus and you are clean from top to toe and the best thing is that He will never bring it up again! So, why would you keep thinking about it and keep talking about it? Stop that and start believing the favor of God.

You need to be able to sense it before it arrives, which means that you start thinking that restoration will come into your life no matter what happens. God has promised it and that’s it. You see it coming; it might look impossible in the natural, but you know on the inside that it will come to pass. You sense it, you know it and you believe it.

Maybe your business is slow, sales are down but you can sense that the favor of the Lord will bring the necessary increase. You can sense that this is your year of favor; you sense that your best days are just ahead of you.

This is a season of change and of increase. You have to be perceptive and sense that the hand of God is upon your life; He has His eyes on you. The goodness of the Lord is at hand. The Lord has done some awesome miracles when He was here upon the earth to let us know that He only wants go around and do good things. Will you receive it when He comes your way or will you back away?

You won’t back away if you prepare your heart and you sense that the goodness of the Lord is coming your way. Receive it; this is the year for a glorious breakthrough in every area of your life. Listen to that still small voice on the inside of you that says: “I can turn it around. I can do what men can’t do. Will you let me?”

God is saying: “I have a new beginning. I can resurrect those dead dreams. Your best days are still ahead of you.” Are you sensing it? I sure hope so! Remember, the favor of the Lord is at hand!

This is Your Year of Increase

This is Your Year of Increase



Do you know people who are stuck in a rut; it is a season in your life where you almost don’t expect anything to happen; you don’t grow and there is nothing in you that wants to move forward. Negative thoughts keep bombarding you and you think you have reached your limit and that you will never accomplish the dreams that are on the inside of you.

Those are lies from the devil and you know it. God is a God of increase; he desires for you to increase in every area of your life. He never wants us to go backward; only forward. He wants us to grow and go from faith to faith and from Glory to Glory.

Of course there always will be seasons when we don’t see a lot of growth, seasons where we have to dig our heels in and fight for what we believe God has put on the inside of us.

God’s plan for us is increase. Has your heart been calling for increase? I hope so, because that is what I believe for you. I believe I am writing to the right people. I believe that every spiritually healthy believer is hungry for increase these days.

People who are on fire desire to increase spiritually to rise up to higher places and shine for God wherever they are. They want to increase to live effectively and bear more fruit for the Lord and His Kingdom. Increase in overcoming things in their own life and gain the victory not just spiritually but physically, financially, and in every other area of their lives.

That is a good thing, but it is meant to be so, it is a God thing. He has put those desires on the inside of you; it is His will for you to increase on every side! When we increase, God gets more glory and His Kingdom advances.

Not to us, O Lord, not unto us, but to Your name give glory, for Your mercy and loving-kindness and for the sake… The Lord give you increase more and more, you and your children. Psalm 115:1,14

Increase is part of our destiny. It is God’s plan for us. Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t open more doors of increase for you? We all know how frustrating this can be and kept wondering why God doesn’t open more doors of increase for us.

I remember at times that my husband and I stepped through what seemed to be an open door of opportunity with our hopes high up but then our hopes got smashed on the ground. We could see the potential for increase right in front of us, things just didn’t work out. But that is no reason to give up oon our God-given dreams of increase.

On the contrary, it’s reason to press into them with even greater fervency with prayer. We need to persist and keep working with God; we need to continue to pray without giving up and the increase that is promised us will eventually come. We have God’s Word on it!

Prayer always goes before any work of God and prepares the way. When prayer goes before us, our labors begin to prosper. That’s if we want to increase, we must always make prayer a priority in our lives. Prayer prepares the way of the Lord!

Our prayers licence the Holy Spirit to go ahead of us and get our paths ready to walk on. They fill in the pitfalls the devil has dug for us and bring down the mountainous obstacles he has piled before us on our way to increase.
I remember the time when my husband and I were ready to move back to The Netherlands to build a bible school. We were sent out by Ps. Billy Joe Daugherty. We were so excited to go and of course there was this anxiousness in us if everything would come together for us.

The first weekend in Amsterdam we felt led to go to a church we had never heard about; I sat beside somebody and started talking about why we were in Amsterdam. Long story short; this man was a graphic designer and offered us to the entire website and all our graphics that we needed to be done, our brochures and catalogue for the bible school all for FREE.

Then the pastor offered us his offices to us to have the bible school in for FREE for the 1st year. Then another friend of us offered us to have all the copy word that we needed done for FREE actually for the entire 5 years we were in The Netherlands. Then we had a place to live for FREE; we lived there for almost 3 years and after that we lived in a very cheap accommodation until he left the country again. On and on, everything was provided. We believed for 50 students to come in the 1st year; they did supernaturally.

This all was because prayer had provided the way. When prayer has done its work, the plan of God unfolds right in front of us and the glory of the Lord is revealed for everybody to see.

Paul is a great example for us in, maybe I will touch on that another time. But he didn’t make it a secret that he prayed a lot and spoke with tongues more than everybody. 1 Cor.14:18

So, let’s follow Paul’s example. Let’s send our prayer out ahead of us. Let’s wait for God’s plans to unfold in every sphere of life. It is a way that God almost always works. As much as we want Him to, He doesn’t rid us of our problems at once. He doesn’t take us from rags to riches or from utter failure to 100% success overnight.

He usually does for us what He did for the Israelites when they entered the Promised Land. He drives out the giants little by little before us so that we can increase little by little and inherit the land. 

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People’s Favorite Verse




People’s Favorite Verse

by Olga Hermans


This week I somehow was into this thing of looking up the most favorite things for this and for that; have you ever done that? I was wondering what people’s most favorite Bible verse would be? Of course we have many; mine personally is: Psalm 16:11 “You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of Your presence and the pleasures of living with You forever”.

Of course I have many others like Phil 4:13 and John 3:16 as most of you probably do. But then I looked it up on Google and this is what Bible Gateway said were the Top Five Bible Passages of 2011: 1. Jeremiah 29:11, 2. John 3:16, 3. Philippians 4:13, 4. Proverbs 3:5-6, and 5. Romans 8:28

They say they run these numbers every year, and that for the most part, the same Bible verses make the top-five list each year; they shift around in order but in general the list always looks familiar.

I must say Jer.29:11 is certainly one of my favorites, so let’s have a closer look at it.

I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out–plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. Jer 29:11 Msg.

God knows what He is doing; of course He does. He is the God of all creation. It is a verse that brings comfort when people lose their job. It is often mentioned on graduations from high school where of course it fits very well.

Just recently one of my dear friends lost her husband and this is one of the verses that came to mind for her. God knows; He knows what is going on and He knows what He is doing, He has it all planned out; He has plans to give you the future you hope for. We find comfort, hope, rest and peace in knowing that God has a plan for our lives. He knows the plans He has for us and His plans are good. His plan is not to harm us. His plan is to prosper us.

With that kind of news, it’s no wonder this Scripture ends up on our favorites list time and time again! If someone prophesies over us wonderful things in the name of the Lord, what they say to us may express the heart, the will, and the desire of God for us. But that does not mean it is going to happen just as it is prophesied.

This is because it cannot and will not come to pass if we choose to refuse to cooperate with God or to stay away from His will.
God has a plan for your lives, but we have to participate in that plan for it to come true. God is not likely to do anything in our lives without our cooperation. We need to cooperate with God every single day of our lives in order for our potential to be developed.
Every day we ought to learn something. Every day we ought to grow. Every day we ought to discover something. Every day we ought to be a bit further along than we were the day before and come to our fullest potential.

There is no other being on the face of the earth that can develop the potential that is on the inside of you. You are are the only one that must discover the gifts and talents that God has placed on the inside of you. God has a plan for each and every one of us. It is a good plan, the best plan; it is not an average plan or a mediocre plan; it is a divine plan.

This is GOD’s Word on the subject: “As soon as Babylon’s seventy years are up and not a day before, I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out–plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. “When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen. “When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. “Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” GOD’s Decree. “I’ll turn things around for you. I’ll bring you back from all the countries into which I drove you”–GOD’s Decree–“bring you home to the place from which I sent you off into exile. You can count on it. Jer 29:10 -14 Msg

God’s people had been prisoners and had been captive for seventy years when the Lord gave them the promise of a good future. The reason why the Israelites had been in captivity was because they had been unfaithful to God, they had been following the ungodly practices of the culture. They had been mocking God’s messengers and despised their words of truth. Because of their unbelief and rebellion they were led into Babylonian captivity for seventy years.

How does this apply to your life? Do you feel hemmed in or maybe imprisoned? Have you been in captivity? Did you walk away from a good marriage? Do you live in sin and feel like a slave of the devil? Are you following the ways of the world with its immoralities and corrupted values?

Maybe the Lord has tried to encourage you through a fellow Christian, but all you did was mocking their words and resisted what they were saying to you. Maybe you are in a situation right now where you feel this emptiness, depression, anger, anxiety, failure, poverty and destruction.

God is telling you that He knows what He is doing; He has it all planned out–plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. But when you read a little further, you read about your part, what you need to do. Your willingness to go to Him and to call on Him; knowing that He is your only source for everything that you need; seek Him with your whole heart.

He even says that He will make sure that you will not be disappointed and that He will turn things around for you; you can count on it!

Are you ready for a breakthrough? Are you ready to come out of that place of feeling abandoned and feeling rejected? Breaking out of whatever prison, captivity or bondage you’ve been living under? Why not get serious today and press into the Kingdom of God, and seek Him with your whole heart?

Get in that place where you become completely open before the Lord and talk to Him, tell Him how you feel, tell Him that you feel you have wasted so much time doing things that you wanted to do and that you feel like you missed everything that He had in store for you. Pour out your heart before Him, when you find the Lord in that intimate place, you will find His mercy, love, forgiveness, grace, favor and peace. He will turn your life around; He will order your steps into the plans He has for you, plans to prosper you and give you a hope and a future!

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Your Destiny is Calling You



Your Destiny is Calling You

by Olga Hermans


Life is beautiful isn’t it? Do you really realize that life is given to us the moment we were born? I remember the times that I lived life just as it came to me; one day at a time. I dreamed of big things, I desired to create awesome things and they were all so real to me. This of course was when I was this little girl without any idea what the future would hold for me. I only knew life as it was and the way I dreamed about it.
But then things started to happen, not all for the good. So, I had to grow up and become mature; grasping life as it was at that particular moment. My parents died when I was way too young, my two sisters got very ill and there I was, standing in the middle of my life and not knowing where to go or what to do.

I married the love of my life and we received two beautiful children; our family is quite close, we all have a heart for God and want to serve Him with passion and a purpose. What about you? Isn’t that what you want? Of course it is.

Your destiny is calling for you; are you able to hear it? Some people have drawn back from what they thought God was calling them to do, because at some time in their lives, they responded to it and things didn’t work out as they hoped. They jumped out to what they thought the Lord was drawing them to do and they ran straight into a wall.

If that’s ever happened to you, don’t worry about it. You’re in good company. Some of the greatest faith heroes of the Bible didn’t respond to God’s call exactly like He wanted them to at first.

You remember Moses? He was called to be a prophet and to serve as a deliverer for Israel. He sensed that call in his heart and wanted to get after it with everything in him and ended up murdering an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew slave. That was of course not something that God had in mind. Moses had to be straightened out in the back of the wilderness; God helped him and everything worked out like God had it and Moses fulfilled his destiny after all.

Moses wasn’t the only one; look at Samuel. He had problems hearing the voice of the Lord; he thought he was hearing the voice of his mentor, Eli. God didn’t give up on him until he matured so fully in God that everything he said came to pass.

That is very encouraging isn’t it? It’s wonderful to know that no matter how many mistakes we make, if we will keep on responding to the leading and guidance of the Lord; He will keep working with us. God will stick with us until we get it right.

We can learn something from these two people. When you sense a direction, you have to find out from God the exact details. Don’t just go ahead and do something on your own (like Moses did) and don’t run to friends (like Samuel did) or read another book. No, draw closer to the Lord. Get His wisdom by fellowshipping with Him.

It is when we really take time to fellowship with Him that we receive the understanding of what He wants us to do. Of course, we need to be encouraged by others, but we can only get a clear picture of our destiny by coming personally into the presence of the Lord again, and again, and again.

I read somewhere that the Lord works with us almost like an artist who is painting a picture. He begins by sketching a few broad strokes on the canvas of our hearts. Initially, we might not even know what those strokes mean. But every time we get back to Him, He adds a little bit more definition.

He takes His Holy Ghost paintbrush and adds a few more details until, eventually; He has painted within us the most beautiful picture we have ever seen.

But here is what most people do; they give God a few scattered moments here and there and expect God to reveal their destiny to them. You don’t have to give Him great, massive quantities of time, but we need to give Him periods of undivided attention. Times when we focus exclusively on Him.

I have heard so many people say, “I guess if God wants me to do anything major for Him, He’ll tell me. After all, He knows where to find me.” Yeah, He knows where to find you alright: at the movies, at the football game, in front of the television or in the mall. But it is not His job to run after us and apprehend us in those places. On the contrary, it is our job to run after Him.

Will you do that? Will you take time that you are only focused on Him, will you set time apart to hear and recognize His voice? Instead of hoping and guessing that He will come running after us and saying things like: “God will get me where I need to go.” You press in to lay hold on what you know you need to do.

You press toward the goal to which God has been calling you already from the foundation of this earth. Will you do it? Of course you will let God unfold that beautiful picture of your destiny on the inside of you. There is only one way you can do that and that is to run fully after God!

What Does the Holy Spirit Want to Show You About Your Future?




What Does the Holy Spirit Want to Show You
About Your Future?


by Olga Hermans

For several years I worked in the office of our bible school. One day, the office was full of people coming and going. There was an air of excitement, and everyone was chatting and laughing. Suddenly, a man in the middle of a walkie-talkie conversation came into the office. Even in the midst of the ongoing commotion of the office and static of the walkie-talkie, I recognized my husband’s voice on the other end of the walkie-talkie. I know my husband and I know his voice. That’s exactly how Christians should be attuned to hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit and receiving His ongoing guidance and direction.

Our future doesn’t need to be a mystery to us, if we remain connected to the Holy Spirit. He knows everything that is ahead of us. Jesus promised that the Spirit of the Truth, our Friend, would come and take us by the hand and guide us into all truth, telling us only what he has heard from God. He will order our steps, preparing us for what is to come.

How long has it been since you made the effort to sit down and be quiet, focusing all your thoughts toward the Father? It requires discipline to direct your thoughts toward God and ignore the random things that pop into your mind. You can be listening to God with one ear, as your mind makes a grocery list!

If we really want to hear from God, we need to focus on God, and only God, with everything that is within us. This will open our spiritual ears to hear what God has to say about our futures.

We know that God has a plan for us, a plan that is for our good. We also know that the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth (John 16:13). God knows that we need help to discern His plan for us, so He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell inside every Christian. The Holy Spirit is our Guide, our Teacher of Truth, our Counselor, and our Helper. He is also our Comforter.

God is not a respecter of persons, and He promises that we all are able to hear from God and experience the help of the Holy Spirit. He is always speaking to us, but we strain to recognize His voice because we are not familiar with it. We learn to recognize His voice in those moments that we are quiet before Him, patiently waiting.

Do you want guidance? Then be sensitive to the things that the Holy Spirit wants to show you, and then do as He says. As you learn to recognize God’s voice, you will know what to do. You will begin to act in faith as you experience the Spirit’s tug at your heart, or get an “inkling” or “knowing” about something to come.

I regularly watch the 700 Club. One of my favourite segments of the show is the testimonies of people who were Spirit-led to do something outside of their normal routines. For example, the person who is inexplicably compelled to drive a different route to work, only to discover that he missed a 10-car pile-up. Or the World Trade Center worker who sensed an inner witness to report to work late on 9/11. The Holy Spirit was protecting these people, guiding them away from danger.

The Holy Spirit has also given people hunches about making investments, and they have been supernaturally financially blessed by following through on His leading. It’s amazing to think of all the ways God wants to prepare us for our futures. But we must trust Him, step-by-step, to cover the big picture.

One of the ministries of the Holy Spirit is to guide and lead us into God’s will for each of our lives. I believe that we can release His plan for us by believing that He will let us know what to do in His perfect timing. We need discernment to do that, not mere head knowledge.
1Cor.2:14-16 tells us plainly that the natural man does not understand the spiritual man. Your spirit knows things that your head doesn’t know!

Because satan doesn’t want you to learn how to operate in the spiritual realm, he works hard to bring deception concerning these things. As a result, many people are actually afraid to believe that they can hear from God. They choose to remain in spiritual darkness rather than taking a chance on making a mistake.

Making mistakes is not the end of the world, but not learning from our mistakes is far more serious. We learn from life’s experiences as well as from the Word. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake. Be a person who has a pioneering spirit and is willing to learn.

God doesn’t always give the whole scoop of everything that we want to know, but He gives us enough information to make progress toward our destiny. He speaks in a still small voice. So I encourage you to seek God about your future. Focus on Him alone, listen and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.

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