Merry Christmas




Merry Christmas!



Christopher Columbus introduced St. Nicholas Day to the New World when he landed in the West Indies on December 6, 1492, and named the harbor, in honor of the patron saint of sailors, Port of St. Nicholas. Dutch Americans eventually adopted December 25 as their day of celebration, and by the end of the Civil War, St. Nicholas the Bishop was generally known in the United States as Santa Claus.

Those who read my blog posts on a regular basis know that I was born in The Netherlands. Last week on December 6th the Dutch people in the Netherlands and Belgium celebrated Christmas. The character of Santa Claus (Sinterklaas in the Dutch language), is based on St. Nicholas.

So I wanted to share you with about Saint Nicholas: who he really was and what he stands for.

The Dutch Tradition of St. Nicholas

For Dutch speaking people, St. Nicholas comes by steamship from Spain, arriving early in the month of December with lots of gifts for the children. He rides a white horse across the rooftops of all the houses to deliver the presents he’s brought. Children write letters to St. Nicholas asking for a doll or a train. But sometimes they ask for a new dad, when their own dad had passed away, or perhaps for their divorced parents to get back together.

Dutch children leave drawings and wish lists, in their shoes along with carrots or hay for St. Nick’s horse, hoping St. Nicholas will reward them with small gifts. The idea is that in order to receive you must give. I remember that as a child, I always went all out in making the best drawing.

Dutch people gather to sing, eat and exchange small gifts and surprises including candies, chocolate coins and initial letters, and riddles. Gifts from “St. Nicholas” include clever rhymes that humorously highlight a person’s strengths and shortcomings. It’s all a lot of fun. But let me share with you who St. Nicholas really is.

Who is St. Nicholas?

He is a great inspiration to many people. He was a godly man who had a reputation of giving to all people, from the rich to the very poor, from those who did great deeds for others to those devastated by life’s circumstances. He was a revered example to all of us – not a jolly, fat man who got about by flying reindeer and climbed down chimneys!

Nicholas was born in Turkey in the third century and raised by Christian parents. His parents knew that he was special and considered him a gift from God. They were diligent in teaching him about God and being devoted to God. They especially taught him to be generous to the poor.

At the age of 19, Nicholas was ordained a priest. His uncle, who was a bishop, prophesied that Nicholas would lend a hand and comfort many people and that he ultimately, also would become a bishop. All of this was fulfilled in Nicholas’ lifetime.

He led a life dedicated to God. It was said that he would spend all night studying God’s Word because of his desire to encourage people and to bring comfort to their lives He was also known as a man who fasted, prayed, and stood steadfast in his faith.

His life demonstrated his Christian beliefs and values. Over time his legacy has been perverted and misrepresented by Satan: most of us don’t know about St. Nicholas, rather we know him as the myth that Santa Claus has become.

The True Gift Of Christmas

This true story of St. Nicholas is a beautiful picture of the giving that Christmas is all about, because he represents the giving heart of our Heavenly Father. The greatest gift of all is the gift of Jesus Christ given to us by God the Father. In Him we have the joy of living a heavenly life on earth.

Christmas is Christ’s Mass and means anointing celebration. So when we talk about the spirit of Christmas, we are celebrating the birth of Jesus who came to this earth as a gift from our Heavenly Father, anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power. We celebrate that Jesus was among us and “went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil” (Acts 10:38).

We Are Designed To Be Givers

Jesus personifies the nature of giving by His deeds, acts and His ultimate gift of sacrificing His life. We all have been endowed with that God-given nature to give to others. This nature is more obvious in some than in others; some of us love to serve our fellow man while others are so conformed to this world that this gift is masked by selfishness and the love of mammon.

Because God created us and we were formed in His likeness, it is in our hearts, in the core of our beings to give and serve others. It doesn’t matter how distorted the world makes us, deep down on the inside of every person is an instinct to look out for the person next to us.

This is the very nature of our Heavenly Father and it is this nature that He placed in us. Paul told us in First Corinthians 13:4-8 that this love toward others never gives up. Love cares more for others than for itself. This love toward others is the most powerful anointing that has been placed on us and in us.

Although the world has tried to mask all of this with different images, it is a fact that this deep yearning is imprinted inside of each of us directly from the personality of God.

Just be aware that it is not the spirit of St. Nicholas or Santa Claus that compels us to bless others this Christmas season. Instead it is the very Spirit of God that inspires us to help others in their time of need or just to spread the good cheer to others around us.

Now, that’s a Merry Christmas!


How to Enjoy a Stress Free Christmas Season





How to Enjoy a Stress Free Christmas Season



Being “stressed out” is a relatively new concept, entering contemporary usage in the late 1920’s. In many respects, the notion of being stressed is an idea promoted by modern media which tells us all the things we must do to experience perfection and then commiserates with us as we consistently fail to achieve it. In particular, the multitude of expectations surrounding the Christmas season can set us up for stress, if we don’t make conscious decisions to be “in the world but not of it.” Let’s first define stress and then move on to removing it from our lives.

What Is Stress?

According to Merriam-Webster online, stress is “the burden on one’s emotional or mental well-being created be the demands on one’s time.” Put simply, stress places demand on one’s resources that exceed the available supply of those resources; be it time, money, emotions or physical capacity. But wait. As Believers, who is our resource and who is our supply? Stress is the inevitable response when we allow ourselves to become disconnected from our Source. Let’s redirect our attention to our Supply and Source.

As A Man Thinks, So Is He

How do we know that we are stressed? Some telltale signs are worry, fear, irritation and weariness. Often we experience physical symptoms including a rush of adrenaline, and perhaps feelings of breathlessness or overwhelming fatigue. But I believe the main way that we know we are stressed is that our minds become occupied with it. We think or even say “I am so stressed out” or “I don’t know if I can take this much longer” or “How will I ever get everything done?” and so on. It doesn’t take too long for our thoughts and words to bear fruit – the unwanted fruit of stress. But there is an antidote to physical symptoms and troubling thoughts. There is a Name that is above stress.

The Name Above Stress

If you have been dwelling on the demands being placed on your finite resources, take a deep breath and focus on your infinite Supply and Source. God needs many names to describe the multitude of his perfections. Here are a few of His names that demonstrate His superiority over finite supply – which is at the root of stress.


This name describes His perfection as our supply: Jehovah-Jireh means the One who sees our needs and provides for them. Do you have a need? Is your supply lacking? Then behold and meditate on Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord your supplier.


Another name that describes God’s role as provider is The Lord My Shepherd. Psalm 23 tells us that we shall not want for any good or beneficial thing. Do you need more time? Fewer things to do? The Lord your Shepherd is your faithful provider.


When we are in the middle of situations that outstrip our supply, we often feel that we are alone. One of Satan’s craftiest tactics is to create a sense of isolation from each other and from our Source. But God has another name that addresses our temptation to feel alone: Jehovah-Shammah. This name describes how God will never leave us nor forsake us. Psalm 139:8 states the ever-present quality of God like this: “If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”


Stress robs us of our peace. “Absence of trouble” is the world’s idea of peace. In other words, external circumstances dictate whether or not we are at peace. But God always has a better way. Jehovah’s shalom penetrates our spirit man. In the midst of trying situations, we can shape our circumstances from a position of supernatural peace that comes only from God.

There are many more names of God that speak to his desire and sufficiency to supply our every need. When feeling stressed, it’s good to remember that “the name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” (Proverbs 18:10).

What’s Our Part In Reducing Stress?

In addition to meditating on God as our Supply, we need to ask Him for help to honestly evaluate the demands on our resources. God doesn’t honor laziness, but He also has a spirit-directed plan for how each of us use the resources He has given us – particularly time.
God has promised wisdom to those who ask (James 1:5). We can ask for and receive wisdom to know what to commit to and what not to commit to. If you are prone to overextending yourself, ask God for wisdom in this area.

Isn’t it interesting that when we are under stress, the first thing many of us skimp on is time with the Lord – BIG mistake. We must go to the Lord and seek His wisdom at the first sign of stress. Ask Him to show us His way that we may walk in it. Ask Him for discernment in requesting help from others.

To Sum It Up

Make a conscious decision to be “in the world, but not of it.” There is no family or societal tradition that is more important than loving God and honoring Him. Let this be a year that you and your family experience a Christmas season free of stress.

The most important way to reduce stress is to spend time in the presence of the Lord. Meditate on the names of God, Your Supply and Source.

Do your part to minimize stress by honestly evaluating your commitments.


Wise choices will watch over you. Pro 2:11 NLT
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How Surrender Brings The Greatest Blessing



How Surrender Brings The Greatest Blessing


Have you ever watched people walking their dogs? Some dogs are in sync with their owners. They happily trot directly ahead on a short lead, in pace with their master. And then there are those other dogs! It seems as if these dogs are walking their owners instead of the other way around. You see them constantly straining at the leash, eager to follow every distraction and oblivious to their master’s desire to protect them. The route the master wants to take makes no difference to these dogs. They are determined to have their own way – unwilling to yield to their master’s will.

Much like these pets, some believers have a hard time surrendering to the Master’s guidance and protection. Surrender can be perceived as negative, but let’s find out what it truly means in the context of our relationship with Jesus.

What Does It Mean To Surrender?

According to Webster’s Dictionary, surrender is an act of yielding or resigning your life or the possession of something into the power of another; to give up or to yield to the influence, passion, or power of another.

For example, the living Bible says, “We are not our own bosses…” and Romans 14:13 says, “Try instead to live in such a way that you will never make your brother stumble by letting him see you doing something he thinks is wrong” (TLB).

So instead of following our desires and impulses, we are to yield our lives to the influence of Jesus in every aspect of our beings. Evangelist T.L. Osborn once said, “You are painting a picture of Jesus to others by every word you speak and every deed you do. Make sure you are painting a good picture.” Surrender is easier said than done. But our motivation to surrender has a big part to play in how consistently we yield to Jesus.

What Is Our Motivation For Surrender?

Surrender is based on love. When you truly love someone, you surrender your plans and desires, and instead do that which honours and pleases the other person. You give serious consideration as to how your actions affect another person.

In surrender to Jesus, you now think about how your actions affect your relationship with Him and with others. Your surrender to Jesus is not a one-time experience. It becomes a daily experience. And an experience that deepens over time. To the extent we surrender, the more we are willing to surrender.

What Is The Extent Of Surrender?

We choose to surrender to the will of Jesus’ every day rather than demanding our own way. When you go your own way, choosing to be strong-willed or self-focused, you’ll experience the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit (and your own conscience) warning you to stop. I know this for a fact, because I have experienced the convicting power of the still small voice of the Holy Spirit many times.
Once you become a Christian, you need to recognize that your body and your spirit are now God’s dwelling place or house (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Believe me, God cares about His house.

Now that you have invited Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior and surrendered to Jesus, you no longer belong to yourself. You belong to God. He owns you. By the way, He can’t just be your Saviour without becoming your Lord. Lordship implies authority over you.

Many Christians want Jesus to be with them to help them out when they get into trouble (like a personal maintenance man), but they don’t want Him telling them what do when things are going smoothly.

So, your surrender extends to considering Jesus in everything that you do. Consider means “to think seriously; to have regard for; to respect; to take into view in examination.” When you consider Jesus, you take into account His opinion and His view of things. You want your attitudes, thoughts, motives, words, behaviour, and yes, even your appearance to honour Him.

You’re more highly motivated to please Him than to please yourself or others. Ask yourself, “Do I consider Jesus in what I think, what I say, and in what I do?” “Do I represent Jesus well to others?” Are people attracted to Jesus when they look at you? It’s good to ask yourself, “Can people see Jesus in the way I live? Does my lifestyle as well as the words I speak help or hinder people in becoming closer to Jesus? ( Romans 14:7). Surrender to Jesus is the path of blessing and has a significant outcome on our lives.

How Does Surrender Determine The Outcome Of Our Lives?

Your life, whether it is a good life or a difficult life, is determined by choices you make daily, living submitted and surrendered to God or living your own way. When you have your personal time with God each day, acknowledge that you know He owns you and you want Him to keep you and lead you.

The choices and decisions you make will affect your future. Jesus understood the power of choice, and He chose to live submitted and surrendered even in the face of great temptation. He showed us that it is possible for us to submit our will and surrender to God.
God gave us free will because He wanted us to love Him and obey Him by our own choice. God won’t force us, even though He knows the end result of an unsurrendered will is difficulty, heartache, pain, hardship, and sometimes destruction.

So when we Christians know that the Bible instructs us to live a surrendered life, why do we ignore that knowledge? Most often it’s because we want to fulfil our own desires or lust. When you decide you will go your own way, you unlock and open doors or windows to the enemy.

Sometimes Christians wonder why their lives are full of heartache and difficulty, but if they will take time to re-evaluate the choices they have made, they will discover where they have made themselves vulnerable through poor choices. Choices in which they stubbornly insisted on going their own direction instead of surrendering to and obeying God’s promptings and warnings. When you are self-willed, stubborn, rebellious, and unsubmissive to God’s authority, the enemy has much greater opportunity to rob you or even to destroy you.

Once you decide to surrender your life to Jesus, obeying God’s Word will become easier, your natural way of doing things. You will begin to see the Word as a guideline to live by.

To Sum It Up

When you are under the guidance and direction of the Master, surrendered to His good plan and ways, you won’t be straining at the leash, following after every distraction that comes up. Surrender is a blessed state, motivated by love for Jesus and extending to every aspect of our lives. It is of highest importance to Believers because it determines the outcome of our lives.


How To Pray For Your Destiny






How To Pray For Your Destiny


We all have dreams and desires, things we want to accomplish, and situations we want to see improve. But so often we give up our belief that these things will come to pass.  Perhaps we’ve tried and failed, gone through a disappointment or become impatient waiting for change.  Today I want to encourage you to reclaim your hope in God’s desire and power to work on your behalf.  Your dreams may be taking longer than you wish, but God is a faithful God. Regardless of how long it’s been, no matter how impossible it looks, if you will stay in faith, your time is coming.  God loves it when you trust Him enough to ask for those big, seemingly impossible things.

Ask Big

Ask Him for those dreams hidden in your heart.  God wants to bless you. He wants to enlarge your territory. He expects you to ask. If you are not asking for God’s favour, His blessings, His increase, then you are not releasing your faith.

There is nothing wrong with big prayers. Dare to pray: “God, I’m asking you to not just supply my needs but to bless me in such a way that I have overflow to bless others!” “God, I am asking you to not only  heal my marriage but to also make it grow happier and more fulfilled than ever before.”  “God, I’m asking you that my children fulfil their God-given destinies, and they become strong and mighty in the land, leaders in their fields.” Jesus said: “According to your faith it will be done unto you!” So, if you pray for small blessings, you will receive small blessings.  If you pray for big blessings, prepare to receive in abundance.  When you are unsure of what to ask, it’s time to slip away to a quiet place with God.

Times of Seclusion

In your quiet times, when it is just between you and God, dare to ask Him for your deepest hopes, your greatest dreams.  It is in these times of uninterrupted conversation between your spirit and God that you experience intimacy, increased knowledge of His love for you, and clarity about the good plan He has for your life.

For a time, God may bring you apart from others so that you can spend more time with Him and more clearly distinguish His voice. When David was tending sheep, isolated and separated from his family, God gave him victories no one else observed.   You too may feel isolated from your family and friends for a time.  But that’s a good thing!  It is during our times of retreat from the world that He reveals His presence, His purpose, and His plan.

Jabez Knew How To Ask Big

In 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, we find the prayer of a man named Jabez.  In ancient times, a person’s name was a statement of who they were and their future.  The name Jabez means “pain, suffering, trouble and heartache.” We have no record of why he was burdened with such a name.  His name undoubtedly affected his self-image, causing him to be insecure and feel inferior.  Can you imagine how it would feel if each time someone wanted your attention they called out, “Hey, trouble, Hey, sorrow. Hey pain”?

So, in this well-known prayer, Mr. Pain Sorrow Trouble Heartache cries out to God.

The Bible doesn’t tell us much about him.  We know that he was more honourable than any other in his family. And from his prayer, we can see there was something special about Jabez. In spite of the label that had been given to him, he didn’t become bitter.  He knew his God was bigger than his past and said, “God, I am asking that You would bless me indeed.”

What a bold prayer! Jabez came to God with his pain and sorrow and said: “God, I have a lot of things coming against me. Life hasn’t treated me fairly. But, God, I know You are a good God. I know You have a great plan for my life. So, I am calling on You to bless me indeed.”

He didn’t ask for God to bless him a little bit. No, Jabez said: “God, I’m asking for abundance. I’m asking for an overflow of Your goodness. Bless me indeed.”

Jabez shook off a mentality of defeat, saying in effect, “The name I’ve been given doesn’t matter. I know who I am. I am a child of the Most High God, and my destiny is to be blessed.”

Jabez was ready to be released from the burden of his past.  By asking that he would be free from pain, he was asking God to free him from his past, for Pain had been his name up to then.

Jabez went on to ask God for more: “God, enlarge my territory.” He was saying, “God, go beyond the norm. Go beyond my borders. Give me extraordinary favour.  God, let me see abundance in my life.”

Jabez called out to God, expecting God to answer him. And we are told that God granted his request.   Jabez’s hopes were fulfilled.

Nothing Is Beyond Hope

Jabez could have chosen to remain a prisoner of his circumstances.  How about you? Regardless of what you’ve been through, what you’re going through or how bleak the future looks, God is saying, “If you’ll ask, I’ll give you a new beginning.”

If you’ll be bold enough to ask for God’s favour, the rest of your life can be better than ever before. Your future can outshine your past.

God wants you to appreciate yourself for who He made you to be and to develop what He has given you. You were created one-of-a-kind, an original. Just like Jabez, you have a unique destiny upon this earth.  As you read this, God is seeking you out saying, “If you call out to me, I will tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own” (Jeremiah 33:3 MSG).

Call to Action

The most valuable truth you can learn about your Heavenly Father is that He is a good and loving Father who has made provision for your every need.  Nothing is beyond hope.  Are you convinced of that?  If so, why not have an intimate heart-to-heart with Him and tell Him your deepest longings?  Follow the example of Jabez and ask for the seemingly impossible.  God is waiting to grant your request.

Discover the Good Life You Were Born to Live



Discover the Good Life You Were Born to Live



This past summer, our family took a road trip from our home in Vancouver, through the Rocky Mountains to Alberta, and back to BC. It was so much fun – especially to see the ways we are each so different in how we prepare for a journey. My husband studies the maps, planning out every detail – including the exact distance, the travel time from place to place and where we will be sleeping. Similar to his father, our son likes to research our destinations and plan things to do.

On the other hand, I have the motto: “Let’s do it.” I love the excitement of starting out and seeing where the road leads. For me, if we follow a rabbit trail here and there, it only adds to the adventure of the trip. Our trip reminded me that life is similar to a road trip.

Life Is Similar To A Road Trip

There are many roads that can take us from where we are to where we want to be. It is the choices and decisions that we make along the way which determine how quickly we progress to our desired destination or maybe arriving there at all!

We all know that God has a plan for our life. He has our “road trip” mapped out. It began at our birth and He is there to help us discover the life we were born to live. If you have read this blog for any time at all, you know that is why I write. My purpose is to help you discover the life you were born to live and then ignite your passion to do it.

Unfortunately, many people never find purpose in their life. They become confused, sidetracked and bewildered about their own destiny in God. Some even choose routes that lead them away from God.

Are You In A Season Of Questioning?

Perhaps you are in a season of questioning your purpose in life. You are asking yourself where you fit in and where you belong. I am here to encourage you to know, without a doubt, that you were born with a great purpose in mind. There is no one in the entire world who can fulfill the destiny God has planned for you. But you’ll never know that destiny until you make a conscious decision to discover His will for your life.

Make a choice to believe that God has a wonderful, pre-planned journey for you. And the fulfilment of that plan will equip you with everything you need: the anointing, prosperity, healing and wisdom to get the job done. You need only take the first step to get back on the road to your purpose.

Why Not Get Back On That Road Right Now?

Begin by renewing your mind (Romans 12:2). Our mind is a battlefield and what we allow to happen there determines our destiny. In practical terms, this means to turn your thoughts towards the things of God. If you want to keep your thoughts in line with God’s good things, you need to be prepared. When your thoughts take a negative turn, purposely bring them back to God’s good things by thinking on things that are “true, noble, right, pure, lovely and of good report” (Philippians 4:8).

When you understand that your thoughts control your life, you can begin to shape your destiny. It is of highest importance to choose thoughts that enhance your purpose. It is a fact that you will take action on whatever you habitually think about. Directing and controlling your thoughts will keep you on track with God’s will for your life.

Although I can’t tell you your purpose in life, there are many Bible promises that tell you it will lead to greater joy, peace, success and blessings. The word “bless” means “to empower to prosper.” And the word “prosper” means “to excel in every area of life.” Everybody likes that, right? But knowing that you need to get on with your purpose and knowing how to do it are two different things.

Two Things You Need To Know

Maybe you’re still not sure what to do to pursue your purpose. You may feel that you have been off track for so long, you’ll never be able to get back on the road to your destiny. Stick with me. I want to show you that in God there is hope. It is not easy to follow a plan that you don’t quite understand and is not fully revealed. That is where we need to rely on our faith and trust God.

1. Allow this truth to occupy your thoughts for a while: God has your best interest at the forefront of His mind. Remember, God loves you more than you can comprehend. You are not an afterthought or an accident. He created you as His workmanship, His handiwork.

And why did God recreate you in Christ Jesus? So you can do the good things He planned for you long ago. He predestined you to take paths which He prepared ahead of time in order for you to live the good life which He made ready for you to live (Ephesians 2:10).

Please don’t just skim through these words. Meditate on God’s love and purpose for you and your life will be transformed!

2. Purpose in your heart to stand strong in Him and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit (Joshua 1:6-7; John 14:26-27). How? Get in the Word and allow it to transform your way of thinking. Ask God to help you align your inner image with how He sees you – destined for the good life.

There is absolutely no reason for you to fear what God has planned for you. He is the master coordinator between the things to be done here on earth and your unique personal profile. He will cause your path to intersect with those things that both serve His purposes and give you fulfilment  You will experience that sense of purpose that you have been looking for. When we are living out God’s purpose for us, we are living a full and abundant life.

You And I Were Created To Live Full And Abundant Lives

Our lives are designed to be filled with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost on a daily basis (Romans 14:17). I love that scripture because it is the foundation of our purpose.

It is exciting to see that God has a plan for our lives (Ephesians 2:10). And He has planned a good and full life for us. A good life means that we live under His full protection. He has provided all things for us including health, wealth and wholeness in every area of our life. Abundance in all things so we can be a blessing to those around us.

Fullness and abundance are the fulfilment of God’s covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12:3). So when you see the goodness of God manifest itself on the job, at home or in other areas of your life, and people tell you that your promotion, prosperity, good health and peace of mind are just a coincidence, don’t accept it!

Be firm in your conviction, look them straight in the eye and say, “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes!” (Psalm 118:23).

How You Can Learn to Love Yourself



How You Can Learn to Love Yourself


You and I are uniquely designed for such a time as this; for a specific purpose. We all have different personalities, gifts, skills, talents, preferences and experiences. God never intended for us to be a clone of someone else. We should embrace, love and accept the masterpiece He has created each of us to be.

We all remember the experiences from when we grew up from childhood into adulthood as we go through different experiences; some are positive and some are negative. Apart from how or why we go through some of these experiences; God can use them to our benefit.

These experiences help to shape and mold us into the people that we become. As we grow and develop as individuals, we gain a concept of who we are and what we were created to do and achieve. Gaining a concept of who we are and loving ourselves unconditionally empower us to live an authentic lifestyle.

Embrace Who You Are

We must appreciate ourselves. Although it may not be a reality for some, when we look in the mirror, we should see one of the best people we know. It is important that we know ourselves better than we know anyone else, all our flaws included and be able to see ourselves as an unique and beautiful individual, empowered by God to succeed in every area of our lives.

We were wonderfully made by a loving God who does all things well. He purposely made us for a time such as this. Though others may resemble you and play some of the same roles as you, there is only one you; and only you can do what you have been created to do.

Knowing and Loving Who We Are

When we know and when we love ourselves as we are gives us the ability to live freely. When we take the time to appreciate the gifts and the abilities placed within us, we can appreciate the gifts and talents of others.

Taking the time to discover and develop the things that we are good at and interested in helps to nurture and cultivate our abilities so that we are always striving to be the best we can be for ourselves as well as for others.

Sometimes we run into challenges as we try to embrace our self image on our journey to self-realization. I dealt with a lot of insecurities when I was young; I still remember how uncertain I was in some situations. It almost prevented me from discovering the life that I was born  to live and to know God’s plan for my life.

I was always seeking after the approval of others; as I learned to walk in the image of Christ and see myself the way God sees me, I started to overcome many obstacles step by step.

While we need to be able to relate to others and enjoy their company, we also must learn to do so without being oppressed by their opinions. We never should be in bondage to other people, because that is what it is.

I am so glad that God showed me a way out; He will do the same for you. Although there are times when it tries to return; you and I need to remind ourselves that we are free. Through all this self-realization and acceptance, I was able to make a quality decision.

Either I was going to remain the insecure person I had been for years, or I was going to be insecure in who I was. I chose the latter, and once I started on my new journey toward self-acceptance and self-love, I began to focus on fulfilling my God-given purpose.

Eliminate Being Critical

When we are critical or when we are overly critical this means that we have a negative outlook on life. We tend to look at others and everything with fault finding, harsh accusations, humiliating attitudes and a tendency to unfairly judge ourselves as well as others.

Critical people tend to look down on everyone in a negative way in an attempt to build themselves up. The word critical actually means to find fault or to judge with severity, often times way too fast.

Being critical is opposite to God’s nature. He does not focus on the negative aspects of anyone and anything. He is love, and His very nature is to see the best in everyone and every situation. Therefore, we should not be quick to find fault, but to believe the best.

We do not have to be naive and unrealistic. However we can choose to see things from a positive perspective that agrees with God.

When we begin to read the Bible on a regular basis and understand God’s character, our thoughts will agree with Him. We will begin to understand that if we are to walk with God, we must agree with His plan. God can, and will, use everything He has placed on the inside of us for a specific purpose.

You can subscribe to The Daily Choice which is a SPIRITUAL Devotion that helps you to make the right choices in your life by clicking here

3 Things You Need, to Discover The Life You Were Born to Live




3 Things You Need
to D
iscover The Life You Were Born to Live

by Olga Hermans

#1. A Plan

The purpose of life is to discover your gift, which means that you need to discover the things that you like to do. If you are inspired and motivated to “Discover The Life You Were Born to Live” and make a difference with your life, then you must have a plan. Nothing will just happen automatically. The primary reason why most people do not succeed is because they do not plan. Planning is one of those lifestyle choices.

This morning my husband and I were talking about some things that we want to do with our life. He said a few things that just hit home to me. “Yeah, yeah, that’s where we’re going” was my quick reaction to it. And I saw it so very clearly what we are going to do in the next few months, the next year and the next five years.

I’ve discovered that most people do a better job at planning a trip that will only last for a week than they do planning their life which is a lifetime. A lot of people do not succeed simply because they do not plan. God didn’t just wake up one morning and said, “You know, I think I will make a universe.” That is not how God operates. Nothing that God does is by coincidence. God is the master-planner.

If you are one of our valuable readers, you have read a few times that we have talked about the fact that God has a plan for your life even before you were formed in your mother’s womb.

You know as well as I do that if you want to be a doctor, then you have to make plans to be a doctor. If you want to own a business, then you have to make plans to own your own business, and if you want a better life, then you have to make plans for a better life. All of that is a choice.

So many people live for the moment. Whatever happens, happens. What will be, will be. You are not going to experience God’s best with that attitude. It takes planning. Success in any endeavour requires planning and planning is a choice. If you never succeed at anything, it is simply because you didn’t plan to succeed. Success doesn’t come easy, if it did, everybody on the planet would be successful.

Just a few weeks ago I was at a party where some of my friends shared that they had gone through very stormy conditions in their life. Life can be full of stormy conditions and that is why you need a plan. With a plan you can maneuver through life’s storms much easier.

A person who never sets goals is like a ship without a rudder; a ship without a rudder is like a person who just wanders aimlessly through life. Aimlessly wandering is like depending upon which way the wind blows. There are a lot of people like that today.

#2. Positive thoughts, words and actions

This universe is governed by certain laws, which were put into motion by God Himself. One of them is called the law of gravity. This works for everybody the same way because it is a law. If you let go of a book in your hands, it will drop on the floor. If a baby rolls over to the edge of a table too far, it will fall on the floor. This law of gravity cannot decide that because the baby is a baby, it will not go into affect.

If you don’t want to be a failure, then you have to learn certain laws that produce success. One of these laws is also the law of seedtime and harvest; or the law of cause and effect. The way you live today is the result of the seeds sown in the past. If you don’t like the way you live, then you have no one to blame but yourself. So, if you don’t like the harvest, stop planting it.

I want to encourage you to take the time to sit down and carefully look at what you have been doing that is preventing you from having success. Most importantly, take time to listen to yourself. Whether you realize it or not, you are applying the law of cause and effect or as the bible calls it, the law of sowing and reaping every time you speak.

In my new book “Pursue your Destiny with Passion and Purpose” I cover this subject in great depth. It is a very important subject and we need to learn to apply this law and put it to work for the contentment and happiness of our life.

# 3. Perception

In order to discover the life you were born to live, you have to learn how to become perceptive. Every problem has a solution. Many times people fail, because of wrong perception. By changing how you perceive your problems, you can literally change your life from failure and defeat to victory and success.

You know the story of David and Goliath. When David saw Goliath, his perception of that challenge was totally different from that of his brothers and the entire armies of Israel; they perceived Goliath as too big to kill. When David looked at him, he thought he was too big to miss. Same giant, same problem, a different perception.

You and I are created by God to succeed and not to fail. Success does not come without adversity; there is no such thing as success without adversity. Most people run from it though.

Learn to look at every situation, every problem, and every challenge with a different perception that your problems are subject to change. That is how you can endure anything.

If you don’t like the way you are presently living, then it’s time to make some choices. If you don’t like where you are, then you have got some decisions to make. One thing you have to do for sure is to Pursue Your Destiny with everything that is within you. Stir up your passion to make a plan, to think on good things and let those thoughts come out of your mouth. Use your words as the rudder on that boat and decide to take some action. You will see your life from a totally different perspective.

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