Why You Can Accomplish What Others Only Think About





Why You Can Accomplish What Others Only Think About



Over the past few days, I have been praying for those in the path of hurricane Sandy that buffeted the north-eastern United States. One of the storm-related photos that has gone viral shows three soldiers standing at attention in the driving rain at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. Although the photograph was actually taken in September, the honor guard remained on duty, even as they were pummelled by the fierce wind and rains of this past week’s storm.

According to the Society of the Honor Guard website, “The Tomb is guarded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. In fact, there has been a Sentinel on duty in front of the Tomb every minute of every day since 1937. And the Sentinel does not change the way he guards the Tomb, even at night when there is no one around.”

“The guards …are completely dedicated to their duty of guarding the Tomb. Because of that dedication, the weather does not bother them.”

There is a part in all of us that aspires to be as determined, committed and resolute as the Sentinels guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. But how do we progress from aspiring to actually demonstrating those qualities? First, we must become convinced of the value of our mission.

Become Convinced Of The Value Of Your Mission

God has plans of magnitude and importance laid out for each of us. His plan and your mission is important and of highest value. Psalm 139:16 says that His plans for us were written in a book before we were ever born. God says His plans for us are “great and mighty.” He has plans “to prosper us and give us a future and a hope, and not to harm us.” God has deposited specific things in us that uniquely prepare us to carry out our mission.

The Bible has many examples of men and women who were convinced of the value of their mission. Joseph was convinced of the value of his mission, for he persevered through many hardships. You see Joseph’s mission was greater than his personal comfort or convenience. Jesus demonstrated the ultimate in understanding the value of His mission. He persevered to the cross to fulfill it. No one else could have carried out His mission and no one else can carry out yours. So you must not only believe in the mission, but you must also believe that you have a unique role in accomplishing it.

Believe That You Have A Part To Play

A big part of coming into maturity in Christ, is knowing what God wants you to carry out in His kingdom and being prepared and available for His purposes.

God has a mission tailor-made for you. You are His “go to” person for specific jobs He wants done on the earth! Sometimes our day-to-day lives can keep our focus earthbound. But that’s a limited perspective.

Colossians 3:1-2 encourages us this way: “If you then are raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth” (NKJV).

We have been raised with Christ and are seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). Look up! View the significance of your life’s mission from your seat in the heavenly places. You’ll see an array of possibilities that are not visible from ground level. It’s exciting and inspiring to take on a mission and in order to persevere to the end, but you must also consider the cost of your mission.

Count The Cost

I would imagine that in daylight hours of pleasant weather being a Sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is an enjoyable responsibility. When there are no obstacles in our path, the mission and life are good. But we know full well that the path of “ease” will not be the status quo.

We realize that personal sacrifice is required for the sake of the mission and that we must harden ourselves to forgo both personal convenience and the right to complain. If we consider the cost at the outset of our mission, we will be more likely to overcome the inevitable challenges that will arise along the way. Challenges can bring out emotions which can either serve or hinder our mission. Let’s look at a way we can use emotions to serve our mission.

Be Emotionally Connected

Our faith is grounded in what God’s Word says and not our emotions. But our emotions are not bad in and of themselves. The question is: has the emotion been stirred by the Word of God and does it connect us to our mission? The psalms tell us of David’s emotions and experiences as the Lord delivered him from many enemies. David looked to God for strength and supply, and encouraged himself in the Lord.

Personally, any time I spend confessing the Word elevates my hope and belief in God’s faithfulness. My joyfulness increases, as well as my resolve to carry on – to set my face like flint to see my mission through to the end.

Set Your Face Like Flint

Setting your face like flint means having a determined attitude. It comes through engaging your will and committing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. You won’t quit; you won’t stop; you set your face like flint; and you are determined. Isaiah says it this way “… I set my face like flint, confident that I’ll never regret this” Isaiah 50:7 (MSG).

The determined don’t put time limits on their commitments. They are committed with no conditions. As they begin the mission, their mind is made up to complete it. Doing what is right one or two times or even a few times won’t accomplish the mission. Being consistently diligent, doing what you know you need to do over weeks, months, and years, will.

To Sum It Up

Picture yourself just as those Sentinels guarding the Tomb: face set like flint, unmoved by the wind and rain, committed, determined, disciplined to your mission, no matter what may come.

You have been thoroughly furnished by God for every good work. You are convinced of the value of your mission. You know that you have a part to play. You’ve counted the cost and are determined. And that is why YOU can accomplish what others only think about!

Please take a brief minute to leave your comments. We learn and take encouragement from each other.



Your Vote Matters To God and To Man

Your Vote Matters To God and To Man


As we approach election day for the President of the United States, it’s appropriate to point out wisdom from the Bible regarding our responsibilities as Christians and citizens. This post will not be an airing of my opinion, because I believe that the Bible provides clarity on Christians’ responsibilities to both God and man. Whether you vote for Mitt Romney or for Barack Obama, it is your choice – a very important choice as we consider the days we are living in.

I love to read stories of the political leaders who were instrumental in forming the United States of America. The Founding Fathers understood that people who knew the Word of God, had the potential to be devout patriots who would take pride in their civic responsibilities. It was and is the Word of God that built America and made it a blessed nation! Yes. It is God’s blessing that has made America a land of freedom and opportunity.

The Land of Freedom and Opportunity

As many of you know, I was born in The Netherlands where there were two distinct camps with regard to America: many hated America or at least strongly disapproved of it. And then there were others who loved America – especially for what it symbolizes: freedom and opportunity to make choices, worship God, speak one’s mind, and succeed at whatever one chooses (which is known as the American dream).

My father had a strong affection for America. He always called America a land of opportunity, and rightly so. He imported an American car (which was a big thing to do in the sixties) and drove that car with great pride through our small town in The Netherlands. I have that same love of America for my father’s same reasons.

So, although I now live in Canada, I feel a responsibility to speak out and encourage my readers in the United States to be responsible for their vote in a few days.


As Christians, what is our responsibility to God and man as we approach the elections? The answer is simple, as it should be. Our responsibility is what God says it is. But unfortunately many people don’t know or even understand what God says, so they also don’t realize the responsibility He has given them.

Proverbs 14:34 (AMP) says clearly that “Uprightness and right standing with God (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation) elevate a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

In addition to the power and authority that are invested in the President of the United States, that office is also accountable to God for elevating the nation’s citizens. It is a citizen’s solemn and serious duty to choose qualified leaders by participating in the election process and to elect men and women of integrity, wisdom, who have faith in God.

How do we make such weighty choices? Television and social media inform us of popular opinion. They bombard us with sometimes, non-factual reports of the candidates’ positions. I am not suggesting that we ignore the news or the debates. But they are not the source on which we base our vote. By prayerfully examining the candidates, the issues and seeking God for wisdom and perception we can be assured that our vote honors God, regardless of the election’s outcome.

This is not the time to draw back. This is the time to rise up and take on our responsibilities to change the image of America to conform to the Word of God, which is the wisdom of God. Through God, we have a part to play in influencing our nations.


The core of all wisdom is the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10). John Adams gave us some sound advice, he said: “The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity.”

As God’s representatives in the world, Christians are to be light bearers, influencing the world around them. Through Christ we impart the values of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity.

Today is the day. NOW is the time to be strong and mighty in the earth by standing up and taking our responsibility to go and exercise the God-given privilege of voting. If we as Believers are not willing to exercise our influence by voting, the doors are opened to the one who opposes wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity – the enemy. And with long-lasting consequences. An election may take place on a single day. But God looks at our attitudes every day.


Some people (including Believers!) have wrong attitudes for those in any kind of authority over them. Their emotions are particularly stirred when it comes to governmental officials. Let’s be clear here: God establishes rulers and kings…and presidents!

When we are cynical, mocking or indifferent to what God has established, we dishonor Him. Believers are instructed to pray for the offices of those in authority, so that God can deal with the hearts of leaders. Failure to pray is coldness. Failure to vote is a coldness or indifference and indifference is a lack of caring. God calls this being lukewarm–neither hot or cold (Revelation 3:15,16). God does not want any of us to be indifferent or lukewarm about the election process!

Nor are we to be careless. It is equally wrong to cast our votes without educating ourselves on the issues and seeking Godly wisdom. Cast your vote with an attitude that you have educated yourself and you are acting in obedience to God’s leading. Trust God and know that His purposes will prevail.

Three Essential Considerations

Here are what I believe to be three essential considerations in voting for an elected official:

• A person who fears the Lord
• A strong Christian; a person who demonstrates wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity
• A person who respects and upholds the Constitution

I also believe candidates should stand for Israel, be pro-life and pro-marriage between a man and a woman

It is the duty of Christians to vote and to make the right choice to vote for the person who, as much as possible, lines up with the values and principles according to God’s Word.


I encourage my friends in the United States to preserve their heritage of freedom and opportunity by exercising their responsibility to vote in the upcoming Presidential election. And, of course, to pray for the election process and those currently in authority over you.

If you need more information, here is a link to a Voting Resources page on the WallBuilders site. WallBuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built.


God’s Early Warning Signs for Temptation




God’s Early Warning Signs for Temptation


It sounds like something from a science fiction movie plot, but an Early Heart Attack Warning app is in the final stages of development. Doctors will eventually be able to embed a sensor the size of a grain of sand in the bloodstream of at-risk patients. As the sensor detects changes in blood vessel cells, it will signal the patient’s cell phone, alerting him or her to seek medical care before the heart attack can take place. Temptation to sin is similar to that heart attack waiting to happen. It may have small beginnings, which left unchecked, can build in intensity and pressure to a full-blown event.

If we’ll pay attention, God gives us early warning signs that we are progressing toward yielding to temptation. It’s easier to stop in the early phases. But as we allow ourselves to be drawn further into temptation, it becomes more difficult, though not impossible, to avert sin and its consequences.

Proverbs 7:6-27 illustrates the progressive nature of temptation through the story of the “youth who lacked judgement ” Although the sin in the proverb is sexual in nature, the principles apply to any sin that entices our flesh – from overeating to indulging in gossip. Let’s learn from the youth of Proverbs 7 and look at the early warning signs of temptation and the way of escape.

Early Warning Sign #1 – You are in close proximity to temptation

The easiest way to avoid temptation is to stay away from it! Or if you are in it, remove yourself from it. Proverbs 7:7,8 describes the “youth who lacked judgement” “…[who] was going down the street, near her [the prostitute’s] corner, walking along in the direction of her house.”

Whether we are simply curious or we mistakenly believe we are invulnerable to a particular type of temptation, it’s never a good idea to venture into the enemy’s territory. I heard of a man who was accountable to his pastor to not purchase gasoline at a certain chain of fuel/convenience outlets. Why? Because that chain sold pornography and the man knew he needed to avoid that type of temptation.

Perhaps your problem is not pornography, but you do struggle with repeatedly overeating a certain type of food. Despite your best intentions, you always eat the entire container. Remove yourself from the temptation or in this case, remove the temptation from your surroundings. Don’t bring it into your home.

Avoidance is the easiest phase of temptation to shut down. If you continue to stay close to temptation, it will become more difficult to resist – particularly if the timing of your exposure increases your vulnerability to it.

Early Warning Sign #2 – Timing issues increase your vulnerability to temptation

There are times when we feel weak in the face of temptation. Verse 9 describes the next phase of temptation: “He ventured out “at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark set in.”

We learn important truths from this piece of information. First, darkness can be a cover for dark deeds. If you would be ashamed for others to know what you’re contemplating, that’s God’s early warning system telling you to go no further.

Second, we each have times of increased vulnerability. Certain times of the day (or month) can be problematic for us. We may tend to make poor choices when we are tired, hungry, angry, hot, cold and so forth. Guard against temptation at these vulnerable times.

At this point in the story, the youth has put himself in the proximity of temptation at a vulnerable time of day. He’s in the wrong place, at the wrong time… and with bad company.

Early Warning Sign #3 – You keep company with those who enable you to act on temptation

Verse 13 goes on to paint a picture of sin (the prostitute) brazenly taking hold of the youth. She pulls out all the stops in encouraging him to make wrong choices. First Corinthians 15:33 warns us, “Bad company corrupts good character.” How do we know if someone is bad company? Anyone who encourages us to go against what we know to be right is bad company for us.

Do you have a circle of friends who always end up gossiping? Are you in business dealings with those who encourage you to misrepresent your products or services? If so, it’s time to change those friends and business associates. If you want to live a righteous life, keep company with righteous people, people who encourage you to make wise choices. The youth of our proverb is in bad company. In the final phase of temptation, the rationalization for consummating the sin begins.

Early Warning Sign #4 – You rationalize or justify why this temptation is okay

Verse 21 marks a critical point in the story: “With persuasive words, she (the prostitute) led him astray.” Once you’ve begun rationalizing it is very difficult and painful to pull back from temptation. Why? Because rationalizing pulls us in the direction of fulfilling what was already held in our minds. If it is in our minds, it is as if we have already begun to experience it.

Pay close attention to your thoughts and self-talk. If you are rationalizing things that you know to be contrary to God’s Word, get help! Ephesians 6:12 tells us, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Once you’ve started justifying yourself, you’re in for a fight. And you need God’s help to do it.

God is Faithful

God has given us ways to recognize and avoid the progression of temptation. We can pay attention to our proximity, the timing, our company, and our rationalization. He has also promised us with regard to temptation that He “will never let us down; He’ll never let us be pushed past our limits; he’ll always be there to help us come through it” (MSG). Regardless of where you find yourself in the cycle of temptation, you can choose the way out!

Wise choices will watch over you. Pro 2:11 NLT
You can subscribe to The Daily Choice which is a SPIRITUAL Devotion that helps you to make the right choices in your life by clicking here



How To Use Your Imagination, God’s Way




How To Use Your Imagination, God’s Way



Lately, I’ve been in a mood to weed out junk that has accumulated around the house. While tidying some shelves in the garage, I found a forgotten unopened pressure cooker. Christmas in October! I had never used one before so I had to be serious and pay attention to the instruction manual. In case you’re not aware, pressure-cooking is done in a special pot that is heated on a burner. The manual said to keep the burner heated to a level that would allow a steady stream of steam to escape from a vent in the lid.

The problem was, I couldn’t see the steam. Was the burner hot enough? I walked around the stovetop and tilted my head several times in order to finally detect the wispy transparent cloud rolling off the pressure cooker. Just because I couldn’t see it or touch it, didn’t mean the steam wasn’t there. Steam is real, yet difficult to see and pin down.

The meaning of the word imagination is kind of like that steam. Depending on the angle from which you observe it, it can take on very different meanings.

What Is Imagination?

My experience with trying to detect that steam coming out of the vent came to mind when I wanted to pin down a definition for imagination.

The word imagination has several definitions. But depending how you look at them, they are the opposite of each other. On one hand, imagination conveys something positive as defined at Merriam-Webster.com

“An act or process of forming a conscious idea or mental image of something…also: the ability or gift of forming such conscious ideas or mental images especially for the purposes of artistic or intellectual creation.”

For example:

Through the author’s imagination, the temperaments of Jesus’ disciples came alive for me.
On the other hand, the word imagination can convey a negative meaning of something imaginary according to this definition also found at Merriam-Webster.com.

“…to form a notion without a sufficient basis. ”

For example:

She’s not ill. It’s all in her imagination.

In the Bible, especially the Old Testament, the word imagination is most often paired with vain or evil. So why is that? Does God dislike us to use our faculties of imagination? Our imaginations, as a function of our minds, are part of our souls. Like any other function of the soul, imagination can be used for purposes that are contrary to God. But when our imagination is placed under the Spirit’s control, supernatural force is released. In fact, there is a powerful link between imagination and faith.

Let’s explore

What Is The Link Between Faith And Imagination?

Now faith is the substantiating of things hoped for, [the] conviction of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1, DARBY).

In order to see a thing “not seen” we must use our imagination. We imagine what we believe or what we have faith for. It’s a cycle: our imagination feeds our faith and faith expands our imagination.

In Romans 4:17 God is described as the One “who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they are “(NIV – emphasis, mine). “Calling things that are not as though they are” requires an act of forming a conscious image of a thing. That’s imagination.

In Ephesians 3: 20, we are told that as we make requests of God, His commitment to us is that He will go far beyond not only what we ask, but also what we can imagine. God is expecting us to use our imagination. The greater our capacity to imagine, the farther God must go in order to exceed it!

As we imagine the things of God, we know that we are limited, but we also must stretch ourselves to apprehend what lies beyond our natural sight.

Our faith is enhanced by our imagination when it is based upon the precepts, principals and interaction with the Divine. And there are other reasons that it is beneficial to use our imagination.

Why Is It Important To Use Our Imagination?

I hope you agree that imagination stimulates our faith, but it also has additional importance.

Through imagination, we give substance to God’s Word in our minds. As we read a verse or a chapter, our imagination can bring a passage to life and open us up to God’s imprint on His Words. For example, when we read “we and our household shall be saved,” we can envision our family attending church together. That’s imagination at work. That’s faith.

Imagination also transports us to flow in God’s compassion. We can identify with God and marvel at how he maintained His patience with the children of Israel. We can become the character of the woman caught in adultery, who had just escaped stoning, and too ashamed to lift her head heard the words “Go and sin no more.” How do you think that feels? Use your imagination.

Using our imagination also helps us to flow in God’s blessings. We read in 1 Corinthians 2:9, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” God has so many ways that he wants to bless us and for His blessings to flow through us. Can you imagine how He wants to bless you? Can you imagine how you can be a blessing to others? We’ve just scratched the surface of the role of your imagination in growing a connection to and love for the Father and Jesus. Let’s wrap up with a few other quick ideas for stimulating your imagination.

Other Ways To Stimulate Your Imagination

We cannot believe for something and continue to look at things the way they are in the present. We must learn to form a mental picture in our hearts of that for which we are believing. We must see things that have not yet come to pass, looking ahead at the prize we desire. Faith is imagining and believing the desired goal as already accomplished.

Here are several other ways to stimulate your imagination toward the things of God. They are things either I have practiced or have heard from others.

Confessing God’s Word is a great way to stimulate your imagination. We know that the Word is incorruptible seed. Confessing the Word is not like reciting a poem. The Word of God is alive and active and engages body, soul and spirit in creative imagination.

Asking yourself questions is always a good way to provoke your imagination. The possibilities are endless. One of my favorite questions is: What would my life be like if I truly believed _________? Imagine going through your day and see what is different when you believe_________.

Writing a letter to a person who you are praying for imagining the outcome when God has answered your prayer. Save it to share with them when God has answered your prayer for their situation. Tell them how grateful you are for God’s changing power in their life.

I have known women who saved a seat in church for their husbands, years before the men were saved and wanted to attend church. Now that’s calling forth things that are not as though they are!

Our limitless God places no limits on our imaginations!

Call To Action

Perhaps you see yourself as uncreative or unimaginative. But God created each of us to have, to some degree, the capacity to imagine.

Are you using your imagination for things that are less than or contrary to what God has for you? Today is the day to turn that around and encourage yourself by imagining all the good God has in store for you. Project yourself into a God-ordained future beginning right now. Feel yourself smiling as you imagine your experience of His blessing. And since it is real, go ahead and thank Him for it!

photo credit: Toni Blay via photopin

Revelation and Response: Your One-Two Punch For Victory





Revelation and Response:
Your One-Two Punch For Victory


Did you ever expect to read about the sport of boxing on The Choice Driven Life? I didn’t expect to write about it. But when I researched the meaning of a “one-two punch,” I saw how boxing provides a vivid example of the importance of our response to revelation.

So exactly what is a “one-two” punch? It’s a combination of two blows delivered in rapid succession especially a left lead followed by a right cross. Can you visualize those boxers? Stick with me. I believe you will be blessed. The year is 1927. Gene Tunney and Jack Dempsey are competing for the heavyweight championship of the world. Each fighter has prepared for weeks, disciplining mind and body into peak condition. The starting bell dings three times and the match is on. Tunney and Dempsey face one another. The match begins in earnest with each competitor relentlessly throwing his best combinations of punches. Now imagine that Tunney throws a spectacular left punch, sending Dempsey staggering, and then stops.

Tunney is really kind of amazed at how well he placed that punch. In fact, he is so pleased that he returns to his corner, to think about that wonderful left he just threw. Oblivious to the fans booing, he sits back and closes his eyes to analyse what he did to execute that left punch so well. “Wait a minute,” you say, “That makes no sense at all. Tunney would finish what he started. He would follow his left punch with a right cross.” And so it is with revelation and response. Revelation is powerful, but to have the victory, we need to combine revelation with response. But just what is revelation?

What Is Revelation?

Revelation is an “aha” moment sent from God. It’s a missing insight that perfectly fills a gap in our understanding of a thing. Because there are gaps in our understanding, it’s impossible to be aware of what we don’t know. Sometimes God imparts revelation to give us a deeper understanding of Himself through His Word. Have you ever had a scripture that you were very familiar with jump off the page? Although you had read it many times before, that scripture suddenly was in neon lights right before your eyes.

That is revelation and God has given you a deeper awareness so that now you are equipped to respond. Sometimes, what we experience as irritation or frustration is instead a gap in our understanding. Our irritation serves to highlight an area in which we have a need for revelation of how God sees things. For example, your friend’s bragging is so annoying that you find it increasingly difficult to have a relationship with her.

But while in prayer, God gives you an “aha,” a deep understanding of your friend’s insecurity. With the revelation you have been given, you can respond to your friend in love. You are able to see her as God does. In these two examples, revelation came through either God’s Word or during prayer. But sparks of revelation can come through many sources.

Does God Use Only Spiritual Tools to Spark Revelation?

Christian and writer, C.S. Lewis is quoted as saying “All truth is God’s truth.” Your experiences to-date, have prepared you to receive revelation for this hour. God can use secular books, conversations and experiences to his own purposes. God knows all of our days before one of them comes to be; He orders our steps; and He works all things together for our good.

The sum total of our experiences contains the seeds of what God wants to reveal to us. Any experience that awakens our desire for God’s truth can also make us receptive to the revelation he has for us today. Revelation that is from God will always agree with His written word. So we know that revelation is from God and that He can use any source from our lives to spark it. When we have received that initial punch of revelation, next it’s time for the “two” of the “one-two” punch. It’s time to respond to what has been revealed.

Must Revelation Be Followed By Response?

Of course, we need to respond to what God reveals to us. It is only through response that we exercise our faith and come to an ever-deeper knowledge of God and conformance to His purposes for our lives. A friend related this story to me: She had closed down a successful business and was not sure what she would do next. Daily she confessed, “Whatever I set my hand to shall prosper”(Proverbs 16:3).

After about 18 months, nothing had changed. One day God gave her the revelation that although she was in faith about the scripture, she was not “setting her hand” to anything. There was nothing there for God to prosper. She responded to this revelation by joining a business group, and setting up an online business. She could have allowed even more time to pass, and not responded to that revelation, waiting for God to speak. But He had already spoken. What is it that keeps us from responding to revelation?

What Prevents Us From Responding?

Here are a few of the common reasons that we don’t respond to revelation:
1. We don’t recognize revelation as revelation.
2. We receive revelation but choose not to respond.
3. We receive revelation but are not sure how to respond.
4. We receive revelation and then forget what was revealed.
5.We’re on the lookout for the next big revelation and our current insights and responses drop by the wayside.

None of these reasons are worth missing out on the wonderful things God wants to show us. Our response to revelation makes the difference between living a ho-hum existence and living an exciting adventure. What can we do to respond consistently?

How Can We Consistently Deliver The One-Two Punch?

Respond in God’s strength. Everything we do, we do with God’s help. He does not call us to any action for which He does not or will not equip us.

Respond quickly. It is good discipline and builds our faith to respond and then watch God work.

Be accountable. If it’s okay with God to share the revelation, ask a spouse or trusted advisor to hold you accountable for the response you need to take.

Write it down. Some revelations unfold over time and link together. When you write down revelations, you can go back and review them, reminding yourself of what God has revealed. Just as no competitive boxer would try to fight using a single punch over and over or pause to reflect on his first punch, so we need the combination of revelation followed by response in order to secure the victory.

You are fully equipped to be a knockout force against the powers of darkness. You have been anointed to deliver a “one-two” punch. There are people attached to your responses to the revelations God has given you. Think about some of the things God has shown you and ask Him to help you to respond. Then do it!


The Power of Two Simple Words



The Power of Two Simple Words



Over fifty years ago, the Canadian Parliament proclaimed the second Monday in October to be “a day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed…” Like most Canadians, our family begins the celebration the weekend before. That’s this coming weekend! I love the opportunity to gather with and enjoy my family and my church family.

Thanksgiving weekend approaching, I have been giving much thought to what it means to give thanks. I suppose I truly started thinking about this topic while at the SocialBoom conference.

The Thank You Economy

Gary Vaynerchuck, one of the featured speakers at a conference I recently attended, is author of The Thank You Economy. Gary is making a massive income from practising and promoting being consciously grateful. I thought, here is a worldly man prospering from applying a biblical principle while many Christians don’t appreciate all the ways they are blessed. We sometimes need to be reminded to be thankful and even to say: thank you! There is something special about those words. People respond when we express our thanks with the right attitude. When we lapse in our gratitude, we miss out on God’s best – for us and those around us.

God Is Serious About Our Thankfulness

Colossians 3:17 is a wonderful scripture; it tells us to give thanks to God in whatever we do in word or deed. Think about it. Whatsoever you say or do, do it in the name of Jesus and give thanks to God. Now, that’s an all-inclusive statement! God is obviously serious about our giving thanks. Have you ever wondered why?

First, a thankful heart is a humble heart. Thankfulness is anchored in the understanding that we are completely dependent on God. There is nothing we can do without His grace and mercy. Also, giving thanks to God releases His supernatural power into our lives. If you lack in any area – spiritual, physical, financial – start giving thanks for God’s provision, then stand back and watch God work.

“In Everything, Give Thanks”

I know. It is not always easy to give thanks. Just like you, I find it easiest to give thanks when everything goes well and according to my desires. But God calls us to give thanks in everything. There’s no wiggle room, is there? Everything is everything.

When challenges come, we can choose to be thankful for the opportunity to overcome or master something. Giving thanks strengthens our faith and releases the power of God in the situation. Suddenly, we are accomplishing or overcoming what we never thought possible. God causes us to be successful.

So, let’s decide that regardless of how our day is going, we will give thanks for everything that He is doing in and through us all day long, and even as we sleep! Each day is made by God for us to enjoy and to more fully enjoy our relationship with Him. That in itself is something for which we can give thanks. And by doing so we disrupt the plans of the devil.

Giving Thanks Disrupts The Devil’s Plan

When we express our gratitude to God, we remind ourselves and the devil we are submitted to God and God alone. So those problems and fiery darts that Satan sends our way are stopped by the wall of faith that has been built from the bricks of gratitude.

Satan is opposed to God and always wants us to do the opposite of what God says to do. He delights if we murmur, complain and blame God for our problems. When we instead choose to thank God, not for the attack, but for His power to help us overcome, it will change our attitude and strengthen our faith. You may be wondering if gratitude in the face of adversity is practical.

Practically Speaking

I once heard it said “revelation without manifestation is a missed opportunity.” I’m standing in faith that we have had a revelation about giving thanks. Let’s talk about how to manifest thankfulness so we don’t miss our opportunities. Perhaps you are facing a challenge as you read this. Let’s apply the principal of gratitude. Believe that your steps are ordered by the Lord and begin giving thanks today in the midst of your trials.

Instead of focusing on the challenge, see it as an opportunity to achieve something—to obtain the promises of God in that area. Turn that challenge into an opportunity for God to manifest and transform the situation. Teach this to others. Share your gratefulness for the ways God has worked in your life. There is nothing you can’t do with God on your side. Consider your problem as already solved and give Him thanks!

Even though it goes against our flesh, gratitude in the face of adversity is practical because its benefits far outweigh the momentary satisfaction of negativity. Thankfulness is always the right choice.

The Thank You Revolution

Gratitude or thankfulness is such a powerful principle. If an author coming from a worldly perspective has been blessed by proclaiming a life of gratitude, how much more should we as Christians obey God’s will in this matter? Start your own “Thank You Revolution” right now. Become more aware of giving thanks and then teach others to do the same. Start small. Be sincere. And just watch what God will do! There is something about a grateful heart that opens doors.

I encourage you to thank God, not just during the holidays, but every day. In everything you do and everything you say, give thanks. Recognize who is in charge and give Him honor by giving thanks!

You Have Veto Power Over Being Defined By Your Age




You Have Veto Power Over Being Defined By Your Age


Mention the words “peer pressure” and the picture that most likely comes to mind is that of a pre-teen feeling stressed about fitting in with her fellow middle schoolers.  And yet at every stage of life, there are areas in which we feel pressure to go along with the group and conform in order to fit in.

I’ve noticed a particular kind of “joking” that goes with the aging process.  When adults of a certain age get together there is often shared commiseration about changing eyesight or hearing.  This shared set of expectations about aging has become an accepted part of our conversations and social chatter.  Have you ever noticed that it’s a challenge to purchase a birthday greeting card without some negative reference to the recipient’s age?

Although there is nothing wrong with lighthearted banter, many believe what they say and hear.  If you don’t see yourself as deteriorating through age, it can become uncomfortable to be surrounded by friends and family who limit themselves on the basis of their year of birth.   When I’m caught in such conversations on the inside I’m saying, “No.  That’s not me.  I don’t see things that way at all.  My destiny was set into motion with God knowing my age today. I choose veto those negative things you are saying about age.”

No one can put us in “the age box” if we don’t mentally agree.  I make a motion that we veto age-related limitations on our lives by taking heart from Caleb, one of my Bible heroes.  Let take a look at his back-story and then draw encouragement from it!

Caleb:  A Man of a Different Spirit

As one of the children of Israel, Caleb was enslaved in Egypt, hard-pressed by Egyptian taskmasters until God’s miraculous intervention led them out of Egypt.  At age forty, he was appointed to go on a spy mission into Canaan, the promised land, along with Joshua and ten other representatives.  All twelve men saw same land, yet only Caleb and Joshua came back with a good report, ready to step out in faith, believing God’s promise to possess the land.  God declared that Caleb and Joshua would be the only men of their generation to enter into Canaan.  And Moses promised to Caleb a portion of the land.

Forty-five years passed.  Forty-five years of wandering in the wilderness when Caleb had tasted of the promised land.  He knew what the children of Israel had forfeited by refusing to possess the land.  Did he live those years in regret and negativity?  Most likely not.  When we next encounter Caleb, at age 85 he is not shy about reminding Joshua of the promise made to him by Moses.

Caleb says,

“GOD has kept me alive as He promised.  It is now forty-five years since GOD spoke this word to Moses, years in which Israel wandered in the wilderness.  And here I am today, eighty-five years old!  I’m as strong as I was the day Moses sent me out.  I’m as strong as ever in battle, whether coming or going.  So give me this hill country GOD has promised me.  You yourself heard the report that the Anakim (giants) were there with their great fortress cities.  If GOD goes with me, I will drive them out just as GOD said” (Joshua 14:13,14 THE MESSAGE).

Wow!  What a great example Caleb provides for staying vibrant, bold and strong.

How Did Caleb Exercise His Veto Power Over Being Defined By Age?

Caleb vetoed vacillation.  He remained in faith.  God said that the children of Israel would go up and possess the land and Caleb believed God.  While the other spies focused on the giants, Caleb focused on God’s provision.  A big part of Caleb’s staying in faith was what he spoke in faith – a good report.  I would say that the other ten spies were murmurers and the worst kind of murmurers for they infected the other people with their complaining.  During the forty-five years of waiting, it seems that Caleb looked forward in faith to the day that he would take possession of what had been promised to him.  How about you?  What has God promised you? Are you standing firm?  Do you have a reason to get up every day and fight the fight of faith?  Purpose, hope and faith will keep you vibrant.

Caleb vetoed timidity.  Caleb wasn’t apologetic about being eighty-five years of age.  No, he gave God the glory for his vitality.  Caleb believed God’s promise of the portion of land and he acted boldly to claim it.  And he didn’t take an easy portion.  No, he asked for the hill country.  And before he truly possessed it, he had to clear out those giants. Yes, the giants were real, but Caleb boldly believed that the hill country was already his.  Have you traded in your hills for a flat paved path?  God has hill country that he has promised you.  And confronting those giants will keep you bold.

Caleb vetoed inaction.  How do you think Caleb was physically ready when it came time to take possession of the hill country?  In the years he was waiting for the promise, I think that Caleb rose to the challenge of his day-to-day activities because he knew that his “someday” was coming and he intended to be prepared.  What actions are you taking to prepare for your promise?  Is the Lord asking you to maintain physical activity, so you can go on a mission trip?  Do you hear the still, small voice prompting you to start a business or take a class?  Being disposed toward spirit-led action will keep you strong.

Are You Ready To Possess What God Has Promised You?

God is not checking your ID for your date of birth.  He is looking to “strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chronicles 16:9 NLT). In fact “the people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits” (Daniel 11:32 KJV).  Don’t go along with attitudes and words that diminish your capacity to possess what God has promised you.  The next time you find yourself being defined by your age, tell yourself  “God has promised me my portion in the land.  I am vibrant.  I am bold.  I am strong. I veto those age-related limitations.”



Discover the Good Life You Were Born to Live



Discover the Good Life You Were Born to Live



This past summer, our family took a road trip from our home in Vancouver, through the Rocky Mountains to Alberta, and back to BC. It was so much fun – especially to see the ways we are each so different in how we prepare for a journey. My husband studies the maps, planning out every detail – including the exact distance, the travel time from place to place and where we will be sleeping. Similar to his father, our son likes to research our destinations and plan things to do.

On the other hand, I have the motto: “Let’s do it.” I love the excitement of starting out and seeing where the road leads. For me, if we follow a rabbit trail here and there, it only adds to the adventure of the trip. Our trip reminded me that life is similar to a road trip.

Life Is Similar To A Road Trip

There are many roads that can take us from where we are to where we want to be. It is the choices and decisions that we make along the way which determine how quickly we progress to our desired destination or maybe arriving there at all!

We all know that God has a plan for our life. He has our “road trip” mapped out. It began at our birth and He is there to help us discover the life we were born to live. If you have read this blog for any time at all, you know that is why I write. My purpose is to help you discover the life you were born to live and then ignite your passion to do it.

Unfortunately, many people never find purpose in their life. They become confused, sidetracked and bewildered about their own destiny in God. Some even choose routes that lead them away from God.

Are You In A Season Of Questioning?

Perhaps you are in a season of questioning your purpose in life. You are asking yourself where you fit in and where you belong. I am here to encourage you to know, without a doubt, that you were born with a great purpose in mind. There is no one in the entire world who can fulfill the destiny God has planned for you. But you’ll never know that destiny until you make a conscious decision to discover His will for your life.

Make a choice to believe that God has a wonderful, pre-planned journey for you. And the fulfilment of that plan will equip you with everything you need: the anointing, prosperity, healing and wisdom to get the job done. You need only take the first step to get back on the road to your purpose.

Why Not Get Back On That Road Right Now?

Begin by renewing your mind (Romans 12:2). Our mind is a battlefield and what we allow to happen there determines our destiny. In practical terms, this means to turn your thoughts towards the things of God. If you want to keep your thoughts in line with God’s good things, you need to be prepared. When your thoughts take a negative turn, purposely bring them back to God’s good things by thinking on things that are “true, noble, right, pure, lovely and of good report” (Philippians 4:8).

When you understand that your thoughts control your life, you can begin to shape your destiny. It is of highest importance to choose thoughts that enhance your purpose. It is a fact that you will take action on whatever you habitually think about. Directing and controlling your thoughts will keep you on track with God’s will for your life.

Although I can’t tell you your purpose in life, there are many Bible promises that tell you it will lead to greater joy, peace, success and blessings. The word “bless” means “to empower to prosper.” And the word “prosper” means “to excel in every area of life.” Everybody likes that, right? But knowing that you need to get on with your purpose and knowing how to do it are two different things.

Two Things You Need To Know

Maybe you’re still not sure what to do to pursue your purpose. You may feel that you have been off track for so long, you’ll never be able to get back on the road to your destiny. Stick with me. I want to show you that in God there is hope. It is not easy to follow a plan that you don’t quite understand and is not fully revealed. That is where we need to rely on our faith and trust God.

1. Allow this truth to occupy your thoughts for a while: God has your best interest at the forefront of His mind. Remember, God loves you more than you can comprehend. You are not an afterthought or an accident. He created you as His workmanship, His handiwork.

And why did God recreate you in Christ Jesus? So you can do the good things He planned for you long ago. He predestined you to take paths which He prepared ahead of time in order for you to live the good life which He made ready for you to live (Ephesians 2:10).

Please don’t just skim through these words. Meditate on God’s love and purpose for you and your life will be transformed!

2. Purpose in your heart to stand strong in Him and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit (Joshua 1:6-7; John 14:26-27). How? Get in the Word and allow it to transform your way of thinking. Ask God to help you align your inner image with how He sees you – destined for the good life.

There is absolutely no reason for you to fear what God has planned for you. He is the master coordinator between the things to be done here on earth and your unique personal profile. He will cause your path to intersect with those things that both serve His purposes and give you fulfilment  You will experience that sense of purpose that you have been looking for. When we are living out God’s purpose for us, we are living a full and abundant life.

You And I Were Created To Live Full And Abundant Lives

Our lives are designed to be filled with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost on a daily basis (Romans 14:17). I love that scripture because it is the foundation of our purpose.

It is exciting to see that God has a plan for our lives (Ephesians 2:10). And He has planned a good and full life for us. A good life means that we live under His full protection. He has provided all things for us including health, wealth and wholeness in every area of our life. Abundance in all things so we can be a blessing to those around us.

Fullness and abundance are the fulfilment of God’s covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12:3). So when you see the goodness of God manifest itself on the job, at home or in other areas of your life, and people tell you that your promotion, prosperity, good health and peace of mind are just a coincidence, don’t accept it!

Be firm in your conviction, look them straight in the eye and say, “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes!” (Psalm 118:23).

A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away?





A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away?


The film, Star Wars, debuted in 1977. It became a pop culture sensation as subsequent films were made, to further expand the story of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. Each film begins with the words “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away” scrolling up the theater screen.

Many Christians think of God as far, far away. They see Him as “out there.” This sense of God’s remoteness is heightened by the words used when speaking about God. From the formerly popular “The Man Upstairs” to the newly popular “God, we ask you to show up and show off” we subtly reinforce the idea that God is somewhere “else” from whence we must summon Him. Is this accurate? Let’s look at what the Bible has to say.

Where is God?

From the Garden of Eden, man has tried to control his physical position in relation to God (Genesis 3:8). But it’s not possible to go unnoticed by God, because He is present everywhere. This quality of “omnipresence” is difficult for us to grasp because we are limited by time and space. But God is a spirit being. Nothing takes place apart from His presence, therefore He is aware of everything and everyone.

Psalm 139 beautifully expresses the nearness of God’s presence. Verse five says: “You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.” Picture a toddler taking his first wobbly steps, arms uplifted and inter-linked with his Daddy’s, hemmed in on either side by his Father’s sheltering presence. Just as the child is protected in his forward progress, so God positions Himself to buffer our instability. God is “up close and personal” present!

The Psalmist goes on to ask, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend into heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, you are there; if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.”

May I ask again? Where is God?

Even His Name Testifies of His Nearness

God is so vast and beyond our ability to fathom, that He gives Himself names to express aspects of His character. One of these names even tells us where to find Him: “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us” (Matthew 1:23). God is with us!

But What If God Seems Far Away?

There are times when our feelings and circumstances seem to contradict what the Bible says. It is essential that in such periods we cling to and dwell on the truth of the Word. So what does the Bible say about God’s nearness to us? Here are several passages that have sustained me through difficulty:

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you (Isaiah 43:2).

…for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down, relax My hold on you! [Assuredly not!] (Hebrews 13:5b AMP).

Note: The three occurrences of “[I will] not” above are not a typo. The translators of the Amplified Bible chose to express the degree of the Bible’s assurance that God will never let us down by using a triple negative. God is absolutely emphatic that He is intimately intertwined with us.

And the LORD, he [it is] that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed (Deuteronomy 31:8).

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me (Psalm 23:4).

Where is God?

God is so vast – so beyond our ability to conceptualize – that we can make the mistake of placing Him out there – apart from us. But he is here. He is there. He is everywhere and available to us in real time. There is no summoning the Creator of the Universe, for we are the ones who have been placed. And that place is within His protective and loving care. No, the Creator of the Galaxies, the Maker of Space and Time is not far, far away. He is right where you are!



How You Can Learn to Love Yourself



How You Can Learn to Love Yourself


You and I are uniquely designed for such a time as this; for a specific purpose. We all have different personalities, gifts, skills, talents, preferences and experiences. God never intended for us to be a clone of someone else. We should embrace, love and accept the masterpiece He has created each of us to be.

We all remember the experiences from when we grew up from childhood into adulthood as we go through different experiences; some are positive and some are negative. Apart from how or why we go through some of these experiences; God can use them to our benefit.

These experiences help to shape and mold us into the people that we become. As we grow and develop as individuals, we gain a concept of who we are and what we were created to do and achieve. Gaining a concept of who we are and loving ourselves unconditionally empower us to live an authentic lifestyle.

Embrace Who You Are

We must appreciate ourselves. Although it may not be a reality for some, when we look in the mirror, we should see one of the best people we know. It is important that we know ourselves better than we know anyone else, all our flaws included and be able to see ourselves as an unique and beautiful individual, empowered by God to succeed in every area of our lives.

We were wonderfully made by a loving God who does all things well. He purposely made us for a time such as this. Though others may resemble you and play some of the same roles as you, there is only one you; and only you can do what you have been created to do.

Knowing and Loving Who We Are

When we know and when we love ourselves as we are gives us the ability to live freely. When we take the time to appreciate the gifts and the abilities placed within us, we can appreciate the gifts and talents of others.

Taking the time to discover and develop the things that we are good at and interested in helps to nurture and cultivate our abilities so that we are always striving to be the best we can be for ourselves as well as for others.

Sometimes we run into challenges as we try to embrace our self image on our journey to self-realization. I dealt with a lot of insecurities when I was young; I still remember how uncertain I was in some situations. It almost prevented me from discovering the life that I was born  to live and to know God’s plan for my life.

I was always seeking after the approval of others; as I learned to walk in the image of Christ and see myself the way God sees me, I started to overcome many obstacles step by step.

While we need to be able to relate to others and enjoy their company, we also must learn to do so without being oppressed by their opinions. We never should be in bondage to other people, because that is what it is.

I am so glad that God showed me a way out; He will do the same for you. Although there are times when it tries to return; you and I need to remind ourselves that we are free. Through all this self-realization and acceptance, I was able to make a quality decision.

Either I was going to remain the insecure person I had been for years, or I was going to be insecure in who I was. I chose the latter, and once I started on my new journey toward self-acceptance and self-love, I began to focus on fulfilling my God-given purpose.

Eliminate Being Critical

When we are critical or when we are overly critical this means that we have a negative outlook on life. We tend to look at others and everything with fault finding, harsh accusations, humiliating attitudes and a tendency to unfairly judge ourselves as well as others.

Critical people tend to look down on everyone in a negative way in an attempt to build themselves up. The word critical actually means to find fault or to judge with severity, often times way too fast.

Being critical is opposite to God’s nature. He does not focus on the negative aspects of anyone and anything. He is love, and His very nature is to see the best in everyone and every situation. Therefore, we should not be quick to find fault, but to believe the best.

We do not have to be naive and unrealistic. However we can choose to see things from a positive perspective that agrees with God.

When we begin to read the Bible on a regular basis and understand God’s character, our thoughts will agree with Him. We will begin to understand that if we are to walk with God, we must agree with His plan. God can, and will, use everything He has placed on the inside of us for a specific purpose.

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