God’s Early Warning Signs for Temptation




God’s Early Warning Signs for Temptation


It sounds like something from a science fiction movie plot, but an Early Heart Attack Warning app is in the final stages of development. Doctors will eventually be able to embed a sensor the size of a grain of sand in the bloodstream of at-risk patients. As the sensor detects changes in blood vessel cells, it will signal the patient’s cell phone, alerting him or her to seek medical care before the heart attack can take place. Temptation to sin is similar to that heart attack waiting to happen. It may have small beginnings, which left unchecked, can build in intensity and pressure to a full-blown event.

If we’ll pay attention, God gives us early warning signs that we are progressing toward yielding to temptation. It’s easier to stop in the early phases. But as we allow ourselves to be drawn further into temptation, it becomes more difficult, though not impossible, to avert sin and its consequences.

Proverbs 7:6-27 illustrates the progressive nature of temptation through the story of the “youth who lacked judgement ” Although the sin in the proverb is sexual in nature, the principles apply to any sin that entices our flesh – from overeating to indulging in gossip. Let’s learn from the youth of Proverbs 7 and look at the early warning signs of temptation and the way of escape.

Early Warning Sign #1 – You are in close proximity to temptation

The easiest way to avoid temptation is to stay away from it! Or if you are in it, remove yourself from it. Proverbs 7:7,8 describes the “youth who lacked judgement” “…[who] was going down the street, near her [the prostitute’s] corner, walking along in the direction of her house.”

Whether we are simply curious or we mistakenly believe we are invulnerable to a particular type of temptation, it’s never a good idea to venture into the enemy’s territory. I heard of a man who was accountable to his pastor to not purchase gasoline at a certain chain of fuel/convenience outlets. Why? Because that chain sold pornography and the man knew he needed to avoid that type of temptation.

Perhaps your problem is not pornography, but you do struggle with repeatedly overeating a certain type of food. Despite your best intentions, you always eat the entire container. Remove yourself from the temptation or in this case, remove the temptation from your surroundings. Don’t bring it into your home.

Avoidance is the easiest phase of temptation to shut down. If you continue to stay close to temptation, it will become more difficult to resist – particularly if the timing of your exposure increases your vulnerability to it.

Early Warning Sign #2 – Timing issues increase your vulnerability to temptation

There are times when we feel weak in the face of temptation. Verse 9 describes the next phase of temptation: “He ventured out “at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark set in.”

We learn important truths from this piece of information. First, darkness can be a cover for dark deeds. If you would be ashamed for others to know what you’re contemplating, that’s God’s early warning system telling you to go no further.

Second, we each have times of increased vulnerability. Certain times of the day (or month) can be problematic for us. We may tend to make poor choices when we are tired, hungry, angry, hot, cold and so forth. Guard against temptation at these vulnerable times.

At this point in the story, the youth has put himself in the proximity of temptation at a vulnerable time of day. He’s in the wrong place, at the wrong time… and with bad company.

Early Warning Sign #3 – You keep company with those who enable you to act on temptation

Verse 13 goes on to paint a picture of sin (the prostitute) brazenly taking hold of the youth. She pulls out all the stops in encouraging him to make wrong choices. First Corinthians 15:33 warns us, “Bad company corrupts good character.” How do we know if someone is bad company? Anyone who encourages us to go against what we know to be right is bad company for us.

Do you have a circle of friends who always end up gossiping? Are you in business dealings with those who encourage you to misrepresent your products or services? If so, it’s time to change those friends and business associates. If you want to live a righteous life, keep company with righteous people, people who encourage you to make wise choices. The youth of our proverb is in bad company. In the final phase of temptation, the rationalization for consummating the sin begins.

Early Warning Sign #4 – You rationalize or justify why this temptation is okay

Verse 21 marks a critical point in the story: “With persuasive words, she (the prostitute) led him astray.” Once you’ve begun rationalizing it is very difficult and painful to pull back from temptation. Why? Because rationalizing pulls us in the direction of fulfilling what was already held in our minds. If it is in our minds, it is as if we have already begun to experience it.

Pay close attention to your thoughts and self-talk. If you are rationalizing things that you know to be contrary to God’s Word, get help! Ephesians 6:12 tells us, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Once you’ve started justifying yourself, you’re in for a fight. And you need God’s help to do it.

God is Faithful

God has given us ways to recognize and avoid the progression of temptation. We can pay attention to our proximity, the timing, our company, and our rationalization. He has also promised us with regard to temptation that He “will never let us down; He’ll never let us be pushed past our limits; he’ll always be there to help us come through it” (MSG). Regardless of where you find yourself in the cycle of temptation, you can choose the way out!

Wise choices will watch over you. Pro 2:11 NLT
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5 Tips for You to Rule over Bitterness


5 Tips for You to Walk Away from Bitterness


It is amazing to me the stories I have heard lately of so many people that are going through situations that are just really heartbreaking to me. Of course we need time to get our life together after a situation that shakes us at the core of our being. But then again, we also need to know that we cannot get bitter; we need to get up and get moving forward again.

I know people who get bitter and become so buried in their grief that they never get beyond the experience. They hold on to it for years. Some turn their backs on God, the church and the people who love them because they are angry and bitter or afraid to love again. I know the time when both of my parents died within two years in my late teen years; I was in shock and I almost thought I wasn’t able to make it.

But then the moment came that I knew I had to take control of my emotions to prevent them from ruining my life. Many times, if we’re not careful we can prevent a breakthrough from occurring by having the wrong attitude. Granted, it’s hard and the situation may be unimaginable that you’re facing. We are emotional beings and it is very difficult for us to press though those emotions.

When things don’t go as planned and people hurt or disappoint us, it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is the time we must dig into the Word and stay close to God. Hanging around positive people and listening to positive music and messages can be of great help regardless of what is going on in our lives. Keeping a positive outlook and not get bitter, but get better should be a way of life.

Here are 5 tips to help you avoid or overcome bitterness:

1. Replace your complaining friends with positive ones

Look at your circle of friends. Who’s there? If you have friend who is always talking bad about their husband or telling you what you should do, it’s time to make a change. If you’re hearing things like, “I’m sick of my husband/parents. He’s/they are no good” Or if you have dreams that you want to accomplish and the friends around you say, “Give it up. You’re too old for that now. You should have done that, years ago.” Time to move on, they should support your dreams.

2. Replace fault-finding and complaining with thankfulness

Be thankful to God. I’m not suggesting that you thank Him for a bad situation or difficult experience, but thank Him in the midst of it. God is your heavenly Father. There is no one like Him. He will work things out for you if you live a life of faith and trust Him.

The fact that God is in your life means that you have far more working for you than against you. Thank Him daily and expect good things to happen. Your breakthrough is right around the corner. The Bible says we should do all things without complaining so that we will be blameless Phil.2:14-15

3. Don’t feed off negative sources

We must learn to make a choice to fix our minds on good things. Surround yourself with people who are good for you and have your best interest at heart. If you have been bombarded with negative messages, make the change.

4. Commit to developing your spiritual walk

Attend church regularly. God wants us to surround ourselves with people who have similar thoughts and values to our own. He also encourages us to assemble with Christians regularly so that we may uplift each other. Prayer and meditating on the Word is also important. Get in a quiet place daily and talk to God. Listen as He speaks to your heart throughout the day.

5. Watch what you say

Words have power. So choose them carefully. If you want positive results, you’ve got to have positive communication. If you want negative results, complain and continue to talk about the things you don’t want in your life. Either way it’s a choice. I encourage you to choose that which is positive.

Avoid quarreling, fighting, and gossiping. This type of communication produces strife and hinders every blessing. Instead say good things. Learn to agree or to agree to disagree and don’t take part in negative talk about anyone. Choose the high road. You’ll be glad you did.

Staying positive in a negative world is not easy, but it can be done. In fact, it must be done if we want our faith to continually increase. To live a positive life, we must intentionally focus our attention on good things.

What makes it difficult for you to focus on the positive rather than on the negative? What are some specific things about God on which you choose to focus your attention?


You can subscribe to The Daily Choice which is a SPIRITUAL Devotion that helps you to make the right choices in your life by clicking here