Jesus Has Some Questions For You





Jesus Has Some Questions For You


The story of Jesus transforming a boy’s lunch of five loaves and two fishes into a meal for 5,000 men plus women and children is well-known. In fact, it is the only story that is told in all four gospels.

Large crowds had been following Jesus, intrigued by the miracles He had performed. Out in the middle of nowhere, it was meal time and His disciples reported that the people were hungry. The account in the gospel of John includes a question-answer exchange Jesus initiated with Philip about how the crowds were to be fed. Jesus’ question to Philip tells us much about His heart toward us and how questions can help us grow. Yes, questions can be a powerful tool to point us to Jesus.

About Questions

Have you ever noticed that when someone asks you a question, you’re internally driven to answer it? At least that’s how I usually respond. And I think other people respond similarly. Granted, there are some questions that don’t take much thought. However Jesus tends to ask us simple, yet deeply thought-provoking questions that require our self-examination. Many of His questions may take our entire lives to answer.

Questions have long been a fundamental method of teaching. God must like questions, too, since there are 2,272 questions in the Old Testament and 1,022 questions in the New (KJV). For teachers or Rabbis, asking questions was a part of long-established traditions. So, it’s not surprising that Jesus frequently used questions as a way to lead the respondent to new insight. His questions will always give us insight about our relationship with Him.

The Question Jesus Asked of Philip

“When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, He said to Philip, ‘Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?'” John 6:5 (NIV). This seems like a straightforward easy-to answer question, doesn’t it? But Jesus had a lesson plan in mind and it was designed specifically for Philip.

Jesus Singled Out Philip

All the other disciples were present. Why do you think Jesus singled out Philip to ask this particular question? Bible commentaries observe Philip was from that area and would have first hand knowledge of where to acquire provisions. But Andrew and Peter were also from the same area. I think that Jesus singled out Philip to build his faith – to lead Philip into knowledge of who Jesus was. John 6:6 says “He (Jesus) asked this only to test him (Philip), for He (Jesus) already had in mind what He was going to do.” The way the word test is used here means to ascertain quality. Jesus wanted to not only determine how Philip viewed Him, but also challenge Philip to test his own perception of who Jesus was. It was a moment that Jesus had designed especially with Philip in mind.

He does the same for us. Questions may come from a Bible verse or may initiate from an inward witness of the Holy Spirit. A question that often engages me is “Simon (Peter), lovest thou me?” I can hear Jesus asking “Olga, lovest thou me?” I pause and think about the reasons I love Him. My love for Him is reinforced and I am challenged to love Him ever more deeply and completely.

Another question that causes me to think is the one Jesus posed to the invalid at the Pool of Bethesda, “Wilt thou be made whole?” (John 5:6). It’s a very simple question, yet requires deep self-examination. And I also must ask myself: Do I truly want to be made whole? But Jesus’ question to Philip was somewhat different than these: On the surface, it was totally framed in the natural.

Jesus’ Question Was Framed In the Natural

What do I mean by saying that Jesus’ question was framed in the natural? When Jesus asked “Where can we buy bread for these people to eat?” the words he used meant exactly that. There is no hidden or deeper meaning in the words themselves. Jesus asked where physical bread could be purchased with money for the people’s physical sustenance. It was not posed as a spiritual question.

And so Philip answered the question considering the natural factors: availability of such a large amount of bread and the means to pay for it. And his proposed solution would have yielded a meager portion for those in the crowd.

But natural questions don’t necessarily have natural answers. Philip was focused on the “how” of solving this problem that Jesus had posed in His question. Jesus saw the opportunity to solve this natural dilemma in a supernatural way. Jesus wanted Philip to know Him as the “Who” – the answer to every need of mankind.

“How” Versus “Who”

Jesus wanted to lead Philip to recognize Him as the Bread of Life; the Supplier; the giver of all good things. Jesus could have supplied the food, yet Philip hadn’t yet understood Jesus’ divinity. Jesus could have rained down manna, or money or any other number of things to solve the problem. He wanted Philip to discern that when Jesus is present there is no lack. He is our Provider.

I wonder what Philip made of Jesus’ question when he looked back on that incident. I would imagine that he marveled when he compared his “how” response to Jesus’ miraculous feeding of the multitude. How about you? Are you trying to workout the “how,” when the “Who” is tenderly calling you to rely on His infinite creative power to bring forth your miracle?

To Sum It Up

Jesus teaches us through questions, both throughout the scriptures and through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. If we’ll listen and reflect, His questions are customized to bring about deeper revelation of Who He is, which will help us grow. As Believers we have the privilege of knowing Jesus personally – we know Who He is and that covers the “how” of our circumstances.



Four Ways To Receive and Process Rebuke Without Bitterness




Four Ways To Receive and Process Rebuke
Without Bitterness


Rebuke is a curious, yet serious, word. It’s not used much outside of church circles.

I have taken inspiration for this post from Sparkling Gems from the Greek, November 6 ( The author, Rick Renner, approaches this topic from the perspective of having the integrity to confront a person who has offended you. I will instead examine it from the outlook of the one who is being corrected.

Quite honestly, just thinking about being rebuked makes me want to recoil. Isn’t that what Believers are always doing to Satan? Yet, I know that at times, I offend others both knowingly and unknowingly. It’s one thing to be called out from within my family, and quite another to be confronted by a friend or stranger.

Pastor Renner’s devotional, titled Confront, Forgive and Forget, inspired me to reflect back on the last time I was personally rebuked by someone outside of my family. The Holy Spirit taught me a lot from that experience which I want to share here. It is important that I clarify that this post is not about corrective actions that fall under the category of church discipline. We will discuss Believers rebuking fellow Believers. But, first things first, let’s define the biblical meaning of rebuke.

What Does Rebuke Mean?

Perhaps the thought of being rebuked is uncomfortable because I am thinking of the dictionary definition: “to express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions.” That implies a harshness that is intended to wound the person being rebuked. The biblical meaning is quite different.

Pastor Renner does a beautiful job explaining the meaning of the word rebuke found in Luke 17:3. He says, “The word “rebuke” is the Greek word epitimao, which in this case means to speak frankly, honestly, and politely as you tell a person how you feel that he has wronged you. This doesn’t mean you have to speak to him like he’s a devil; it just means you need to directly and honestly confront him.”

The underlying motivation of the first is to strike out at the person being rebuked and thus harm the relationship. The underlying motivation of the second is to clear the air, and to restore the relationship to wholeness.

This topic is controversial because of the potential for the abuse of rebuking and also because, by nature, we are defensive when confronted. It is our nature to strike out. When someone corrects us, even in the most loving way, it takes a manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit to remain open and grounded. However, when we ask, God always provides a way for us to productively receive and process rebuke.

Productive Ways To Receive And Process Rebuke

The suggestions offered here have two overarching goals: to honor God and to guard against a root of bitterness. I can’t overemphasize the importance of immediately and routinely rooting out thoughts that would lead to bitterness. In my experience, it is extremely painful and difficult to eradicate bitterness, once left unchecked and deeply rooted.

• Center Yourself in the Holy Spirit

In any situation in which you are caught off-guard, or begin to feel emotional, train yourself to make your spirit aware of the Holy Spirit. This practice is so vital, yet under used. In essence you are praying, asking for His help in responding in the moment and beyond. What a comfort and encouragement it is to know the Helper and Comforter is right there with you, helping you to respond appropriately. Although it is done without speaking, it is powerful. The times I have, on the spot, asked God to help me to see the situation/person as He does, are the times I have been able to respond supernaturally, beginning with assuming the best about the person’s motives.

• Assume the Best

If you will take the position that the other person truly wants to make the relationship better, you can appreciate them for their candor in addressing the issue rather than letting it grow into a root of bitterness. It’s fairly natural to receive rebuke with defensiveness – especially if it’s delivered imperfectly. But we have the Holy Spirit as our helper to assess our part in causing the offense and to help us respond with the right attitude. And remember: “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood…” (Ephesians 6:12).

• Join Forces Against Your Common Adversary – Not Each Other

The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10) and that includes relationships. Satan is the author of strife and loves to see Believers take offense. If you can be in agreement with the other person that you both want to restore wholeness to the relationship, it takes you out of a victim’s role. The person rebuking you is not your enemy. When both parties yield to God, relationships can be strengthened by dealing with the grievance instead of burying issues and pretending they don’t exist. Once the grievance has been aired and you are working together to resolve it, it’s time to seek and accept forgiveness and mercy.

• Seek and Receive Forgiveness and Mercy

Sometimes we are guilty of offense. Sometimes it’s a misunderstanding. And sometimes it’s just a matter of different personal styles of relating. At times, repentance and a change in attitude is called for. Other times, it’s appropriate to apologize in acknowledgement of what the other person is feeling. Sometimes, two people must agree to act in love toward each other despite personal style differences. Whichever the case, genuinely seek forgiveness and receive it. Follow your Heavenly Father’s example and then forgive yourself. Your heart is free. You have asked for forgiveness and received God’s mercy. Don’t mentally rehash it. Don’t continually talk about it. Consider the matter settled. Move on.

To Sum It Up

The meaning of rebuke implies a direct and honest confrontation. A rebuke can be personally and spiritually productive when we center ourselves in the Holy Spirit, assume the best of the other person, join forces against our common adversary, and seek and receive forgiveness. In doing so we honor God and guard against a root of bitterness.


Are You Ruling As A King And Priest In Your Home?




Are You Ruling As A King And Priest In Your Home?



Sometimes we learn things and although we don’t forget them, they go dormant waiting for an opportune time to resurface. In the last few weeks, I experienced this as my pastor began speaking about the Believer’s role as king and priest. All of a sudden, everything I had learned came to the forefront once more. I believe it is an important message for this hour.
Jesus has made us kings and priests in His kingdom. We are not a king or a priest. We are both king and priest. So what is a king and what is a priest?

Kings and Priests

A king is a person with absolute authority over all the affairs of his domain. Kings are responsible for the welfare and protection of their subjects. They represent their domain and the principles on which it is founded.

A priest is a person whom God has given authority to go before God on behalf of men and go before men on behalf of God. Going before God requires that the priest be without sin. As Believers, we are made sinless through the washing of Christ’s blood. No man will be cleaner than one who has been washed in the blood of Jesus. Soap and water cleanse only the body. The blood of Jesus cleanses your soul. In god’s sight we are without sin and can approach Him as priests.

You are freed from all sin to live for God as His king and priest. Isn’t that awesome?

Did you notice that authority resides in both roles? We absolutely can reign in life and achieve all the things that God has planned for us. We are equipped to take charge of both our personal domain and to be change agents in the world around us. We are called to use our authority in prayer to bring God’s will to pass in the earth. We no longer have to dabble in worry, doubt and unbelief allowing the circumstances of this life to weigh us down.

To function in the role of king and priest you must see yourself as both king and priest. Use your thoughts to affirm God’s desire for you in the authority He has given you and how it will impact destinies – not only your own, but of those who are within your sphere of influence.

Everyone Is Subject To Someone’s Authority

Each of us must answer to another’s authority. In order to fully exercise our authority, we, ourselves, need to be under Godly authority. Your pastor is an authority over you as a part of your local church. The anointing on the pastor flows through to the congregation. I love it that my church is an actively praying church. When we pray, we know that things are changing and that things are shifting. Our pastors’ strong apostolic anointing is clearly evident when they speak. And because they are my pastors, as one who is under their authority, I expect their anointing to flow in my life. I believe that great things will happen in my personal life and in my family.

What Is The Importance of Living As A King And Priest?

Why are we to live as a king and priest? This is the order that God Himself has ordained. God will always honor the principles and structures that He has set in place. He will support you as you learn to function in these roles and loves it when you begin exercising your authority in greater measure over your home, family, business and all of your possessions.

God has a plan for you: He desires for you to partner with Him on the earth in broader realms of influence and authority through you and your prayers. God has called us to use our God-given authority to further His Kingdom, beginning in our households.

Are You Living Like a King and Priest in Your Home?

Revelation 1:6 says: “And has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever.” Amen. God has a plan for all of us to reign as kings and priests in this life. So, are you ruling your home life as a king and priest?

You see, when we consider the functions of kings and priests, we notice that most of us are not living as such in our households.

How does a king reign in his home? Is there confusion as to who sets the standard in the home? Is the enemy allowed to come in and countermand the king’s standards? Is there poverty in the home? Does the king act and dress as a pauper? No, of course not. In the home of the king there is order and authority, a code of conduct, prosperity and abundance. A king has compassion for those under his authority and he uses his authority to advance his subjects’ well being.

And how does a priest function within his household? Does a priest take care of his own spiritual needs and leave other household members to do the same? No, a priest ministers to his household. He imparts honour of God and conformance to God’s standards. He teaches the difference between right and wrong. He covers the home in prayer. He goes before God and represents his household.

The king protects and supplies while the priest teaches, imparts and advocates. As a king and priest, you have a responsibility within your own family. You are responsible to protect your family by proclaiming the blood of Jesus over all family members, thus imparting His protection. Then you assure provision for the needs of your family through acknowledging that God is the only source in your life and that there is no other god before you.

The Details Of God’s Plan Are Found In His Word

We have been given the Bible as the standard to order our own life. In it we can find the guidance for daily life. We have a choice before us to live under its authority or to rebel or abdicate.

Living as a king and priest is the best life that we can live while on this earth. It is not only God’s will for us to live as a king and priest, but it is also an excellent lifestyle that will produce abundance and fruit in your life.

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