Powerful Secrets To Discovering The Life You Were Born To Live


Powerful Secrets To Discovering
The Life You Were Born To Live

by Olga Hermans


Have you ever thought about the fact that there is no other person in the whole world that can fulfill what you are meant to do? There are two directions you can take. One is to press on with God. The second is to run back to something that you know is secure. But you will never be what God wants you to be if you turn and run.

Only if you choose the plan God has for you will you be able to fulfill your divine destiny.

Did you know that God created you to solve a problem? Why did you buy a car? Because it solved a transportation problem. Why do you watch the news? It solves an information problem. Why did God create you? To solve a human problem. You were created for a specific and very special purpose and to solve a specific problem on earth.

Are you ready to discover it?

So, you are not here by accident. God has qualified you to be the perfect solution to someone; He planned you, and nobody else can be like you.

Nobody else can do what you do. You are unlike anyone else on earth. God is not a duplicator. He is a Creator.

You alone are absolutely perfect and genetically accurate for solving a specific problem for somebody on earth today.

To discover the life you were born to live requires your total focus. Somebody said once that the only reason men fail is because their focus is broken.

How important is your focus? Jesus encouraged His disciples to keep their focus on the Kingdom of God. He assured them that their financial provisions and everything they needed would be produced through absolute focus upon Him.

Your focus is very important, because a broken focus will destroy your dreams. The moment you are distracted from what you are created to do, it will create a lot of tragedies and disasters in your life. I am telling you this because I have experienced this personally in my own life. I made some good choices in my life and some bad choices. But, you know what? It doesn’t matter. God loves to restore our lives.

He is about to do that and if you want Him to do that for you; He will!

Discovering the life you were born to live requires time, more than you realize. It requires preparation time. God gave you time and you might have exchanged your time for things that don’t matter to your life. You need to eliminate the things that God did not specifically tell you to do.

Your life requires your participation. Nobody else can complete it for you and nobody else can pursue it for you. It makes me sad when I listen to people who blame their circumstances on others. Husbands complain about their wives and women complain about their husbands.  We should never complain about things that we tolerate and permit in our lives. So stop blaming others for your personal decisions.

Never forget that your present circumstances in your life are there because you permitted them. And because you tolerate them; you breathe life and longevity into them. People sabotage themselves by doing things contrary to what they believe and contrary to what they desire to achieve.

You see, the moment you don’t tolerate your present situation anymore; you start creating a different future. Nothing will really change in your life until you cannot tolerate it any longer. You see, God never intended for you to depend on everyone else to step up to the plate and make a homerun.

Certainly, hindrances occur. It is common that relationships can slow us down, demotivate and discourage us. Everybody has experienced a connection with someone who at first seemed to be a blessing but then turned out to be a burden. But you have chosen your friendships! And the quality of your relationships that you have chosen reflects and reveals what you respect the most in life.

I have read some biographies of great men and women of God. One thing that always stood out to me was that they took personal responsibility for their own actions, decisions, and the tasks necessary to reach their goals and dreams.

Again, never forget that it is you who has chosen the present. And it is you who can keep it or change it. You may complain, whine, and gripe for the rest of your life. But you have chosen the environment surrounding you. You have accepted it. You have embraced it. You have refused to walk away from it. So stop finding fault with it.

You must grasp this.

You must decide the conclusion of your life that you desire. You must decide to run your own race. You must grow the kind of harvest you desire. This is why complaining must stop. You are responsible for your situations.

Are you deeply disturbed and uncomfortable with your life right now?

If you are; here are four questions to ask yourself that can move to a place where you are in charge of the life you were born to live.

1. What one decision would you make if you knew you couldn’t fail?
2. What one thing should you eliminate from your life because it holds you back from reaching your full potential?
3. Are you on the path of something absolutely marvellous, or something absolutely mediocre?
4. Are you running from something, or to something?

Your destiny requires your own personal choices and appropriate actions.

Will you do it? I would love to help you with my eBook plus action guide that I have written especially for you.
check it out here.

What Does It Mean To Set Your Face Like Flint

What Does It Mean To Set Your Face Like Flint

by Olga Hermans

… I set my face like flint, confident that I’ll never regret this. Isaiah 50:7
or I know that I will not be put to shame.



Have you ever heard that sentence? I heard it a couple of times this last weekend through people and then my pastor mentioned this very sentence on Sunday morning again. It was one of those sentences that stays longer with you than normal. I thought I’d dig in, do some research and write about it.

Setting your face like flint means determination. Do you know that you only can be as passionate as you are determined? When you are determined, you refuse to give up; you set your face like flint. People who have dreams overcome obstacles, because they want to see their dreams fulfilled. They did what they needed to do in order to enjoy what they like to enjoy.

God gave us the fruit of self-control and a free will, but we have to make a choice to use it. The less people use their will to make decisions they know they are right, the weaker they become. Setting your face like a flint and being determined is the decision to do whatever you need to do in order to have what you say you want to have.

We need to be diligent. Doing what is right one or two times or even a few times won’t always bring victory. Being diligent on a consistent basis and doing what you know you need to do over and over for a longer time, is the key.

You need a determined attitude, engage your will and be willing to do that particular thing forever if that is what you need to do. You won’t quit, you won’t stop, you set your face like flint and you are determined.

Real winners don’t put time limits on their commitments. They are committed with no conditions, and when they begin, they have made up their minds to finish.

The Bible says the diligent man will rule and he will be rich. Prov.10:4 and Prov.12:24

You cannot be diligent without being determined, just like you cannot be determined without being passionate. Determination is a mind-set and diligence is the effort that goes with it. You and I know people who decide to do something, but their decision is not a quality decision. They may pick up on something and do it for a little while, but when the first trouble appears, they’re gone and fall off to the wayside.

It is so easy for us to think we will do right than it is actually to do it. The doing makes the difference and it requires the diligence. The last part of our verse today says that God will never fail us if we do our part. God tells us what to do in order to have a good life and He gives us the grace to do it. However, we have to make the decision and realize that nobody can make it for us.

We all have to be willing to grow up spiritually, but we should also be determined not to give up during the maturing process. God tells us in Hebr.12 that when we are taught and corrected by God we should keep a good attitude and not give up. God has a plan for you, but He also must prepare you for the plan, and He will lead you as long as you keep your eyes on Him.

Most of us are determined until something happens that shatters our dream. What we do and how we respond to a crisis in life will make all the difference. Some people party and drink, or take drugs. In my FREE report I talk about the story of Joseph who had a dream of which he thought was shattered, but then he discovered that the very circumstances he thought were stealing his dream were leading him to it.

It is very important to remain positive and not start counteracting with lack of restraint. Some people eat excessively, others spend excessively, and others stop taking care of themselves and their household. A lifestyle of doing whatever you want to do is not going to eliminate your pain. The only thing that will eliminate it is setting your face like flint and being determined to have God’s will in your life and nothing else.

Remember to do all He has called you to do, not what He has called someone else to do. If you do what you are meant to do, you will be doing something that you enjoy and that really fits you.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said it this way: “if a man is called to be a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michael Angelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well.”

Every success requires that you know that God is always on your side. You will be confident that you’ll never regret it and know that you will not be put to shame. Isaiah 50:7

Paul said that he was determined to know God. Phil.3:10 Don’t ever be satisfied to know about God, but get to know Him. Develop a deep, intimate relationship with Him for yourself and not through someone else. My background is the Catholic church where I only knew God through the priest. I wrote a book on prayer; check it out. You will learn keys and principles how to relate to God and hear His voice and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in your time of prayer.

Many of you just need a good dose of determination, a spark of passion that will ignite a steady stream of hope, enthusiasm, and commitment to keep going. That is the only thing standing between you and real victory. Make up your mind regarding what you believe, have God’s word to back it up, and don’t ever back down. Say daily, “I am determined to be all God wants me to be, do all He wants me to do, and have all He wants me to have.”

Will you set your face like flint from now on for the rest of your life, and never live one more day without determination and passion? Will you determine to be all you can be, and the best you can be? You have what it takes. You can do whatever you need to do though Christ, Who gives you strength.

Let us know what you are going after or what is that one thing that you think stands between you and your Destiny. Will you? It probably will help a lot of readers; thank you!!

You can subscribe to The Daily Choice which brings an encouraging message 5 days a week to your inbox by clicking here


You Were Born To Be A Star

…Then You Will Shine Among Them Like Stars In The Sky. Phil.2:14


You Were Born To Be A Star

by Olga Hermans


We live in a culture and in a time that is focused on how we should qualify as stars; being the best. Those that are inspiring for what they do or the position that they want to have in society.

I believe that not only we as people are looking for stars, but that God is also looking for stars. He is looking for you and I to shine like stars in the earth. God is not like Simon Cowell from American Idol bringing us out on the stage somewhere to be judged by the masses.

God says “I will work in you and I will work through you, that you would shine like a star. Phil.2:15

We are so focused on stars, we are searching for stars. Every realm of media and society, every sport is focused on those that are stars. We have movie stars, we have pop stars, and we have ALL stars. When your children are in school and they do well, they get a gold star. A star is something that we are looking for. Before you go to a restaurant or hotel, you check how many stars it has; is it a 2 star or a 3 star or prestigious 5 star. We are focused on stardom; we are focused on the best. Not only in people, but in things as well.

An Oreo cookie is considered as the best in its field; they sold 400 billion cookies since they were first created and they go down as the most popular cookie of the twentieth century. Now you know that Oreo’s are stars.

We live in a culture and in a mindset that is focused on stars; we are searching for stars. Many of us would say about ourselves “well, I am not a star”, but looking at others who are an athlete, a musician or some political figure and we say, well they were probably just born that way.

I was reading an article the other day by Steven Levitt; he was asking  about the commonalities between those who would succeed and there were certainly a number character traits and personality traits. But there was one thing he found in an ordinate number of those that had succeeded and advanced to the premiership in their nation. These people were born in the first three months of the year. There was an above average of people that were born in that span of time and so they dug a little bit deeper and then they found that 40% of all those that had become stars were born in those months. And only 15% of those who were born in the last 3 months of the year became stars.

The finding was simply that the kids who started school at a slightly older age were just slightly more developed; they had a little bit more opportunity to give their best and were noticed and affirmed and given tasks appropriate to that. And so at a young age they were given the opportunity to work at it.

You know, I don’t believe that stars were just born. It takes a little bit of work. And if you talk to someone who is classified as a star they are quick to say “I have worked hard at what I got.”

You have to live in the fullness of your purpose and passion for your life. It is like you are sitting in your car and your eyes are dozing off; you’re getting a little sleepy behind the wheel and you feel the shatter on the side of the road. And then there is that moment of alertness where you come to your senses and you become far more aware of what could have just happened and adrenaline fires through your body.

The apostle Paul tells us that there should be a shot of adrenaline in our spirit at the thought of living anything less than what you were saved for.

It is like you are on the road of life right now and you are falling asleep behind the wheel of your life. I want to encourage you today to wake up, let there be a search of adrenaline that God has something bigger and grander in store for you. You could totally miss it; you could totally miss what God has in store for you.

Php 2:13  For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. It is God who is working in you to will and to act.

It is like a light bulb; this is an extended service light bulb.

This lightbulb was designed to shine brightly; it was fashioned that way. It is perfectly designed that way, but unless it is connected to a source of power it can accomplish nothing.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what this lightbulb thinks of itself, this lightbuld might have some insecurities that it cannot keep up with the more eco-friendly light bulbs. This light bulb might be a little bit ashamed of its 40 watts thinking that there are some 60 watts out there and some 90’’. This light bulb might be embarrassed that it is not halogen.

But it does not matter what the light bulb thinks of itself, when it is connected to the power it will shine as it was designed to do. In the same manner this light bulb might think “check out my form”. I got something special to offer and this lightbulb might go trying to light the world but unless it is connect to its source of power, it will accomplish nothing.

Let me encourage you today that it is both humbling and empowering in every way. It is God who works in us to will and to act. How does He work in us? He gives us purpose. He gives us the power to accomplish that purpose. God is willing and able to make you and I able. It is God who gives us purpose.

For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:13 If we allow God to work in us and through us, we shine because that is what He has designed us to do. It is how He created us.

He has a great design in store for your life, He causes you to shine like a star. You don’t have to do it on your own, but you have to do it. There is something to do for you here on the earth. There should be a shot of adrenaline to think of living anything less than all that God has for you.

Once you discover what God has in store for you; you also will  discover your passion, pursue it with every fiber in your body until you achieve every goal you have with that passion. What is YOUR passion that you are currently pursuing? Let us know by leaving a comment.

You can subscribe to The Daily Choice which brings an encouraging message 5 days a week to your inbox by clicking here


Know What Stands Between You and Your Destiny


Know What Stands Between You and Your Destiny

by Olga Hermans


Are you in for a little challenge today? We’ve all had our share of adversities and we will continue to face hard times but harsh conditions have a way of bringing out the champion on the inside of us. Let’s have a look at our life experiences not in a self-pity manner or in a manner that brings disappointment or shame but from the standpoint of turning all our past experiences into hope for someone else.

If you would do that it would bring out your own uniqueness, your own message and you would move towards your destiny with great expectancy.

You might be going through something that somebody else is going through right now and they need your wisdom for that certain situation. They need to know what you know. Here is a very suitable quote form Myles Monroe: “Most people think the greatest tragedy in life is death. The greatest tragedy in life is to live and not know your purpose”.

Having lived your whole life and never really having that assurance of know what you have accomplished what you were meant to do is a very discouraging thought. So, if you are saying that you don’t have any dreams or you don’t have any goals, you definitely need to spend more time with God. Because God has a destiny for everybody on this planet and that includes you!

Sandi Krakowski

Some of us are called to be entrepreneurs and to be successful, like my coach, Sandi Krakowski. She went through a lot of trauma as a young girl; even gang raped in her 20s. She is a true survivor turned thriver – $500K debt – given a year to live – to creating and owning one of the fastest growing online business-coaching and information publishing companies in North America. Today she is totally debt free for the past 5 years and medically completely healthy and she gives God all the credit for it.

Others are called to be a mother of 12. Yeah, my friend Charlotte Siems is a pastor’s wife and she has 12 children.

Or my friend Denny Hagel who has a passion to help parents raise their children and is doing this already for over 25 years and is very succesfull.

It doesn’t matter what you do as a career or calling, God wants to use you and impact people around you. He wants you as you are, as He designed you to be; nothing less and nothing more. Here is another great quote from Mike Murdoch: “Your life’s assignment is not your decision but your discovery”.

Of course there are some decisions that you have to make to make it all happen. I remember the moment that my husband and I decided to go to VBI-Tulsa; that was a major decision for us and one of the best decisions we have ever made. But it wasn’t easy; our children were 13 and 11. We moved from overseas; they had to learn English, leave their friends behind and make new friends. But our lives have never been the same since.

Decisions are like falling dominoes in a line, each one toppling one irreversible consequence against another. After that we went back to The Netherlands to start a bibleschool, which also was a big decision that we did not regret. Life is too short for regrets. That’s why it is soo important for you to know who you are, what is important to you and what you want to do with your life.

God orders our steps; that means that He is always endeavouring to maneuver you towards your destiny. If you will listen to Him, then you will always be in the right place at the right time with the right people. That’s the reason you need to be sensitive to His leadership.

I believe that God has some extremely exciting things on the horizon for you. No matter how miserable your life may be at this very moment, God has a plan and God’s plan is to turn your life around. Make a choice to not run from Him, when you are distressed and unhappy, then He will and He can turn your situation around. He always knows what to do; He knows exactly what it takes to turn your life around.

What stands between you and your destiny? God’s will for you is always triumph! ALWAYS! 2Cor.2:14. That means that God always wants the very best for your life, no matter how impossible your circumstances look at this very moment. If you stumble and fall seven times, get up again ad go again. Remember, your hard times make you strong!

Satan will come between you and your destiny. He’ll create barriers. He’ll create obstacles, tests and trials because he knows more than you do that God has a powerful plan for your life. He will stand between you and your destiny. He will come up with the most ridiculous situations so that you will be discouraged and want to quit, and never fulfill what God has planned for you.

Let me remind that the difficulties that you are facing today, the thing that is trying to keep you from your destiny today, could become that stepping stone to your greatest victory! Don’t let the devil steal your destiny. God is always there to help you; He will change your whole life. Just as He did with my coach Sandi Krakowski; she is a great example to many.

Never get the idea that your life is no good because you weren’t on drugs or because you hadn’t made a terrible mess of your life. I know people think they don’t have a good testimony because they didn’t experience a whole lot of things. I think that, that is a wonderful testimony and there are people who want to hear it. People are looking for evidence; they are looking for what you have on the inside of you.

If this article is talking to you, it may be time to reexamine what you are doing. You are not meant to live an unfulfilled life. Make sure that you are doing THAT particular thing that is part of your destiny. Don’t spend years and years in a meaningless existence, doing something you dislike, staying there simply because it is convenient and you don’t want to rock the boat. Let me help you to step into your divine destiny; I wrote this book especially for you.

There are many people who have no clue what they are supposed to do in life, don’t let this  be you!
Go and get my book NOW by clicking here!


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Career Fits for All Personalities

“Personality Has The Power To Open Many Doors, But Character Must Keep Them Open”


Career Fits for All Personalities

By: Olga Hermans

You can read the article about your own unique personality type by clicking here.

The cheerful Sanguines enrich the world with their natural charisma, that’s for sure. They usually make excellent salespeople. You might have heard the cliché: “he could sell refrigerators to the Eskimos.” If you ever want to the Sanguine in action, just visit your local used-car dealer. About two-thirds of the salesreps seem to be  Sanguines.

In addition to being good at sales, Sanguines make good actors as well, entertainers, and preachers (particularly evangelists). They are outstanding masters of ceremonies, auctioneers and sometimes leaders (if properly blended with another temperament). Because of our mass media today, they are increasingly in demand within the political arena, where natural charisma has proved to be a great advantage.

In the area of helping people, Sanguines excel as hospital workers. Most sick people respond to a Sanguine nurse question “How are you today?” by saying, “Fine,” while nurse Melancholy can ask the same question and would probably receive the a pity answer like, “”miserable.” People might be on the verge of death, but when Dr.Sanguine walks into the room with his bubbly personality; before he leaves the room the spirit of the patient is lifted for sure.

Sanguines are never moderate about anything. They should choose careers that allow them extensive exposure to people. I think their main contribution to life lies in making other people happy. I guess we all know Sanguines ad after reading this, you might even appreciate their personality a little more. I have a friend and I can tell you, the moment she opens her mouth I start bubbling up on the inside and she always leaves me with pain in my cheeks from laughing. I have always told she should have been a comedian. Right now she is the pastor of a gangster church in Joplin MO, where the tornado hit almost 2 weeks ago, a job that fits her well…just an awesome lady.

The Career of the Choleric

Cholerics might consider careers that require leadership, motivation and productivity. They do not require too much attention to details and analytical planning. Committee meetings and long-range planning bore the Choleric – a doer. Rarely will you find a predominant Choleric as a surgeon, dentist, philosopher, inventor or watchmaker. They often supervise craftsmen. They usually enjoy construction work, because it is so productive, and will frequently end up beig foremen or project supervisors.

A Choleric is a developer by nature. When they drive through the countryside, he envisions road graders carving out streets and builders construction homes, schools and shopping centers.

I really believe that most cities and suburbs were first envisioned by a Choleric. They do well by hiring a melancholic as the architect with the analytical and creative ability to draw the plans for what he wants to build. The choleric person thinks it is enough to draw a few lines on the back of end of an envelope to gain the approval of the city planning department.

So, it is a wise thing to do for the Choleric to hire a melancholic assistant or to go into a business partnership with a Melancholic. Together they make an unbeatable team.

Most entrepreneurs are Cholerics. They are not by nature good delegators of responsibility (although with proper training they can learn). They tend to evaluate negatively the efforts others and end up trying to do everything themselves.

The Choleric is a natural motivator of other people. He oozes self-confidence and is extremely goal-conscious. Associates may find themselves even more productive by following the leadership of a choleric. Their weakness is though that they are hard to please and tend to be rough on people.

If he only knew how others look to him for approval and encouragement, he would spend more time patting them on the back, which would generate greater dedication from them. The choleric thinks subconsciously thinks that approval and encouragement lead to complacency.

The choleric makes a good preacher as well; although he is much less emotional. The world’s greatest generals, dictators, and gangsters have predominantly choleric; the world has benefit and suffered from the cholerics. The difference was because of their moral values and motivations.

The cholerics have that thing what people call a success tendency. That doesn’t mean they are smarter than other people, as is often assumed, but that their strong will and determination drive them to succeed where other; more gifted,  people are prone to give up.

The Career of the Melancholic

Most of the world’s great composers, artists, musicians, inventors, philosophers, theologians and dedicated educators have been predominantly Melancholics. Think about Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner and many others.

Almost every true musician has some Melancholy temperament, whether he is a composer, performing artist or a soloist. When you listen to country-western, you can hear the wail of the Melancholic.

One vocation that seems to attract the Melancholy is acting to the surprise of many, because we tend to identify this profession with extroverts. On stage they can adopt another personality, no matter how much extroversion it requires, but as soon as the play is over, he reverts back to his own introvert personality.

Many melancholics work in the arts, many become craftsmen of high quality – finish carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers, plasters, scientists, horticulturalists, mechanics, engineers, and other professions that provide a meaningful service to humanity.

Almost any humanitarian vocation will attract melancholics to its staff. It almost requires a Melancholic mind to get through the rigors of medical school, for a doctor has to be a perfectionist, an analytical specialist, and a humanitarian propelled by a heart that yearns to help other people.

Any vocation that requires perfection, self-sacrifice and creativity is open to melancholics.

In the building trades, the melancholy may want to supervise construction. But he would be better off hiring a project supervisor who works better with people and then spend his own time on the drawing board. Melancholics become frustrated by ordinary personnel problems with his unrealistic perfectionist demands.

The Career of the Phlegmatic

Phlegmatics seems drawn to the field of education. Most elementary school teachers are phlegmatic. Only they can have the patience to teach a group of first graders to read. A sanguine would spend the entire class period telling stories to the children. A melancholy would so criticize them that they would be afraid to read aloud. Can you imagine a choleric as a first grade teacher; the students might ant to leap out of the windows!

The gentle nature the phlegmatic assures the ideal atmosphere for such learning. This is not only true on the elementary level but in both high school and college, particularly in math, physics, grammar, literature and languages.

It is not uncommon to find phlegmatics as school administrators, librarians, counsellors and college department heads.

Phlegmatics also like engineering. They are attracted to planning and calculation, they make good structural engineers, chemical engineers, mechanical and civil engineers and statisticians.

The other day we had friends over for coffee (we were talking about this very subject); he told me that in the recent years management has discovered that experienced phlegmatics often make excellent foremen, supervisors and managers. Because they are diplomatic and unabrasive, they work well with people.

When given positions of leadership, they seem to bring order out of chaos and produce a working harmony conducive to increased productivity. Hey are wellorganized, never come to a meeting unprepared or late, tend to work well under pressure and are extremely dependable.

Phlegmatics are definitely not risk takers. They often stay with one company. Because they struggle with the problem of personal insecurity, they may take a job with retirement of security benefits in mind.

Therefore, civil service, the military, local government, or some other “good security risk” will attract them. Rarely will they launch out on a business venture of their own, although they are eminently qualified to do so. Instead they usually enhance the earning power of someone else and are quite content with a simple lifestyle.

Ok, this is a short version of the career possibilities of all 4 personality types. I might have awaken your appetite to know more about this. There are 2 books that I recommend: Personality Plus by Florence Littauer and The Spirit-Controlled Temperament by Tim Lahaye. I believe these books will help accept yourself and your personality.

Make it A Daily Choice to build your character and live towards your destiny.

Will The Devil Fight Your Dream

The Power of Choice

Will The Devil Fight Your Dream

by Olga Hermans


You better know he will! He fought God’s dream to bring salvation to mankind. So, you can take it to the bank that he is going to try and fight your dreams, too, especially if he thinks you can actually do them!

You have to get beyond him with faith to confuse him. When you live by faith, he doesn’t know what to do, but that doesn’t mean he will leave you alone. He is going to try and mess up your goals by trying to mess up your trail of thoughts. He wants to pollute your thought life so that he can render you powerless to change. Don’t let him.

He is going to try and pull on your flesh, tempt you to go off course in your spirituality. Remember that the flesh is all he has to work with. As I mentioned earlier, he is a flesh devil, not a faith devil. How can you use the renewing of the mind, your trail of thoughts as a tool to defeat the devil? Don’t allow him to have a place in your thought-life.

Refuse to dwell on his negativity. Instead, lean on the Word. If he tries to use somebody else’s defeating words to drag you down, recognize it for what it is and don’t accept it. Then quote a scripture to yourself or remind yourself of what God has already told you.

Remember that the devil can only work in the realm of the senses. You work in the realm of the spirit as well as the senses. The devil is a flesh-based tempter. His goal is to get you to quit and give up on God’s good plan for your life. Whether it is spiritual, physical, emotional or financial, he wants to render you powerless to do what you’re meant to do in this life. But, he is only going to use the senses to tempt you.

After all, have you ever been tempted in the Spirit? Think about it. Have you ever been tempted to tithe? I mean, were you under heavy temptation to give ten percent to the Lord? No! Do you know why? Tithing is a spiritual concept. You are only tempted in the flesh (daily, instead of just on Sunday), you won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh (Gal.2:20)

In other words, putting God first every day is going to help you fulfill your dream and sticking to your spirituality is going to help you stay on your course.

It is more interesting and adventurous to live by faith. Plus, God rewards the diligent and it takes diligence to renew your thought life. Your efforts won’t be in vain and, in the end, you will actually find that your destiny comes with more blessings.

When you seek to fulfill your destiny, you’re really seeking God with all your heart. That plan for your life didn’t originate with yourself; it originated with Him. He is your Creator and you are the co-creator of your own life. You choose to create your life within His life.

You make the right choices in life and you will live in the blessing, right in the middle of god’s perfect will. That is the power of choice that God has given use. Let’s use to the benefit of our own life. We are so thankful for that, isn’t it?

What Are You Believing For?

Walk By Faith Not By Sight

What Are You Believing For?

by Olga Hermans


God is for you. God loves you. God wants to bless you, to give you not a fulfilling life, but also the desires of your heart, whether that is to do something or to have something.. God is for you. He is never against you. When you put your faith in Him, you can expect that He will prove Himself to you as a faithful Father, a surprising Father.

God is not looking for ways to condemn you, hurt you or make your path in life difficult. That’s what the devil does. That’s what a sin-sick earth brings.

Jesus died for our sins, to redeem us from all sin. The bible says you’ve been made FREE from the law of sin and death through the work of the cross. Jesus has washed you clean and God counts you righteous, which means that you can go through life without guilt, without shame and without limitation on your divine destiny. You are free. Don’t let the devil, your thoughts or anyone else steal that from you.


Your life doesn’t have to be boring, short-lived or poverty stricken. It can be long-lived and prosperous! You can fulfill God’s plan for your life when you are a doer of the word.

Why did Jesus come? So, that we might live! Jesus came to be our mediator to God and to restore us to our rightful place so that we could make heaven our eternal home and live a good and truthful life on this earth, too. Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” John 10:10 The life that we have been given is a real gift. It’s not been given to you and me to endure but to enjoy.

It’s enjoyment to do what you’re called to do. It’s enjoyment to recognize the greatness of your own life, whether you’ve been called to do something simple or complex. All of us have our place in this world. God knows that you are powerful. He knows that your words matter. He wants you to renew your mind and build a mental map on the road to your good destiny.

You and I were destined to love people. We are destined to walk by faith not by sight. We were destined to bring truth and faith into the lives of other people. This is our part as a believer, as a member of the body of Christ. This life is something that we are passing through. It’s not the only life we will live. Heaven is waiting for us! Our life is like a vapor according to James 4:14, but that doesn’t mean that it is unimportant.

This life can be good. You and I are going to do things here that we will remember and enjoy talking about for all eternity in heaven.

The years of your life pass by too quickly to just ignore your calling in life. You don’t have to live miserably. You don’t have to live bored. The lord can fill you up with His presence, His joy and His optimism for this life every day and not just on Sunday! His Word is going to produce faith in you. Faith is what makes things happen in the spirit realm and then in the natural realm.

If you don’t know this life; you can know it today by making a choice and pray this prayer for salvation:
Pray! “God in Heaven, I come to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus. I confess that I haven’t lived my life for You. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that He died on the cross and rose again from the dead so I might have a better life now and eternal life in heaven. Jesus, come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. From this day forward, I’ll live my life for You to the best of my ability. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen”.
If you like more information, mail me: olga@thechoicedrivenlife.com

You have The Power of Choice; your life is Choice Driven!
Thank You For Your Reading:
Olga Hermans

The Power Of Choice

The Power Of Choice

by Olga Hermans


Have there been times in your life that you lay awake at night and couldn’t sleep? Looking at the ceiling and wondering what you life could have been if you had made some different choices? I know I did and I have some friends that did. You see, our life depends on our choices. Our steps are ordered by the Lord, that’s right!

Have you ever examined the choices and decisions you made and those you should have made? Have you ever considered why certain decisions were made? Why you did this or did not do that? What was the motivation that brought you to where you are today and why are you not somewhere else? Maybe you are disappointed in yourself about all the choices you made.

I think we all understand that God has not made us in the image of a robot; He made us in His image and He has given us a free will. A free will to choose for life and not for death. To take charge of your life takes courage to exercise your God-given difference.

In a sense we all wear masks; why do people wear masks? You can choose to be the person you want to be, but you are also the person that your family believes you are, you are the person in private that you really are, you are the person that you seek to hide from people and somewhere inside you are the person that you really would like to be.

Anyway, it is your life. Take ownership. Accept responsibility. Be honest with yourself.

You have the power to choose, because of your free will. The Power of Choice belongs to you!

We can keep wishing to discipline ourselves to make changes. We can do that right at the spot, or the following week, or the following month or even next year. It’s all up to us. But, we want change in our life; we have to start to use the power of choice that is given to us.

Nobody likes change; many of us have to walk up to a brick wall and in a way to be forced to make choices, otherwise we keep postponing and putting things of. We created our circumstances by our past choices. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today. People need the truth.

We cannot keep on making the wrong choices day after day that will bring us in the wrong circumstances at the wrong time with the wrong people even. We must reevaluate our choices and then we must make the very choices that will bring life, happiness and joy into our daily lives.

Be strong and take courage, rise up; you cannot fail. You only fail if you fail to do nothing. That in itself is a choice and life will give it back to you. YOU decide the process of making the right choices. This is the process: • Choose Your Thoughts, for they become Words • Choose Your Words, for they become Actions • Choose Your Actions, for they become Habits • Choose Your Habits, for they become Character • Choose Your Character, for it becomes Your Destiny. It all begins with your very own power of choice.

The Power of Choice will Change Your Life; Your Life Is Choice Driven!

5 Qualities Of A Doer

5 Qualities Of A Doer

by Olga Hermans


Have you been watching The Apprentice with Donald Trump? I have, as I mentioned that last week. It was a race to win and everybody wanted to finish strong, but only one could be The Apprentice of  Donald Trump. It was Brandy Kuentzel and not Clint Robertson. Of course Ivanka  and Don Jr.  had their sayings in this finale.

In this race life, it may take you double the effort to reach your destiny, but you will get there if you one thing; get back up and keep running! A stumble is not a loss. It’s just another opportunity to get back up and succeed.

You will have many opportunities to trust God and many opportunities to doubt. If you stumble in your faith, don’t let it stop you from running your race. Clint Robertson is getting back; we all know that! Most people who have seen great success with God have not been perfect, but they’ve been faithful.

I believe that God wants the body of Christ to overflow with goodness; with love, with joy, with peace, with prosperity, with health and with good relationships. Is it a sacrifice to get back? Yes, it takes effort and a will to get back up after you have struggled or even fallen. Is it worth it? Of course it is.

God loves you. There is no doubt about it. Throughout His Word, He gives you verse after verse about is unconditional love toward you. This world will cut you down. The devil and even your own thoughts will try and tell you that you’re nothing, that you aren’t valuable and aren’t worth the effort. Those thoughts are lies from the pit! God loves you no matter what you look like, what you say or even what you do. His love never fails.

You see, you’ve got to get it in your mind that God wants to see you succeed. He is not against you; He is for you. He is not looking to take from you; He is looking to give to you. The Word says it gives God great pleasure to see you prosper. Psalm 35:27

It brings God pleasure when we enjoy the fruit of our labor. It magnifies Him. He wants to see us shout for joy and be glad. He wants us to do the right thing in life.

Look around you at the successful people that you know or admire. Did they achieve their success easily? Probably not. Real success requires that you sacrifice something of yourself. Something must be sown for something to be reaped. A doer is someone who moves beyond his/her own thoughts and ideas and into action.

Here Are 5 Qualities Of A Doer:

  1. They are not lazy.
  2. They are willing to work in whatever circumstances are necessary.
  3. They are willing to change and exchange old methods for new methods.
  4. they are proud of what they have done, but they aren’t satisfied with stopping.
  5. They do!! That’s what they do; they do!!

Doers make the world go around. We write about them. We talk about them. we are amazed by their focus, their tenacity and their accomplishments. What do they have that non-doers don’t have? Determination.

Use your will to determine the integrity of the soul; your soul loves to achieve things in life. Go for it!

“Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” William Jennings Bryan

The Bible tells me I am a New Creation; how can that be?

The Bible tells me I am a New Creation; how can that be?

by Olga Hermans


“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17).
The Message Bible says it this way: “Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it!”

We all know so many people that try to live godly lives without a clue on how to BE the new creature God says they are. Many times they go as far as being saved and glad they go to heaven and that is as far as they go.  They don’t want to learn more than “being saved” so they live out lives of struggle and defeat, waiting to go to heaven.

Of course people want to be good people; change a few things here and there ad change their old nature themselves. They do all their things in their own strength. When they fall, they pick themselves up and so forth.  They fall, pick themselves up, fall, pick themselves up, and then fall and stay down. They act in the same way as they always did before their salvation and try to walk right and do the right things and make themselves right without any help.

At the time of salvation our spirit was renewed immediately but our mind still thinks the same old way. We were spiritually resurrected the day we made the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives. That day we passed from death to life. Think about it. When you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, the Spirit of God hovered over you. The glory of the Lord came into your being. And that glory consumed the old, sinful man that you were.

So, what is it all about this new creation? How do we go about it and what do we do about it? God says you are a new creature, so you are a new creature. Being a new creature in Christ is just that—you are brand spanking new and have a fresh, clean slate. You may be sitting there thinking, “Well, if I’m so”new and free, why can’t I quit smoking? Why can’t I lose this weight? Why am I always sick?” Because you’ve let Satan convince you that you’re still under his power. You’ve let him talk you into living as if you’re still spiritually dead!

But the truth is that you have a new life, new choices, a new future, new options—a new YOU. That old man died. And in his place a new creature was born. Who you were and what you did before you took Jesus as your Savior is now called the “old man.”

Just because I tell you that you are a new creature doesn’t mean you will act like one. First of all, the new creature in you comes out by renewing of your mind (Rom. 12:2).  Today is a new day for you and You can begin considering yourself alive! Begin thinking of yourself as one who already has the life of God instead of an earthly being who’s waiting for the resurrection. Consider yourself dead to sin and alive to the power of Jesus. You’ll find yourself living a whole new life today!

In our natural life, we learn and grow into maturity. It is the same with our new spirit life. Learn and grow into maturity.

Colossians 3:9-10 says you’ve put off the old man with his deeds and put on the new one with his renewed mind. A renewed mind is simply that you’ve changed your thoughts from your old way of thinking to God’s thoughts.

This in turn will change your old way of acting into the way He wants you to act. New thoughts change old actions. Read these affirmations EVERY DAY!
Ephesians 4:22 says, “put off concerning the former conversation the old man”—so what you say is vitally important. Don’t run around telling everyone what your old man used to do. It has been my experience that people who constantly talk about their past never get past their past.

“Christianity is a journey, not a destination.” You don’t “get there” and find you know it all. Always learn and grow until Jesus comes back. Ephesians 4 and 5 show areas YOU have to take responsibility for. YOU put on the “new man” by reading your Bible, YOU put away lying, YOU quit stealing, and YOU speak faith-filled Words.

Realize as you choose to do these things, when you renew your mind to the Word of God, you will find help. You won’t be doing it on your own. If you blow it, remember that God’s mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:23). Repent, renew your mind daily (2 Cor. 4:16) and go forward.

The more you renew your mind to God’s way of thinking (His Word), the less you will act like that old man. You have His Word on it!