How to Improve Your Decision Making Skills to Make Better Choices

Many Times Our Dreams Do Not Become Reality Because Of The Decisions We Make In Our Lives


How to Improve Your Decision Making Skills

to Make Better Choices

by Olga Hermans


As I was pondering about my next post for this week, being extremely busy with the writing of my eBook “Pursue Your Destiny with Passion and Purpose” and also giving a new look to my FREE Report I thought about how so very important it is to take our God-given destiny serious and to be able to improve our decision making skills so we will NOT regret our choices.

So, I want to give you 5 crucial components to help you step into your destiny by making decisions that matter.

1.  Research: gathering information and collecting data

Gathering facts is very important in making a good decision that you will not regret. Let’s say you want to buy a product that is completely new to you – say a cleaner that you could use on your granite countertops without scratching them. Here you are in the store and a decision is right in front of you.

Have you ever wondered why some of the vitamins that you take are so outrageously expensive?

There is something like research and development. In order to know their target audience, the habits and preferences of their customers, companies spend vast amounts of money each year doing research to develop a new product.

So, how much research and development have you put into the decisions you make? Particularly the decisions with lifelong ripple effects that will move you toward your Destiny? Have you conducted adequate research into the character of that person that you might marry to make sure that s/he is who s/he says s/he is? I hope you see how important research is. Let’s get to the next point, shall we?

2.   Responsibility

Being responsible is something a lot of people don’t know much about. God’s definition of a dreamer is not someone who sits around with his head in the clouds, but it is someone who sees the possibilities of great things and understands it will take a lot of hard work and determination to see it through to the finish.

People that pursue their destiny with passion and purpose are people who are willing to sacrifice and pay the price up front in order to cross the finish line with self-respect and honor. Lazy people are always unhappy and they don’t understand why.

The reason they’re unhappy is because God didn’t create people just so they could sit around and do nothing, bearing no good fruit. We need to be engaged in life. If we want to see change in our life, then we need to ask ourselves what choices we can make to change things.

3.   Rising Higher

God’s plan for each of our lives is that we continually rise to new levels. But how we go about in life, and how much of God’s favour and blessings we experience, will be directly related to how much we decide to follow His directions.

Throughout life, God will deal with us and bring areas to light where we need to make choices to improve. He often speaks to us through our conscience or through a still small voice. He knows the things that are holding us back.

He knows our weaknesses, faults and the inner secrets that we keep hidden. When He brings these matters to our attention and if we want to get closer to our destiny, we have to be willing to face the truth about ourselves and take the correction that God brings to us.

4.  Root Issues; dealing with them

We love to fix things on the surface, like cleaning up our behaviour, trying to be more friendly, more loving and kind. Not spending so much money, or stop using credit cards to buy something on impulse. Not manipulating people any more, not getting so angry and upset. It is a good thing to make choices to try to improve, but so often we are not dealing with the real source of the problem.

People can have a root of insecurity that causes them to feel defensive or have a root of bitterness. Perhaps you have been spinning your wheels, going around in circles year after year, and are not really happy. You need to be honest enough to say, “God, show me what it is. Am I relying on other people to make me happy? Do I have unrealistic expectations?”

“Am I going to be happy only if I get married? Am I allowing my circumstances to keep me down? God, show me the truth about myself.” Some people say, “I’m depressed because my parents were so depressed”. No, you can change. You are a child of God, so you have the greatest power in the universe on the inside of you. You can break any addiction and overcome any stronghold.

You can fulfill your God-given destiny. You may have a negative history, but please understand, you don’t have to have a negative future. What’s important is not where you come from. What matters is where you are going. One of the main ways we can honor God is by taking responsibility for our choices, not blaming our past, not blaming our circumstances. We must get down to the root, take responsibility. Rise up and do something with it. You can experience the good things of God and fulfill your destiny.

5. Rearview: looking back and adjusting as necessary to stay on course

It is an amazing fact but true: the decisions we make today don’t simply affect ourselves; they affect our children and our children’s children for multiplied generations. The Bible talks about how the iniquity of the fathers can be passed down for three to four generations. That means that bad habits, addictions, negativity, wrong mind-sets and other types of iniquities can be passed down.

It is time to rise up and make a decision to do something about it. It may have been there for years, but the good news is it doesn’t have to stay there. You can be the one to put a stop to it. You can be the one to choose the blessing and not the curse. We’ve heard a lot about the generational curse, but equally important is our generational choice.

We don’t have to stay the way we are. Put a stop to any of the negative patterns in your family’s bloodline. It is a spiritual battle. You must take authority over all the strongholds that are keeping you in bondage. One of the first things you must do is recognize what it is, identify it, get it out in the open and deal with it. As you do you will see God’s blessings and favour in your life and you will be able to make the decisions that bring you closer and closer to your destiny. This will definitely help you improve your decision making skills and to know without a shadow of a doubt how to make good choices in discovering the life you were born to live.

Tweet this: Destiny is no matter of chance It is a matter of choice It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved WJB #TheDailyChoice

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How to Be Emotionally Strong – Gaining Control Over Your Emotions

Most People Approach Life Like A Roller-Coaster Ride At An Amusement Park

How to Be Emotionally Strong –
Gaining Control Over Your Emotions

By Olga Hermans


The other day I was at a party and we were all chatting along and all of a sudden the question came up: “isn’t anyone happy anymore?” Actually there was a male in our group and started sharing with us that he dates women frequently, but the relationships always seem to end the same way. He said, “All the women I meet don’t just have so much emotional baggage, they have cargo!”

Do you have friends who have these emotions like: resentment and bitterness, depression, grief, gloom and despair? We all have emotions, but I believe one of the main goals of every person should be emotional stability. We should seek God to learn how to manage our emotions and not allow them to manage us.

God wants you to use wisdom. Before you do something, wisdom says wait a little while until the emotions settle down, then check to see if you really believe it’s the right thing to do. The Bible says in Colossians 3:15 to be led by peace in making decisions. Don’t let your emotions make your decisions. A good statement to remember is this: “Wisdom says wait; emotions say hurry.

Most people (I am not talking about you and I) approach life like a roller-coaster ride at an amusement park. They allow their lives to happen to them. They strap themselves in and with grim determination; they hang on during the ups, downs, excitement and fear. They don’t have a clue how much stress they have on the inside of them.

The longer the ride lasts, the more accustomed they become to the knots in their stomachs and the tension in their neck. We seem to have forgotten that there might be a different way to live. I don’t know about you, but when I get off a roller-coaster ride, I feel very wobbly in the knees. An emotional roller coaster can also cause a person to be a little wobbly – unsure, unstable, stressed-out, weak and incapable of functioning to the fullest.

Emotional roller coasters sap people of physical and psychological health, often leaving the mind and the body almost without energy and strength.

I have said this before that I had a sister who died due to anorexia. I remember the time that she started this deadly behaviour. I was only 14 and she was 17/18; she was not happy for who knows what the reason was. She started to have these emotional outbursts of anger and bitterness. There was a time that it looked like the emotions started to settle down, but the fact was that she started to cope with it by starving herself and not giving herself room to be who she really was. It had an effect on our whole family.

My other sister got married, seemed to be very happy on the outside. After my parents had died she became depressed and suicidal; very angry and bitter at everybody around her. Her emotions became too much for her, because she didn’t learn how to manage her emotions but allowed them to manage her. At this moment she and one of her daughters are in a mental hospital.

Do you want to know what happened to me? During a time of deep distress in my life God came and visited me in my own home, He picked me up and delivered me out of darkness into His marvellous light. He changed me on the inside, delivered me completely from smoking 2 packages of cigarettes a day and from nail biting instantly, He also completely healed my marriage. Of course there were and are some areas that I have to work through. He never told us that life would be easy, but if we do life together with Him, life is so much easier.

I am telling you all this because I know that emotions can be very deadly and very toxic. Many people suffer depression, fear, worry, stress and try to cope with it. Mother Teresa said that the greatest disease of mankind is the absence of love. I couldn’t agree more. Your answer to you feeling like this is that you start to realize that you are valuable and priceless.

The Bible encourages us strongly that we are to love others as we love ourselves. Matth.22:39 and Lev. 19:18. You know, to be able to love begins in receiving God’s love and then learning to love ourselves. How are you able to love yourself? By having feelings of worthiness, value and purpose in life.

“You are beautiful!” Is this a compliment to you? Well, it was meant to be, because YOU ARE beautiful. God says that about you! You are valuable to Him; He loves you as nobody else can love you.Whoever you are and wherever you are, you are precious, priceless and extremely important to an amazing God in heaven. He knows your name. He sees your life and he cares about the inner desires of your heart.

Walking in love is a choice and acting on that choice takes effort. Love means that you turn yourself inside out for others, to turn your thinking upside down from the way the vast majority of people in the world think. A person who makes a commitment to walk in love is a person who nearly always discovers he has made a very extreme decision. Walking in love requires not only an intentional, initial choice, but an ongoing intentional choice.

Loving as God loves requires practice, practice, practice. Practice and not being jealous, proud, rude, or selfish and you are on your way to attain happiness and live the life you desire.

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How Do You See Yourself?

Don’t Put Yourself In A Box By Limiting Yourself To Just Existing


How Do You See Yourself?

by Olga Hermans


Can you answer this question: “How do you see yourself”? It is very important how you see yourself, because it has everything to do with your destiny. First, you have to absolutely know that God loves you; you have to be convinced that He loves you. When you get a revelation of how much God cares about you, you’re going to get a greater respect for yourself.

In the eyes of God, your success is NOT dependent upon your circumstances. In the eyes of God, your success is dependent upon how you see yourself.

If you think you’re a failure, you will fail. If you think you can win through the power of God that dwells within you, then you will win. It’s up to you. It’s your choice.

Satan has been able to paint a picture on the inside of you of the way you see yourself. He has been doing this already for many years and I must say he has done a good job, isn’t it? However, if you want to live in victory, then you must begin to discover who you are in Christ; God’s image.I ask you again: “How do you see yourself”?

Most people don’t like themselves. Some don’t like themselves for various reasons. I didn’t like myself growing up. I had two older sisters who got all the attention; I was always the little one running behind them trying to catch some of leftovers so to speak. They got all the extras.

It was until I gave my life to the Lord May 15, 1989; the day of my natural birth and my spiritual birth. Since then I started to like myself; that season of my life had brought a huge change in my life. Before that time I was searching and searching but in the wrong direction. I was in self-help groups and New Age thinking. God showed Himself to me and let me know how much I needed Him while I was in that group. It was a beautiful thing and a few months later I came out of new age and was born again on May 15th. My life has never been the same.

Anyway, back to not liking ourselves. It is a terrible way to live when you go through life not liking yourself much less loving yourself. Yeah, you should fall in love with you. You have qualities that nobody else has. You are unique. No one else can be exactly like you. Every person has something unique about him or her. Let me ask you again: “How do you see yourself”?

The bible says ….you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 19:19

How can you do that if you don’t even love yourself? When you love yourself, then what you are saying is, I accept me as who I am. God made me. I am not a mistake. Don’t put yourself down and condemn yourself when you love yourself. When you love yourself, you are saying, I am worth something. You are saying, I have something to offer.

We have all made mistakes in our lives and we should take full responsibility for them, but hanging on to them will not make our lives better. At some point, you have to make the choice to forgive yourself whether anyone else does or not.

Maybe you are somebody who is always down on yourself and feeling as if you’re worthless. Or you constantly tell yourself that you cannot be trusted with anything important because you might “mess things up”. Or you’ll become so mentally paralyzed that you won’t allow yourself to even think about taking a risk or stepping out in faith because you’re afraid that you’ll “blow it” again.

That way your self-esteem is almost nonexistent. Let’s be honest here, do you truly think that you will ever enjoy any high degree of success when your life is in that condition? No, you won’t! You have put yourself in a box. You have already determined your future. You’ve limited yourself to just existing – not living.

The abundant life that Jesus says is yours will never materialize if you refuse to let go of the mistakes. Let them go now and learn from them. Be wiser in the future; don’t make the same mistake twice. You have more information now than perhaps you had when you made the mistakes.

Apply the knowledge that you gained from experiences and get on with your life. Don’t let what happened in the past hold you back any longer. It can absolutely paralyze your life.

Look at your mistakes and wrong choices as new information about what works and what doesn’t work. Learn from it and move on. The main thing is this: DON’T LET THEM HOLD YOU BACK. In order for you to enjoy a bright future, it is absolutely necessary that you forget the past.

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Make A Choice For The Household Of Faith


Make A Choice For The Household Of Faith

Make A Choice For The Household Of Faith

by Olga Hermans


Economy is defined as the management of resources of a country or a community. For a believer, economy can be defined as God’s divine plan for the blessing. A vital part of that plan is financial freedom and overflowing abundance.

Believers are not subject to the world’s economy when they follow God’s direction. An obedient believer can thrive when economic challenges are creating havoc in the world.

Pro 14:11 The house of the wicked shall be overthrown: but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish.
Psa 52:8 But I am like a green (green = flourishing) olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.

You can declare this: “we are like a green olive tree in the house of God”; we are flourishing! Even if this is not the case in your life right now; you may be under intense pressure right now, you need to begin to peak words of faith! That is what we do in the household of faith! You live in the household of faith, don’t you and you are not moving out aren’t you? Well, then speak out loud!!

That’s what we do in the household of faith!

Psa 112:3  Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever. Everything is going to be ALL-Right in the household of faith and we flourish! Speak: “wealth and riches are in our house”. God will fill up your home with precious and pleasant riches. The Blessing is upon your and my household!

Jer 17:7 -8 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

The person that is blessed and the person that trusts the Lord shall be like a tree planted by the waters. That is what we have to do in these times; this might be the toughest thing to do in these times. We look at what is going on and it breeds fear.

The news tells us how bad the times are and how bad the times are going to be. You should press the pause button for a moment and speak out loud: “we are flourishing, we are growing, we are enlarging, we trust in God and our hope is in Him!” Have a praise session right at that very moment. If you are going to watch the news; you are going to have to talk back to it.

We are like trees planted by the rivers of water and we flourish even in times of drought. It is impossible in the natural for trees to flourish in drought, but they can with God. It is a supernatural action. We are a picture of Isaac in that time of famine where he sowed and reaped the hundredfold return. That is a picture of us.

Jer.17:8 says: his leaves shall be green and when you research the Hebrew, it means prospering and thriving and flourishing. No matter what is going on, we never stop producing fruit.

Psa 36:7-9  How precious is Your steadfast love, O God! The children of men take refuge and put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. We relish and feast on the abundance of Your house; (So, in the household of faith, we relish and feast on His abundance. ) and You cause them to drink of the stream of Your pleasures.
For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light do we see light.

Son 2:4  He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love. In the household of faith we flourish because it is a banqueting house.

Pro 11:28  He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the righteous shall flourish as a branch.

We do not trust in riches, we trust in God and we flourish!

Psa 27:4  One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.

You know what you need to do? You need to get all these scriptures on the inside of you by meditating them over and over again until they are yours! When do you know that they are yours? When they start speaking back to you throughout the day! You have to get them down on the inside of you; especially in these times. It is imperative that you keep the word of God transforming your thinking!

It’s up to you; it’s that time for making the right choices. The power of Choice is calling for you! 🙂

The Words You Speak Determine Your Future

You are the prophet of your own life, whether you realize that or not. This topic is more or less the core of this blog. When we choose to think right; the right words come out of our mouth and so forth. Confession is mainly considered as

In The Beginning Was The Word

admitting to something like “I love you” or admitting you did something terribly wrong. But for the believer confession is speaking God’s Word in faith. The Law of Confession is a spiritual law designed to equip you with the ability to use your words as a creative force to speak God’s plan into existence.

So, let’s have a close look at why Jesus came and how He used His words wisely. Jesus came to preach the Kingdom of God; He came to preach the Blessing; the Kingdom is the gateway from heaven to earth to build the Garden of Eden. Jesus said, if you seek the kingdom first and if you will support it; things will come to you!

When Jesus is talking about the blessing; He talks about speaking things into existence and by doing that you make heaven’s reality come into this earth. Actually getting something in your heart and speaking it from your lips and creating a manifestation of it here in this earth.

Mat 12:34  O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. This is a very important principle that Jesus is teaching the disciples. That is the way that God incubated something inside and spoke it into this earth and created us in His image and in His likeness.

John 1:1 says: in the beginning was the Word. It starts off with the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. God is Love, God is Light, God is Life. So, in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, Who is Love, who is Light and Who is Life.

Love is than the Light and the Light gives Life.
Joh 1:2  The same was in the beginning with God.
Joh 1:3  All things were made by him; and without him (without Love, without Light and Without Life) was not anything made that was made. All things; the root word for thing in Hebrew is “word”.
Joh 1:4  In him (in Love, in the Word) was life; and the life was the light of men. It is not just the light in front of us and all around us; the bible says that we were born of that light. We live in the light.

We were born again, not of corruptible seed but by the Word of Love, Light and Life of God, created in Christ Jesus.
Mat 12:34  O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. This is a principle, it doesn’t matter if you are saved or not. It doesn’t matter where you stand in life, you cannot get around this principle; it works all the time. This is how we are made by God. When you live in darkness, you will not see this principle at work because the devil is using it on you and against you. But, it always works! It works for you or it works against you. But you and I will always eat the fruit of what we speak!

This is the law that is operating here; it is called the Law of Confession. It is a mystery to people who are walking in darkness. You and I live under the law of the Word; you cannot get away from it. You can change the words you want to live under, but you cannot change this law by hoping and wishing that this law would not work for you. It is always at work!!

Heb 11:40 says: God has provided some better things for us. God really did and we have to believe that we are moving into a higher realm than others have previously. This is the time that when we have a better revelation of things, we also will see a better manifestation of things in our life. Think about the fact how important revelation about the Word of God is to us. The fullness of the blessing is coming in this hour and it is us being able to speak things and decree things and order our day through the spoken word in the morning. God wants us to reign in life and take dominion in our own life; we do that by decreeing a thing and we will see it come to pass.

It is learning to speak fewer words filled with more power!! Jesus spoke 9 words to the fig tree “no man eat fruit of you again hereafter forever”. The disciples were astonished that it happened and Jesus said “have faith in God, for whosoever shall say: be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea”. That’s all Jesus said! For us to take the words of Jesus as an example and to let the same words come out of our mouth.

What do we do? We use a lot more words, right? I have experienced that mostly in praying with others. When I really want to follow the Holy Spirit especially in the words that will come forth out of my mouth; I can sense the other person looking at me like: “is that all”. Right then another person takes over and prays the whole situation over and over again and then they say; “yeah, that is exactly what is going on”. Excuse me? Don’t you think that God knows all that and then even a whole lot more? God wants us to speak only that what the Holy Spirit gives us to speak.

Jesus spoke to the tree the desires and the results; Jesus said the 9 words and the tree was a thing of the past for Jesus. If the disciples would have brought it up again, Jesus never would have said anything about it anymore. What a great example! Peter called it to remembrance, but if Peter hadn’t said anything the fig tree would have been a forgotten subject.

This is the power of words and we just have to come to the revelation of the Power of the Words, because what has been revealed to you is going to be restored to you. We have to come to a maturity if we want to have that kind of power.

The Power of Choice to choose the words that come out of our mouth that will determine our future. What a principle has been to us. It is up to you and me to change our life by the words that come out of our mouth that makes our life choice driven!

Until next time:

Your Time Has Come

Your Time has Come

Your Time Has Come

by Olga Hermans


Did it occur to you that it is getting darker out there? We need to know how to stand on the Word of God where prosperity is concerned, where health is concerned, where protection is concerned.

The world I’ll tell you again is in serious trouble. Some very hard things are coming in different places around the world. Very difficult times in a lot of places. They’re that way now but they’ll not get better. They will continue to get worse and worse and worse. It is on a downhill run that the world cannot stop. But for the household of faith everything is going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right.

We have to make a choice what we are going to do; we have to make a choice that we are going to live in the household of faith!

Psalm 92:12-15 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. It is not my own righteousness; I am righteous because I was born over again. Jesus made us righteous and He is the Lord of my life; what about you?

Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.
They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;
To shew that the LORD is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.

We have to go over to the household of faith and live by faith. It says here; when we are planted in the house of the Lord that we will flourish in the courts of our God.

In the Hebrew the word flourish means to flower, to blossom, to bloom, to break forth and to spread out. To flourish means to enter in to a “state of prosperity”. It means to increase in wealth, favor and honor. In the household of faith, we flourish, we are increasing in wealth, we are increasing in favor and we are increasing in honor. The word flourish means: to grow vigorously and exuberantly; to enlarge and to expand.

So, we shouldn’t just to expect to survive and get by. That word to flourish is a very powerful word; it also means to become extremely successful. That is the picture that God has for us. That is the desire that He has for us. We have been redeemed from the curse of the Law; the curse of shortage, poverty, lack, deficiency, unpaid bills. We have been redeemed from all that and we walk in the blessing of Abraham. We are not just surviving, we are flourishing.

When you read the blessings; it is outrageously good and it is ours! You can go back to the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy and get it down on the inside of you. I would recommend reading in different translations. The commanded blessing is upon my storehouses. Read it for yourself and you will get happy about all the blessings that are mentioned there.

It is a good scripture to read when somebody gets married!

Here are some more scriptures on flourishing: Proverbs 14:11 Even when the natural people are overthrown, we can flourish, because we are in a different household. Even when we have the same economic conditions, we have different results. We in the household of faith experience different results. Our times are in His Hands. When you look at cities; you always see the neighborhoods of the rich people and then there are the neighborhoods of people that don’t have any money. There is a difference. We are citizens of heaven, we live out of a different Kingdom; it is a spiritual thing!

Here is a confession that you can speak over your own life:
I am not moved by what I see
I am not moved by what I hear
I am not subject to the times
I will keep obeying God
I will keep tithing
I will keep sowing seed
I will walk by faith
I will keep going to Church
I am separated from the curse of lack
I am connected to the BLESSING of Abraham
I am thriving, flourishing, increasing, enlarging, experiencing God’s supernatural provision.

Here you go, make a choice. Choose to believe that you flourish and all the things that you spoke just now. Your Time Has Come and your time is NOW. You have the power of choice to choose to live by faith. When you desire to please God, you know what you need to do “the just live by faith”.

Until next time:

Deuteronomy 28:1-13



Thank You, Father, for the provisions of our covenant. You have freely given me all that I need for success in life. I trust Your Word. I know that all of Your blessings have come upon me and they will overtake me. I am blessed in the city and blessed in the country. My children are blessed at my side. My production increases unfailingly under Your anointing. Everything in my care is fruitful and multiplies. I am blessed when I come in and blessed when I go out. When my enemies rise against me they are smitten before my face. They rise against me one way but flee from me in seven ways. You have commanded blessings on all of my storage places and my accounts. [Read more…]

A Life Without Strife

Seek Love and Stop Strife! Are you ready to make a choice? A choice for the good in your life? So, are you ready to stop the strife in your life? Let’s have a close look at strife any way. The most hazardous weapon the devil uses against

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us is also called the foremost enemy of LOVE. I am talking about STRIFE.

Today the spirit of strife and contention is destroying churches, marriages and families, friendships and relationships with God. Strife means “vigorous and bitter conflict, discord and antagonism, to quarrel, struggle or clash; competition; rivalry.” This dangerous sin is an open door to the devil. It gives him license to bring confusion and evil into our lives.

The Bible tells us how to avoid strife: “He who covers and forgives an offense seeks love, but he who repeats or harps on a matter separates even close friends” Prov.17:9 Ampl. So, what is the answer to avoiding strife? Well, most importantly, you are to yield to love. If you want peace in your life, give peace to others.

Walk in love. Be quick to forgive and overlook an offense. Don’t repeat matters that cause strife. We can also avoid strife through forgiveness: “Good sense makes a man restrain his anger and it is his glory to overlook a transgression or an offense.” Prov.19:11 Ampl.

You know, the devil will always try to make us think the way the world thinks. The world says, “If someone mistreats or insults you, the only ‘macho’ response is to give one right between the eyes!” That’s because the devil operates and thrives on strife, since strife gives him an open door. ‘The Bible says that where there is strife, there is also confusion and every evil work. James 3:16
Satan likes that kind of atmosphere. It breeds evil. He devil tries to cause us to think like the world thinks. He wants us to believe that we have to defend ourselves when we are insulted. He wants us to think, I’m going to get the last word. I’ll give that guy a piece of my mind. But no one needs a piece of mind. You should keep all you have!

The Bible says it is to your glory to overlook an offense. It also says you have good sense when you restrain your anger. Actually, insults won’t hurt you if you don’t partake of them; if you don’t allow them into your spirit. You can forgive the person and go on as peacefully, knowing that you just exhibited wisdom. Not only did you respond in wisdom, but you are still free from the trap of the devil.

The moment you slip up and get into strife make it right. Go to the other person and say, “Please forgive me. I love you. I don’t want to be in strife with you. You may have to repent quite a bit at first if you’ve developed habits that must be changed. Don’t get discouraged with yourself and give up. Just keep acting on the Word. Stop strife and yield to love! The love of God has been shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost. Rom.5:5 You are born of God to walk in His love.

Here is a prayer that you can pray:

Dear Father, I refuse to allow strife into my life and open the door to every evil work. In any way that I have opened the door to fear by holding unto strife, I let it go and take on the fullness of THE BLESSING provided by Love! I take authority over strife now. I repent according to 1John 1:9.
I confess the sin of strife. And I thank You that You are faithful and just to forgive me of this sin and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
I believe I receive Your forgiveness and Your cleansing because You are faithful to do what You say. Right now; the moment I confessed, I am forgiven! I praise You Lord, and shout the victory!
Thank God, I am free from strife.

I encourage making the choice to get out of strife and to stay out of strife. The Power of Choice is up to you; life is so much better without strife. Did you ever read something about strife? I recommend to read “Life Without Strife” by Joyce Meyer

The Wall of Redemption

The Wall of Redemption

by OLga Hermans


In the book of Exodus the children of Israel were separated from the swarms of flies, their cattle didn’t die. Can you see that picture in front of you? One pasture was full of hail and the other pasture had green grass. Yep, we are talking about making choices. A choice to thrive and not just survive, a choice to thrive and to prosper in tough times.

Yes, we choose that we are not subject to, and not live under the dominion, rule, control of influence of whichever way the economy and world system is going at the moment. The times are subject to the authority of the Word, the Blood and the name of Jesus spoken and acted upon by the believer. The times are subject to us. We are subject to and governed by another economy and another system; the Kingdom of God.

You know, I lived in a little town in The Netherlands, (I was born in the Netherlands) and at the time we lived there, our house was on one side of the street and that town was called “Amstenrade”. Then the other side of the street was called “Treebeek”. And the thing was that both towns had different rules for their own community. One thing that always stood out was that they picked up the garbage on different days; that was always one of the things that reminded us that we belonged to another township so to speak.

You know, there were times that this particular issue was mentioned in our conversation when we had people over. And usually they would say something like…”hmmm, isn’t that something”? Maybe the Israelites said that to each other “Isn’t that something”? But that is what they experienced right in front of their own eyes.

Exo 8:23  says: ”I’ll make a sharp distinction between your people and mine. This sign will occur tomorrow.'”

1.       Exodus 8:20-23 No swarms of flies in Goshen!
2.       Exodus 9:1-7 “Not one animal that belongs to the Israelites will die”
3.       Exodus 9:22-26 There was no hail in Goshen!
4.      Exodus 10: 21-23 Except for the Israelites: they had light where they were living.

The Lord will do that with businesses. If you are in the real estate business; don’t say that the real Estate Business is down. Say: “The Blessing is on my Real Estate Business.” The Bible talks a lot about land; land is important! You know, we all have the same conditions around us, but we of the household of faith, we have different results.

You know, Isaac sowed in the time of famine and he reaped a hundredfold return while everybody else was losing their crop. Isaac got the biggest crop he probably ever got.

Jer.17:5-8 talks about the man who is cursed and the man who is blessed. The man who is cursed is out in the desert and not producing fruit and failing in a time of drought. But the man who is blessed; even in the time if drought, he produces fruit. Even in the time of economic drought; we are separated unto God. We are not subject to those times. We are subject to the blessing.

Jer.17:8 They’re like trees replanted in Eden, putting down roots near the rivers; they never worry through the hottest of summers, never dropping a leaf, Serene and calm through droughts, bearing fresh fruit every season. That’s the picture of us! Isn’t that awesome?

When you hear the news or read the news in the newspaper; you make sure that you will read the good news. Read what God says; we are not of this world, we are in this world, but not of the world. How come? It is because the blessing is upon us.

God’s will for us that we prosper and thrive; it is not that we talk God into it. It is God’s idea! Prosperity is God’s idea. The Blessing can change you and your finances AND your nation. When we believe for our own prosperity, we need to lay hold of the prosperity of the nation that you are living in. You have authority in the nation that you are living in.

We have the Power to Make Choices to our own benefit, but we have to make them and then live by them. The Power of Choice is very, very powerful. You can change your own life around by making the right choices. It starts in the mind. I hope that by these posts, you will gain enough knowledge to come up to a higher standard of living. Have Faith In God and Every Thing is Going To Be ALL-Right.


Financial Inversion Shall Increase in These Days

Financial inversions shall increase in these days. For you see, it has been my desire to move in the realm of your financial prosperity. But release Me, saith the Lord, release Me that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf.

For yes, yes, yes, there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there. The economy shall go up and it will go down; but those that learn to walk in the Word, they shall see the prosperity of the Word come forth in this hour in a way that has not been seen by men in days past.

Yes, there’s coming a financial inversion in the world’s system. It’s been held in reservoirs of wicked men for days on end. But the end is nigh. Those reservoirs shall be tapped and shall be drained into the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It shall be done, saith the Lord. It shall be done in the time allotted and so shall it be that the word of the Lord shall come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

Predominantly in two ways shall it be done in this hour. Those that have hoarded up and stored because of the inspiration of the evil one and held the money from the Gospel shall be converted and drawn into the kingdom and then shall it release that reservoir into the kingdom. But many, many will not. They’ll not heed the voice of the Word of God. They’ll turn aside to this and they’ll turn to that and they’ll walk in their own ways; but their ways will not work in this hour. It’ll dwindle and it’ll slip away as though it were in bags with holes in them. It’ll go here and it’ll go there and they’ll wonder why it’s not working now. “It worked in days past,” they’ll say.

But it shall be, saith the Lord, that the word of the Lord shall rise within men—men of God, of low esteem in the financial world—that shall claim the Word of God to be their very own and walk in the light of it as it has been set forth in the Word and give. They’ll begin to give small at first because that’s all they have, but then it will increase; and through the hundredfold return, so shall it be that the reservoirs that have held the riches in days past so shall it return to the hands of the giver. Because of the hundredfold return shall the reservoirs be lost from the wicked and turned to the Gospel. For it shall be, it shall be in this hours that you will see things that you’ve never dreamed come to pass. Oh, it’ll be strong at first in ways, then it will grow greater and greater until men will be astounded and the world will stand in awe because the ways of men have failed and the ways of God shall come forth.

As men walk in My Word, so shall they walk in the ways of the Lord. Oh, yes, there will be some who say, “Yes, but God’s ways are higher, surely higher than our ways and we can’t walk in those.” It’s true that the ways of God are higher. They are higher than your ways as the heavens are above the earth, but I’ll teach you to walk in My ways. I never did say you couldn’t walk in My ways. Now learn to walk in it. Learn to give. So shall the inversion of the financial system revert and so shall it be that the Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to all the world and there shall be no lack in the kingdom. Those that give shall walk in the ways of the supernatural and they shall be known abroad. My Word shall spread and the knowledge of the Lord shall fill all the earth in the day and the hour in which ye stand. Ye shall see it and know it for it is of Me and it shall come to pass, saith the Lord.

–Prophecy delivered by Charles Capps
February 1, 1978
Honolulu, Hawaii