Seven Keys to Boost Your Confidence Instantly

Confidence And Negativity Cannot Live In The Same House; They Are Like Oil And Water, They Do Not Mix!


Seven Keys to Boost Your Confidence Instantly

by Olga Hermans


If some people are confident while others are not there must be a reason. Let’s have a look at some keys to boost your confidence instantly and tap into some things that will help you live with more confidence and with more boldness; are you ready?

1.       Confident People are Positive

Absolutely! Confidence and negativity do not live in the same house; they are like oil and water, they do not mix! I learned this the hard way that being positive is so much better and more fun and fruitful. Being positive or negative is a choice that you have to make, it is a way of thinking, speaking, and acting. They come from a repetitious behaviour that we have formed in our life.

Our life is the way we are because we are the way we are; there is no other reason and sometimes that is hard to swallow. In life we don’t get what we want, we get in life what we are. If we want more we have to be more, to be more you have to face yourself. People don’t like to be around people that are negative.

It has been said that 90% of what we worry about never happens. Thinking negatively makes you miserable. Why be miserable when you can be happy?

2.       Confident People Say NO to Fear

Fear is not from God; it is the devil’s tool to keep people from enjoying their lives and making progress. That does not mean that we will never feel fear, but it does mean that we will not allow it to rule our decisions and choices and our actions. The Bible says that God has not given us a spirit of fear. 2Tim 1:7
Fear causes people to bury their talents because they are afraid to fail, they are afraid to be judged and be criticized.

I DO know what it means to live in fear. When my parents died I was in my late 20’s; fear hit me like a brick. Fear came over me and filled me with a sense that I would never make it on my own and until this day I still have to be very alert to resist this fear. Feelings are fickle; they are ever-changing. The bad ones are there when you wish they weren’t and the good ones disappear when you need them the most.

3.       Confident People DO NOT Compare Themselves

It is impossible to be confident when you compare yourself to others. If there is one person that you can compare yourself with, it is you. Really, that would bring the best out of you! Why compare yourself to others? No matter how good we look, how talented or smart we are, or how successful we are, there is always someone that is better, and sooner or later we run into them.

I believe confidence is found in doing the best we can with what we have to work with and not in comparing ourselves with others and competing with them. Our happiness should not be found in being better than others, but in being the best we can be. What do you think?

4.       Confident People are Action Takers

I have heard that there are two types of people in the world. The ones who wait for something to happen and the ones who make something happen. We all have something to overcome. When you want to do something, don’t let yourself think about all the things that could go wrong. Be positive and think about the exciting things that can happen. Your attitude makes all the difference in your life.

Making mistakes is not the end of the world. We can recover from mistakes. In fact, one of the few mistakes we cannot recover from is the mistake of never being willing to make one in the first place.

5.       Confident People Do Not Live in Assumptions

Many people feel empty and unfulfilled because they have spent their lives bemoaning what they did not have, instead of using what they do have. We all know those thoughts that come “what if” I had my own house, “If I only” I would have more money, “what If” I would be married and “if I only” I could have had a better start in life and so on, and on and on!

One of the biggest mistakes we can make in life is to stare at what we don’t have or have lost and fail to make an inventory of what we do have.

6.       Confident People Bounce Back Quickly

So what if you fail? So what if you made a mistake? What else is new? We all fail and we all make mistakes. The good thing is that we learn so much from our mistakes.  A person is not a failure because he/she tried some things that did not work out. We only fail when we stop trying. I have heard it many times that most people who are very successful failed their way to success.

Let all those mistakes be training ground for you, you will be much better on the other side. If you never would make any mistakes, what would you learn? Nothing, really! One of the great things about God is that He always gives you a new beginning. One thing you absolutely shouldn’t do is to let the past dictate your future. Because you learn of your mistakes you are keen to do things differently.

7.       Confident People Know That God Loves Them

If you are a Christian you should know this for sure, but even if you are not a Christian you have to know that God is a good God and He loves you no matter what you do or where you have been. He loves you more than you will ever know.

There are people who feel so bad about themselves and then get around people who hurt them. You need to look for friends that you feel safe with. God will show you how to recognize them if you listen to His wisdom. One of the ways that God loves us through people and when we have the wrong people around us, we will always have that feeling that something is wrong with us.
God’s love is unconditional and makes you feel confident.

I want to close with this scripture

Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love. For He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will [because it pleased Him and was His kind intent]
— Eph 1:4 -5

I hope that these 7 Keys will help you on your way to being fully confident; let me know which one jumped out the most for you.

If you would pay more attention to your thoughts and choose to think on things that will help you instead of hinder you, you will be able to boost your confidence instantly and you will enjoy being more confident. Think confident and you will be confident.

Question: Please share with us the one key that really impacted you while reading. Thank you!

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How to Be Emotionally Strong – Gaining Control Over Your Emotions

Most People Approach Life Like A Roller-Coaster Ride At An Amusement Park

How to Be Emotionally Strong –
Gaining Control Over Your Emotions

By Olga Hermans


The other day I was at a party and we were all chatting along and all of a sudden the question came up: “isn’t anyone happy anymore?” Actually there was a male in our group and started sharing with us that he dates women frequently, but the relationships always seem to end the same way. He said, “All the women I meet don’t just have so much emotional baggage, they have cargo!”

Do you have friends who have these emotions like: resentment and bitterness, depression, grief, gloom and despair? We all have emotions, but I believe one of the main goals of every person should be emotional stability. We should seek God to learn how to manage our emotions and not allow them to manage us.

God wants you to use wisdom. Before you do something, wisdom says wait a little while until the emotions settle down, then check to see if you really believe it’s the right thing to do. The Bible says in Colossians 3:15 to be led by peace in making decisions. Don’t let your emotions make your decisions. A good statement to remember is this: “Wisdom says wait; emotions say hurry.

Most people (I am not talking about you and I) approach life like a roller-coaster ride at an amusement park. They allow their lives to happen to them. They strap themselves in and with grim determination; they hang on during the ups, downs, excitement and fear. They don’t have a clue how much stress they have on the inside of them.

The longer the ride lasts, the more accustomed they become to the knots in their stomachs and the tension in their neck. We seem to have forgotten that there might be a different way to live. I don’t know about you, but when I get off a roller-coaster ride, I feel very wobbly in the knees. An emotional roller coaster can also cause a person to be a little wobbly – unsure, unstable, stressed-out, weak and incapable of functioning to the fullest.

Emotional roller coasters sap people of physical and psychological health, often leaving the mind and the body almost without energy and strength.

I have said this before that I had a sister who died due to anorexia. I remember the time that she started this deadly behaviour. I was only 14 and she was 17/18; she was not happy for who knows what the reason was. She started to have these emotional outbursts of anger and bitterness. There was a time that it looked like the emotions started to settle down, but the fact was that she started to cope with it by starving herself and not giving herself room to be who she really was. It had an effect on our whole family.

My other sister got married, seemed to be very happy on the outside. After my parents had died she became depressed and suicidal; very angry and bitter at everybody around her. Her emotions became too much for her, because she didn’t learn how to manage her emotions but allowed them to manage her. At this moment she and one of her daughters are in a mental hospital.

Do you want to know what happened to me? During a time of deep distress in my life God came and visited me in my own home, He picked me up and delivered me out of darkness into His marvellous light. He changed me on the inside, delivered me completely from smoking 2 packages of cigarettes a day and from nail biting instantly, He also completely healed my marriage. Of course there were and are some areas that I have to work through. He never told us that life would be easy, but if we do life together with Him, life is so much easier.

I am telling you all this because I know that emotions can be very deadly and very toxic. Many people suffer depression, fear, worry, stress and try to cope with it. Mother Teresa said that the greatest disease of mankind is the absence of love. I couldn’t agree more. Your answer to you feeling like this is that you start to realize that you are valuable and priceless.

The Bible encourages us strongly that we are to love others as we love ourselves. Matth.22:39 and Lev. 19:18. You know, to be able to love begins in receiving God’s love and then learning to love ourselves. How are you able to love yourself? By having feelings of worthiness, value and purpose in life.

“You are beautiful!” Is this a compliment to you? Well, it was meant to be, because YOU ARE beautiful. God says that about you! You are valuable to Him; He loves you as nobody else can love you.Whoever you are and wherever you are, you are precious, priceless and extremely important to an amazing God in heaven. He knows your name. He sees your life and he cares about the inner desires of your heart.

Walking in love is a choice and acting on that choice takes effort. Love means that you turn yourself inside out for others, to turn your thinking upside down from the way the vast majority of people in the world think. A person who makes a commitment to walk in love is a person who nearly always discovers he has made a very extreme decision. Walking in love requires not only an intentional, initial choice, but an ongoing intentional choice.

Loving as God loves requires practice, practice, practice. Practice and not being jealous, proud, rude, or selfish and you are on your way to attain happiness and live the life you desire.

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What is Your Unique Personality Type?

You Can Only Understand Others by Understanding Yourself


What is Your Unique Personality Type?

by Olga Hermans

When you discover God’s idea of you and the value He places upon you,
It will affect your whole lifestyle.” ~T.L.Osborn



The other day we had a conversation between friends who did a survey on our Personality Type which was really  interesting. Some of us knew which type they were and others were quite surprised. I really thought about writing an article on our own unique personality type. Remember, you are unique, you are one of a kind and you are EXTRA-ordinary!

I used to teach about the Personality Type in our school and it was always so much fun when people find out some qualities about themselves. It is very important that you know how to understand others by understanding yourself first. It will help you in friendships, with family, with romance, and at work.

Here are the four Basic Temperaments (Tim LaHaye).

1.  The Sanguine

This is the person that has the warm, buoyant and fun loving temperament. These people are very receptive by nature and when they come in contact with some exciting people or circumstances, they respond immediately with an outburst of response from the heart. They respond rather with feelings than with some reflective thoughts.

They have an unusual capacity to enjoy themselves. When they come into a room full of people, they have a tendency to lift up the spirits of everyone present by an energetic flow of conversation. They love to tell stories, because they almost relive the whole experience in the very telling of it.

They never lack friends; they can genuinely feel the joys and sorrows of other people and they have the capacity to make people feel important, as though the new acquaintance were a very special friend. This is something they are able to do with every person they come in contact with.

As you can imagine, they don’t like solitude; they enjoy people and they are at their best when they are surrounded by friends, where they are the life of the party. They never are at a loss for words, though they often speak without thinking.

A Biblical Sanguine

The apostle Peter was a sanguine. He was always talking wherever he went, isn’t it? Everything he said in the gospels was “wrong” except his great confession of Christ’s deity (see Matt.16:16). His sinful betrayal and easy repentance “with tears” is typically sanguine. They always feel bad for wrong-doing – after they get caught. But that is not the end of the story! Peter became the strong, resolute leader of the early church. In the Acts of the Apostles, everything he said was right, because he was filled with the Holy Spirit.

2. The Choleric

These people are hot, quick, active, practical and strong-willed. They are often self-sufficient and very independent. They tend to be decisive and opinionated, finding it easy to make decisions for themselves as well as for others.

They thrive on activity, as a matter of fact to them, “life is activity.” They don’t need to be stimulated by their environment; they are the ones who stimulate the environment with their many ideas, plans and ambitions. They don’t do things aimlessly; they have a very keen mind, capable of making sound, instant decisions or planning worthwhile, long-range projects.

They do not vacillate under pressure of what others think; they take a definite stand on issues. Adversities don’t scare them at all; in fact they are motivated by them. They often succeed where others fail, not so much because their plans are so much better than others’, but because they are still ‘pushing ahead” after others have become discouraged and quit. They are called born leaders, because they always land on their feet.

The emotions of the cholerics are not much developed; they don’t sympathize much with others and they also don’t show or express compassion. They are often embarrassed or disgusted by the tears of others. They are very optimistic; almost never expect failure except at home. Love is not a priority on his list.

A Biblical Choleric

I think the apostle Paul is a great example of the Choleric temperament. He was a prime persecutor of the early church before he was saved. He then pushed himself relentlessly until he had preached the Gospel around the then-known world.

Who but a choleric would crawl out from under a rock pile and the next day walk 12 miles to preach the gospel? But when he was filled with the Holy Spirit, Paul exhibited a gentleness and compassion. There is no limit to what a choleric person can do when he learns to walk in the Spirit and to abide in Christ.

3. The Melancholy

They are often referred to as the “black” or “dark” temperament. Actually they are the richest of all the temperaments, for they are very analytical, self-sacrificing, gifted and perfectionists. They have a very sensitive emotional nature. They love the fine arts.

Often times, they are introverts. Their feelings dominate them; sometimes their moods will lift them to heights of ecstasy that cause them to act more extrovert. But then there are times they will be gloomy and depressed, which makes them withdraw and be quite antagonistic.

They are very faithful friends, but they don’t make friends easily like the Sanguine does. They will not push themselves forward to push themselves forward to meet people. They are perhaps the most dependable of all the temperaments, because of perfectionist tendencies they do not permit themselves to be a shirker or let others down.

Melancholies usually find their greatest meaning in life through personal sacrifice. They seem to have a desire to make themselves suffer and will often choose a difficult life job that involves great personal sacrifice.

They have a very high IQ or more creativity or imagination, plus they are capable of high-quality “perfect” work.

Biblical Melancholies

Many outstanding Bible characters had strong Melancholy tendencies; all the prophets were melancholy, as was Solomon and the apostle John.

Moses was a very gifted introvert filled with self-doubt who eventually trusted God to make him one of the greatest leaders in all history. Yet Moses never had victory over his anger, which limited God’s use of his life and resulted in his dying without entering the Promised Land

4. The Phlegmatic

Life for a phlegmatic is a happy, unexcited, pleasant experience in which they avoid as much involvement as possible.

They are calm and easygoing people and never seem to get ruffled, no matter what the circumstances. They have a very high boiling point and seldom explode in anger or laughter but keep their emotions under control.

This is the one temperament that is very consistent every time you see them. Usually they are kind-hearted and sympathetic but they seldom convey their true feelings. They feel much more emotion though than appears on the surface.

Phlegmatics do not lack for friends because they enjoy people and have a naturally dry sense of humor that others enjoy.

They tend to be spectators of life and they try not to get too involved with the activities of others. In fact, it is difficult for them to be motivated to move beyond their daily routine. This does not mean that they cannot appreciate the need for action and the difficulties of others.

They have a conciliating effect on others and are natural peacemakers. In their quiet way, they have proven to be fulfillers of the dreams of others. They are masters of everything that requires meticulous patience and daily routine.

Biblical Phlegmatic

Abraham is a good example of a phlegmatic. He is a classic example of how God can transform a person’s natural weakness into strength. Abraham’s fear; worry, and decisions became resolution, courage and action to the point that more space is given to Abraham in the New Testament than any other Old Testament character.

Now that you have a short overview of the four temperaments, there is no doubt that you also realize that “people are individuals.” Not only are there four distinct types of temperaments that produce these differences, but the combination, mixtures and degrees of temperament multiply the possible differences. In spite of that, however, most people reveal a pattern of behaviour that indicates they lean toward one basic temperament.

We can’t make ourselves something we aren’t, we can only work on refining the weaknesses, which I believe is a lifetime process. You don’t have to battle so many insecurities, when you really know that God made you a certain personality. It is really freeing to truly find that out. Make it a daily choice to be true to yourself, you were born for greatness.

How You Choose To Appreciate Yourself

We Were Wonderfully Made By A Loving God Who Does ALL Things Well.


How You Choose To Appreciate Yourself

by Olga Hermans


We have each been uniquely designed for a specific purpose. We all have different personalities, gifts, skills, talents, preferences and experiences. God doesn’t want us to be a robot or a clone of someone else. That is one big reason for us to embrace who we are and love, and accept the masterpiece He has created each of us to be.

As we grow from childhood into adulthood, we go through different experiences, some positive and some negative. It doesn’t matter how and why we go through some of these experiences, God can use them all. He can make a message out of the biggest mess and a testimony out of our tests.

These experiences help to shape and mold us into the people that we become. As we grow and develop as individuals, we gain a concept of who we are and what we were created to do and achieve. It is so very important that we gain a concept of who we are. We need to love ourselves unconditionally to empower us to live a genuine life.

Choose to appreciate yourself. The moment you look in the mirror, you should be aware that you are looking at one of the best people you know. It is important that we know ourselves better than we know anyone else; our flaws and all. We should be able to see ourselves as unique and exquisite individuals, empowered by God to succeed in every area of life.

We were wonderfully made by a loving God who does ALL things well. He purposely made us for a time such as this. There are others that look a lot like you and play some of the same roles as you, there is only one you; and only you can do what you have been created to do.

When you know and love who you are, it will give you the ability to live freely. Choose to take time to appreciate the gifts and talents of others. But also, take time to discover and develop the things that you are good at and interested in. It helps you to nurture and cultivate your abilities. Strive always to be the best you can be for yourself as well as for others.

We need to be able to relate to others and enjoy their company; we must learn to do so without being oppressed when give their opinions. There is a word for that oppression: “people bondage”. I remember the time very well that I was allowing fear of what others would think of me to stop me from discovering and accomplishing all that He has created me to do.

I am so glad and thankful that God helped me out of that struggle. Although there are times when it tries to return, I remind myself that I am free. Through this self-realization, I was able to make a quality decision. I had to make a choice; either I was going to remain the insecure person I had been for years, or I was going to be secure in who I was. I chose the latter and started to move towardd self-acceptance and self-love and started focussing on fulfilling my God-given purpose.

We are only capable of seeing where we are today, but God is able to see the bigger picture. He already knows when, where and how we will make our mark in the world as we yield to His plan of self-acceptance and self-love.

Being true to ourselves and allowing God to use us where we are, positions us to be true and genuine vessels, which He can use in even greater ways

How Do You See Yourself?

Don’t Put Yourself In A Box By Limiting Yourself To Just Existing


How Do You See Yourself?

by Olga Hermans


Can you answer this question: “How do you see yourself”? It is very important how you see yourself, because it has everything to do with your destiny. First, you have to absolutely know that God loves you; you have to be convinced that He loves you. When you get a revelation of how much God cares about you, you’re going to get a greater respect for yourself.

In the eyes of God, your success is NOT dependent upon your circumstances. In the eyes of God, your success is dependent upon how you see yourself.

If you think you’re a failure, you will fail. If you think you can win through the power of God that dwells within you, then you will win. It’s up to you. It’s your choice.

Satan has been able to paint a picture on the inside of you of the way you see yourself. He has been doing this already for many years and I must say he has done a good job, isn’t it? However, if you want to live in victory, then you must begin to discover who you are in Christ; God’s image.I ask you again: “How do you see yourself”?

Most people don’t like themselves. Some don’t like themselves for various reasons. I didn’t like myself growing up. I had two older sisters who got all the attention; I was always the little one running behind them trying to catch some of leftovers so to speak. They got all the extras.

It was until I gave my life to the Lord May 15, 1989; the day of my natural birth and my spiritual birth. Since then I started to like myself; that season of my life had brought a huge change in my life. Before that time I was searching and searching but in the wrong direction. I was in self-help groups and New Age thinking. God showed Himself to me and let me know how much I needed Him while I was in that group. It was a beautiful thing and a few months later I came out of new age and was born again on May 15th. My life has never been the same.

Anyway, back to not liking ourselves. It is a terrible way to live when you go through life not liking yourself much less loving yourself. Yeah, you should fall in love with you. You have qualities that nobody else has. You are unique. No one else can be exactly like you. Every person has something unique about him or her. Let me ask you again: “How do you see yourself”?

The bible says ….you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 19:19

How can you do that if you don’t even love yourself? When you love yourself, then what you are saying is, I accept me as who I am. God made me. I am not a mistake. Don’t put yourself down and condemn yourself when you love yourself. When you love yourself, you are saying, I am worth something. You are saying, I have something to offer.

We have all made mistakes in our lives and we should take full responsibility for them, but hanging on to them will not make our lives better. At some point, you have to make the choice to forgive yourself whether anyone else does or not.

Maybe you are somebody who is always down on yourself and feeling as if you’re worthless. Or you constantly tell yourself that you cannot be trusted with anything important because you might “mess things up”. Or you’ll become so mentally paralyzed that you won’t allow yourself to even think about taking a risk or stepping out in faith because you’re afraid that you’ll “blow it” again.

That way your self-esteem is almost nonexistent. Let’s be honest here, do you truly think that you will ever enjoy any high degree of success when your life is in that condition? No, you won’t! You have put yourself in a box. You have already determined your future. You’ve limited yourself to just existing – not living.

The abundant life that Jesus says is yours will never materialize if you refuse to let go of the mistakes. Let them go now and learn from them. Be wiser in the future; don’t make the same mistake twice. You have more information now than perhaps you had when you made the mistakes.

Apply the knowledge that you gained from experiences and get on with your life. Don’t let what happened in the past hold you back any longer. It can absolutely paralyze your life.

Look at your mistakes and wrong choices as new information about what works and what doesn’t work. Learn from it and move on. The main thing is this: DON’T LET THEM HOLD YOU BACK. In order for you to enjoy a bright future, it is absolutely necessary that you forget the past.

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15 Guidelines To Beat Self-Doubt

Self-Doubt Is Absolutely Tormenting


15 Guidelines To Beat Self-Doubt

by Olga Hermans


Self-doubt is absolutely tormenting. Confidence is something we can decide to have. When we learn about God and about His love for us, the moment will come that we have to decide whether we believe it or not. If we choose to believe, then we have confidence. If we don’t believe, we make a choice to live in doubt about everything.

If we don’t believe in ourselves, who is going to? God believes in us, and it is a good thing too; otherwise, we might never make any progress. We cannot always wait on others to come along and encourage us to be all that we can be. Some people are blessed to have that kind of support, while others don’t.

Self-doubt makes us double minded and James 1:8 teaches us that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. This person cannot go forward until he decides to believe in God and in Himself.

I want to encourage you to take a step of faith and stop doubting yourself. There is an old saying that goes, “Don’t sell yourself short.” You have more capabilities than you think you do. You are able to do a lot more than you have ever done in the past. God will help you, if you will put your trust in Him and stop doubting yourself.

Nobody is perfect and like everyone else, you also will make mistakes; but God will allow you to learn from them and will actually work them out to your good if you will decide not to be defeated by them. When doubt begins to torment your mind, start speaking the Word of God out of your mouth and you will win the battle.

What is a normal and healthy attitude toward yourself?

Here are 12 Guidelines That Will Build Your Self-Image and BEAT your Self-Doubt.

1. You have to know that God created you and know that He loves you.

2. Everybody has faults and mistakes and it is a good thing if you desire to change. However, God is working in your life and He is changing you day by day. While He is doing so, you can still enjoy your life and yourself.

3. Everyone has faults and you are not complete failures just because you are not perfect.

4. You are able to overcome your weaknesses with God. There will always be things that you have to deal with though; therefore, you will not become discouraged when you are convicted of areas in your life that need improvement.

5.       Don’t be a people pleaser. Of course, you want to make people happy and have them like you, but your sense of worth is not dependent on what others think of you.

6. Don’t be controlled by what people think, say, or do. Even if they totally reject you, you will survive. God will never reject you or condemn you as long as you believe.

7. No matter how often you fail, promise yourself to never give up.

8. Make a choice to like yourself and to enjoy yourself. Maybe there are things that you don’t like about yourself and you might want to change, but refuse to reject yourself.

9. The moment you made a personal choice to ask the Lord in your heart, you are in right standing with God through Jesus Christ.

10. God has a good plan for your life. You are going to fulfill your destiny and be all you can be for His Glory. You have God-given gifts and talents. You have the power to choose to intend to use them to help others.

11. Realize that your gifts and talents are a gift, not something you have manufactured yourself. Don’t look down on people who cannot do what you can do.

12. Learn all you can, but don’t allow your education to become a point of pride. God doesn’t use us because of our education, but because of our heart toward Him.

13. Don’t despise your weaknesses; they keep you dependent on God.

14. Don’t always assume when things go wrong that it is your fault. But don’t be afraid to admit it, if you are wrong.

15. Take good care of yourself physically. Do the best you can with what God gave you to work with.

To beat self-doubt in your life you have to “Watch your thoughts, for they will become your words. Choose your words, for they will become your actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Make a choice today to Beat your Self-Doubt. I’d love to hear from you! 

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Confidence is Required

To Succeed At Being Ourselves, We Must Be Confident


Confidence is Required

by Olga Hermans

To succeed at being ourselves, we must be confident. When we have confidence in ourselves, we might miss the mark. How does that work? Jesus said “…apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing” John 15:5. We all struggle with this truth; we keep trying to do things in our own strength, instead of placing all our trust in God.

A lot of our inner agony, struggling and frustration is because of our own misplaced confidence, even when we place it in our own family and friends. That doesn’t mean that we cannot trust anyone, but if we put the trust which belongs to God alone in  our friends and family instead; that will make it hard to experience the victory that we desire so much.

God will not allow us to succeed until our assurance is in the right place, in the right person. We have to give Him the credit for everything that we overcome and become successful in.

God did not create us to fail; we might fail at some things on our way to success, but if we trust Him, He will take our mistakes and work them out for good. Rom. 8:28: I have discovered this for myself that God will take my mistakes and turn them into miracles.

We all have a destiny and if we don’t do what we are good at, passionate about, something that we think about all the time, we feel frustrated and unfulfilled in our life because we are not doing what we are called and gifted to do.

However, just because we are destined to do something does not mean that it will happen automatically. There is a time to learning and testing; which is the very reason that many people want to give up and quit. We lose confidence in ourselves. You have to get your confidence back before you can move forward again. Trusting God is very significant to be able to go and conquer new territories so to speak.

You know, when we lose our confidence, we give place to the devil. Be confident about your gifts and calling. Believe that you hear from God. Be confident that people like you, and you will discover that more people do. You will become bold. See yourself as a winner.

Our confidence can be shaken when trials come, especially if the trials are long lasting. It perplexes us and we don’t like it of course; we don’t want to deal with it and shove it under the rug.  We must understand how much God loves us, and that He is always with us, that He ALWAYS causes us to triumph no matter what. What is the reason then that we lose our confidence so quickly? Yeah….because we neglect to choose to have confidence in God.

Sometimes we are in seasons of our life where we have to remind ourselves: This too shall pass! And smile! 🙂 You will become stronger through the trial and it will help you in the future!

Confidence is very, very important, without confidence we are stifled at every turn. Satan comes against us, he drops a bomb of strife or maybe one of your children acts just crazy. You might go through a rough situation right now; your confidence is shaken on every side. Maybe there is nobody that would understand what you are going through right now. You feel defeated and your dreams are destroyed; turn your confidence towards God. He is the only one that can pick you up again, give you a fresh start and a new beginning.

We must make a choice to take a step of faith and decide to be confident in all things. God might correct us, but that is a sign to us that He loves us! Don’t play it safe and do nothing. Confident people get the job done; they are fulfilled because they succeed at being themselves. I believe right now that God is stirring you up to be confident, to be confident when you pray, to be confident that you hear from God. Be confident that you walking in the will of God, be confident when you speak an encouraging word to somebody.

Make a choice today to grow in your confidence.

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2 Lessons From The Celebrity Apprentice To Reach Your Destiny

The Fact That Gary Busey Has Not Already Been Fired Is Almost Hilarious And Makes Everybody Walk On Their Toes


2 Lessons From The Celebrity Apprentice
To Reach Your Destiny

by Olga Hermans

Last week while I was writing “Iron Sharpens Iron” and When Life Throws You A Curveball”; I kept thinking about the situation on the Celebrity Apprentice. I don’t know about you but I would be greatly challenged when I would have to work with a person that challenges me to the max. I am not sure if I could stay focused on the task ahead of me under that kind of pressure. What about you? How would you act and perform in a situation like that?

The fact that Gary Busey has not already been fired onNBC’s the Celebrity Apprentice is almost hilarious and makes everybody walk on their toes. It keeps me speechless sometimes why Donald Trump keeps Gary around and keeps me marveling why? What are Donald trump’s motives, why does he keep the other men struggling with him? It’s very puzzling to me.

Actor Gary Busey is definitely the one that sharpens the iron of all the men in the ‘Backbone’ team. Knowing how to manage yourself in a situation like this will unquestionably build your character, which is a good thing. Some say he is a genius, others say he is a moron.? You be the judge!

Pro 27:17 says: “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend”.
Gods Word says: “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens the wits of another”.
ISV says: “Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens a friend’s character”.
You know, when iron sharpens iron, sparks are going to fly! We sharpen each other by being in a conversation and stirring up to exercise our gifts and talents.

The other article was about when Life Throws You a Curveball and it talked about the issue when somebody would be hired for a new job and thought it was going to be a certain way, but then you find out you had a boss or an employee that was a real pain in the neck. The participants in The Apprentice are prepared because they know that this is going to happen. But still when it happens, everybody has to face the facts and sharpen their motives to move forward.

So, what should you do when that happens?

1.   Don’t get bitter and choose to be an encouragement instead. Encourage the team and encourage yourself. The people in the team are the assets that you have. Don’t go and sit on the sideline and look down your nose at what everybody else is doing.
You must wake up and determine that you will do the things that will move you forward.

2.   You need to remind yourself that you have a destiny. Do you know what is going to help you get through your overwhelming circumstances? It is a revelation of your destiny.
You might be in an overwhelming circumstance right now, but God is letting you know you have a future and a hope. Become compassionate for others and realize you have a destiny, a goal to be reached. Then press toward it in spite of unexpected storms – or curveballs – that come your way.

Will Gary Busey ever get fired on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’?

If a situation with a person like this comes into your own life, what do you do? What do most people do? The easy way out is to leave the situation for what it is and walk out. Leave it for what it is and hope for the best, hoping that a curveball like that will never come back. You choose to not be sharpened by the iron that came into your life.

What do you think? I think that every time we make a choice not to face a situation or a certain personality we miss out, because we could have strengthened our character which is very important. It is your character that keeps you in the place of success. If you reach success and your character is not developed, you will have a hard time to stay there.

How would you like it when somebody would say about you: “we do not want to work around you Gary, but WE ARE FORCED to work around you” like Meatloaf said.

Here came what we all probably were waiting for: “Gary, you’re very talented, you are very unique, you are an amazing guy and Gary “YOU”RE FIRED!” Donald Trump stated the fact one more time! What would you have done?

Overcoming Rejection


But you are the ones chosen by God ... from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. 1Pe 2:9-10

Everybody, I talk to, black or white, suburban, rich or poor can relate to rejection. Derek Luke

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt

It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you, but if you trust the Lord you are safe. Proverbs 29:25

Why do you fear rejection?

Have you ever felt rejection?

Rejection is a very difficult thing for us to walk though, it is very hurtful and it wounds us deeply. [Read more…]

God Is Your Solution, Not Your Problem

Have you ever thought that “without God life would be so much easier”? Or this one, “if God only would approve of this; I would be on my way”. You see, God does not respond to what we do; we have to choose to respond to what God

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does. God is our Solution, not our problem!

He chastises or instructs us with His Word. He doesn’t cause our problems. He tells us, “If you do this, I’ll bless you. If you don’t do it, you open yourself up to the strategies of the enemy.” Deut 28:1-2,15. So, whose fault is it if we choose to do the wrong things and get in trouble? Ours. We made the choices.

When we get stuck in a hard place, sometimes it is hard for us to understand where the real problem lies. It is difficult for us to see that we are the ones who opened the door to our troubles. It is so much easier to think, God has missed it here. It’s called deception.

It’s also easy to look back at the Old Testament people and think, Adam, how could you have been so foolish as to not obey God? Israel, why did you keep refusing to listen to the prophets that were sent?

But we can be just as foolish. We let ourselves get out of the will of God through disobedience, and then when things don’t work for us and we struggle, we ask, “Lord, why did you let this happen to me? How come You’re not doing something to get me out of this?” [Read more…]