Make The Choice To Not Harbor Ill Will


Make The Choice To Not Harbor Ill Will

by Olga Hermans


“When we harbor ill will, it’s like letting that person rent space in our brain, but we pay the rent.” When someone hurt you and even deeply hurts you, quite often it leaves you with a feeling that they owe you something. You start to harbor ill will against that person; you have feelings of anger, hatred, lack of sympathy, bitterness, antipathy, coldness. That is what it means when we harbor ill will towards somebody.

We can have a whole list of emotions coming up on the inside of us and be counting up all the things what the other person did to us and on and on! You know, most of the time, the people who hurt you don’t even realize what they have done to you and how much they hurt you.

Let me ask you something. Do you really think other people are planning their life around hurting you? You probably know the answer, isn’t it? The truth is very seldom does someone intentionally set out to hurt another person. Yes, sometimes they do, but that is usually not the case. In normal situations people don’t want to do that.

When the situation occurs and people hurt you because they are insensitive, rude, or angry. You know, hurt people hurt people; I’s so true that hurting people, hurt people. If you allow this to make you so mad that your evenings at home are spent poaching over the situation, then you have allowed yourself to accept the devil’s bait and you give the devil a heyday.

While you’re miserable and upset, the person who has hurt you might be watching a movie having a good time and not even thinking about you. They may even be enjoying a piece of strawberry pie with whipped crème on it while you are at home taking Rolaids and trying to keep the pain in your stomach under control. You must understand that letting go of hurts in your life has no bearing on the other person. It’s something you must do with yourself.

You know, my own sister went through a divorce; she accused her husband saying, “You owe me.” Although he had hurt her for fifteen years, it was not within his power to give those years back. When somebody owes you a debt that they cannot pay, the only thing you can do is forgive the debt because it’s not within human power to change the past.

I know another woman, who actually loved hated her father very much. But there were two sisters in the family and she always felt that her father loved the other sister much more. At a younger age she started to build ill will against her father and after a while she became anorexia. The story is more complex than I can tell you here of course, but she wanted to have her father’s full attention and felt that “he owed her”. The father died; her anorexia took completely over because she wasn’t able to forgive and let the past be the past.

There are many sad stories like these; you probably know some yourself. It comes down to making the right choice for you and for others. The power of choice is given to us. Forgiveness means to absolve from payment or cancel a debt. If you have been seriously hurt, you might as well make the choice to forgive, cancel the debt. Maybe read a book and gain some knowledge on how to forgive someone,because there’s nothing you can do to change the past. How long do you plan to live with the pain in your heart? Although you can’t change the past, you can make a choice to change your response to it.

Cancel the debt and be free.

“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)

20 Reasons On How To Stop Worrying About Everything


20 Reasons On How To Stop Worrying About Everything

by Olga Hermans


Do you really, really want to stop worrying? You can’t expect to live worry-free if you don’t take time to pray and give your troubles to the lord. Cast all your anxiety on him; God will take it from you, but you got to give them to Him and you can’t give something to God if you’re not in His presence.

If you are reading this and you desire to know how to be in God’s presence; you can! Everybody is making choices in life every day, you can make that choice today. It’s the best choice you will ever make!

The bible says that God is a Spirit, so you have to communicate with Him through your own spirit and you do that when you pray and open yourself to Him. John 4:24

Worrying brings more problems into your life. If you want to get rid of them, you’ve got to make a choice to dive more into the Word of God in your private time because Rom.10:17 says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

You also have to pray. When you pray, start by worshipping God. This is a state of opening yourself up to God and recognizing his greatness. Tell God how much you appreciate Him. Tell Him what you are thankful for. Start to think on “bigness” of God. Whatever comes to your mind just let it out in worship to Him.

That frame of mind and openness of spirit will pop open your ability to receive and to release. You will gain peace and you will be able to let go of what is worrying you. The more you start to see God for what He really is – which is love – the more you will be able to release the habit of worrying. 1John4:18-19

Here are 20 reasons On How to stop worrying about everything from the Dakes Annotated Reference Bible:

  1. Worrying is sinful and produces fear.
  2. It is a disease causing other problems.
  3. It is borrowing trouble that cannot be paid back.
  4. It is brooding over what may not happen.
  5. It is creating trouble, misery and death.
  6. It is a burden borrowed from tomorrow and other who should carry it.
  7. It is a weight that kills prematurely.
  8. It is mental and physical suicide.
  9. It is a grave-digger that has no sympathy.
  10. It is needless and wastes time and effort that should be spent on worthwhile things.
  11. It is a robber of faith, peace and trust in a never-failing heavenly Father.
  12. It is a tumbling block to others
  13. It is a disgrace to God and should never be indulged in by Christians.
  14. It is anxiety over what is nothing today and less tomorrow, in view of faith.
  15. It is anticipating troubles which seldom come to those who trust God.
  16. It is tormenting over something that will likely be a blessing if it comes.
  17. It is living like an orphan without a heavenly Father.
  18. It is a crime against God, man, nature and better judgment.
  19. It is mental cruelty to self and others.
  20. It is foolish, for whatever is going to happen cannot be stopped by worry and if it doesn’t happen, there is nothing to worry about. Should adversities actually come, you will still be victorious by trusting in God.

So, how are you doing? Does this help you to get answers? I hope so for you the same as these were answer for me. I what area did it help you specifically?

Can You Trust God With Your Future?

God is a God of abundance; He has so much for us. We have no idea!

Usually we look for crumbs under the table; He has prepared a feast for us in the royal banquet hall. We wonder if He remembers who we are, He has been calling our name. We wait for Him to notice our plight; He waits for us to take His hand. We see ourselves in the dark because we’ve done something wrong; He sees us in the light because we’ve done something right.

We don’t recognize the answers to our prayers; He moves powerfully at our request. We have trouble trusting Him fully with our future; He has a future for us better than the one we dream of for ourselves. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1Corinthians 2:9)

We worry so about our future because we can never be completely certain about it. A single event can change our lives; for the better we hope, for the worse we fear. When we ask Him about it, He sometimes reveals specifics. But most of the time He doesn’t give us anything more than the assurance that our future is secure in His hands. He shows us that we have a future and this simple knowledge must be enough for us.

You have a great future ahead and it will be reached as you move out of your past and walk step-by-step with God as he reveals Himself to you in the present.

Just as you should not live in the past, resist the urge to live in the future also. Put your future in God’s hands, trusting that He will never withhold anything good from you and then stop worrying about it. This doesn’t mean a trumpet will sound announcing that you are spiritually immature if you find yourself concerned about the future.

God is not asking you to be perfect. He is asking you to be perfect in you. God is not asking you to have your whole future figured out. He is asking you to trust that He has a future planned. Thinking too much about the future can keep you from fully living the life God has given you now.

This doesn’t mean you can’t have goals, but some people have goals that are so strong they sacrifice everything to achieve them, even their family and God. Instead of allowing the goal to come from God, the goal itself becomes god.

Simply follow Him every day on that narrow pathway and you will be free. Free to trust Him for every step. Free to be all He made you to be. Free to do what He called you to do. Free to enjoy all He has for you. You will walk in a dept of love, peace, fulfillment and joy you never thought possible.

You don’t have to have you life all figured out; you only have to take one step at a time walking with God. And every time you put your hands in God’s hand, you’ll know you’ve got a solid hold on your future.

A few Sundays ago my pastor CLA Church gave us these 10 areas for you trust God in:

Here they are :

1. Trust Him when he blesses you and not to become self-sufficient.

2. Trust Him with your future.

3. Trust Him with your heart.

4. Trust Him when you go through a family issue.

5. Trust Him when you get into trouble

6. Trust Him when you are tempted.

7. Trust Him when you face persecution.

8. Trust Him when you are disappointed

9. Trust Him for restoration

10. Trust Him when it comes to faith

Choose To Be A Doer Of The Word In 2011

We can read in the Old Testament that man has always had a struggle with the effects of the curse that came upon the earth after Adam made a very bad choice and listened to what the devil had said to his wife. Bad Choice, wouldn’t you say? We all are reaping the consequences. But, praise the Lord, Jesus came and delivered us from the curse.

If that is so; we all know that, that is true; why then is the curse still evidence in the lives of so many believers? Why is that? So many Christians are still in bondage.

There are open doors to deception

In the first chapter of James, the Word of God reveals a major doorway through which Satan can come to deceive us. In the verse 22 we read: “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

Every time some portion of the Word of God is quickened to your heart and you fail (or refuse) to act on it, you leave a door wide open for Satan to enter your life with some form of darkness. Actually, it is like this word says it; you choose to be the cause of your own deception.

You know. Every time when you read the Word and fail to choose to act on the Word, you are saying by your actions something you would probably never say with your lips, i.e., “I don’t believe God’s Word is true and I have a better plan.”

At that moment, you made a very bad choice because you took the work out of the hands of the devil. He doesn’t have to sow doubt or unbelief in your heart about the integrity of God’s Word. You did it yourself. You made it easy for satan to bring the effects of the curse into that area of your life. James 2:17

You’re right “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” Hebr. 11:6 But without corresponding action, that faith is powerless to help you. In fact, the word translated “hearers” in James 1:22 is the same Greek word translated “hearing” in Romans 10:17.

So, James is not talking about hearing with your natural ears but rather hearing with your heart, which is precisely how faith comes. Yet, by choosing not to “do” that Word, you can still be deceived.

How Can You Do The Word?

First, don’t ever let Satan deceive you into thinking your faith isn’t important. Let’s go back to James 1:22-25 and read on to verse 25 to find the answer.

That verse says, “Being not a forgetful hearer but a doer.” A hearer of what? A hearer of the “perfect law of liberty” or in other words, God’s Word. Thus, you could say, “Being not a forgetful hearer of God’s Word, but a doer.”

Now let’s look at the next key to doing the Word. We find it in the very next verse: James 1:26

Here the Bible warns us of another source of deception. First it told us that deception comes when you hear the Word but don’t do it. Now it adds this truth: If you think you have it all together spiritually but don’t keep your tongue from speaking things contrary to God’s Word, then you’re fooling yourself.

Satan will try to deceive us into believing that thoughts and words are unimportant. Don’t we all eventually say what we’ve been thinking? Jesus said we do in Luke 6:45

The two principle factors which determine whether or not you become a doer of the Word are:

  1. What you think upon and
  2. What you speak

If you make the choice to meditate on God’s Word and then speak God’s Word, you will tap into the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe. And that power can and will change your behavior. You will become a doer of the Word, not by your own strength and resolve, but by the power of God that resides in His Word.

Consistent doing is always preceded by consistent thinking and consistent speaking. A failure to do the Word, however, leads to deception. And as we’ve seen, deception leads to something very different from prosperity and success.

When I Fall, I Shall Arise

Tonight I was reading this update of a friend of mine on facebook “Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time”. This New Year is a great time to start!

It made me think, just as it probably makes you think. There are choices we have to make and at the beginning of each year we like to make new resolutions in a  various areas of our lives.

Anybody can fall down, cry and quit. Anybody can fear and hide. If you’ve got God, you don’t have to do that. You can lift your head, set your face like a flint and keep the faith. You can speak to whatever problem is rearing its head at you, resist the devil and get victory. [Read more…]

The Integrity of The Soul

1. It is will that determines the integrity of the soul.

"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough". Og Mandino

There is a great struggle in people’s lives and that is the struggle wit the conflicts of the mind. There are things that we want and things that we need in our life, but it seems that they are always affected by our emotions, fears, desires and all the uncertainties of life. We all face struggles of life until we die. This is a fact of life that we need to recognize whether we like this our not.

We as Christians, we love to talk about the power of the Holy Spirit and sometimes even boast about the fact that He lives on the inside of us. Yet, in reality we can fear things that we don’t have to fear; right? Did you know your born—again spirit is not even capable of producing fear? God has not given you the spirit of fear which leads to bondage. In fact, He’s freed you from bondage, and He doesn’t want you going back to it (2 Timothy 1:7)

Every day fear and faith are in an unyielding battle to reign supreme in our lives. When people accept or tolerate fear, they’re unwittingly being lured into Satan’s plan to control their lives. However, using the Word of God to abolish fear creates and develops fearless faith that is bold and unstoppable, and it’s that faith which allows you to obtain the victory God has given you through His Son, Jesus Christ.

We all like to be confident in our beliefs and competent in our responsibilities, but as individuals  we seem to be confused about our plans and purposes. Somehow we have to get our will in full gear and maybe there are some of us have to dust off our will and let it work again. There is something as a passive will did you know that? That is when you always want to go with the flow and do just that what is right in front of you; the thing is though that you will always reap the harvest down the road.

Our will determines the integrity of our soul. That lets us know that our actions have to be in agreement with what we believe in our heart. That is not always easy; sometimes it is even very challenging and might even cost you something. But if you want a change in your life for the good or if you desire that your life goes in a different direction; you have to use your will. It is a gift from God. he has given us the greatest gift; that is our will.

It is a very sad thing if we don’t use our will, because nothing is final or solid then, everything is unstable. We rely on our instinct. Willpower must be developed in our mind, where find dreams, fantasies, hopes, opinions and thoughts about how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us.

Let this article be an introduction to the use of our will; I will be writing more about the topic of “the will” in the coming days. Today we covered one “The Will Establishes/Determines the Integrity of the Soul”. So, I want to ask you to come back soon for the rest of the strategies about the use the will. You absolutely don’t want to miss it. See you then!

The Power of Forgiveness.(Mark 11:20-25)

The instruction to forgive others who have hurt us is very difficult to keep.  Our natural human tendency is to hold on to the hurt inflicted upon us, to nurse our wounds and hold grudges. Or, at the very least, we separate ourselves forever from the individual who is the source of our pain so that we cannot be hurt by that person again.

There are times, such as in cases of abuse, when physical separation is necessary. When a crime has been committed, justice and forgiveness go hand in hand. The courts of law must hold a perpetrator accountable and God will hold that person accountable in the final judgment, but we must still forgive that person. In these verses, Jesus was talking about the spiritual obligation that we have to forgive each other because we have been so graciously forgiven by our heavenly Father. To refuse to forgive others reveals that our hearts do not understand the level of forgiveness we have received. [Read more…]

Use Wisdom Wisely!

Wisdom has built her spacious house with seven pillars.

Proverbs 9:1

James describes these seven pillars of wisdom (James 3:17) and contrasts them to the wisdom that is “earthly, unspiritual, and motivated by the Devil” (v. 15).

First, wisdom is pure. Living a mixed, compromised lifestyle may appear smart, but it is not wise.

Second, wisdom is peace-loving. This attitude is in direct contrast to the world’s envy and selfish ambition, which results in “disorder and every kind of evil” (v. 16).

Third, wisdom is gentle. A wise person practices gentle courtesy and always considers the needs, desires, and feelings of others.

Fourth, wisdom is submissive. A person’s willingness to yield his will to the overall good of the family, community, or local church is a mark of true wisdom.

Fifth, wisdom is full of mercy and good fruit. A wise person will demonstrate obvious marks of goodness, charity, and forgiveness toward those who have injured him.

Sixth, wisdom is impartial, never valuing the face or status of someone instead of that person’s actual deed or need.

Finally, wisdom is sincere. A wise person is not hypocritical, but possesses a deep, inward authenticity. With him, what you see is what you get!

Establish your life on these seven pillars, and you will “plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness” (v. 18).