The Christmas Story

Ok, I choose this for Funny Friday; I thought it was very cute. Have a look yourself.

PLUS a short Christmas Joke:

Little Boy wants a present

About two weeks before Christmas, a little Catholic boy decided to write a letter to Santa. He started “Dear Santa…”, he thought “No, I will go to a higher authority”, so he decided to write a letter to Jesus.

“Dear Jesus, If you get me a bike for Christmas, I will be good for two weeks..”

“NO NO NO NO I can’t be good for two weeks”, he thought to himself.

So he started all over again…

“Dear Jesus, If you get me a bike for Christmas I will be good for one week.”

“NO NO NO NO I can’t be good for one week”, he thought to himself.

So he quickly ran to the Study room and grabbed their statue of Mary, and quickly wrapped it up in a blanket.

He started all over again.

“Dear Jesus, I have your mother…if you ever want to see her again…get me a bike for Christmas!”



  1. I enjoyed the modern day Christmas story. Great sight Sister Olga!

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