Use Wisdom Wisely!

Wisdom has built her spacious house with seven pillars.

Proverbs 9:1

James describes these seven pillars of wisdom (James 3:17) and contrasts them to the wisdom that is “earthly, unspiritual, and motivated by the Devil” (v. 15).

First, wisdom is pure. Living a mixed, compromised lifestyle may appear smart, but it is not wise.

Second, wisdom is peace-loving. This attitude is in direct contrast to the world’s envy and selfish ambition, which results in “disorder and every kind of evil” (v. 16).

Third, wisdom is gentle. A wise person practices gentle courtesy and always considers the needs, desires, and feelings of others.

Fourth, wisdom is submissive. A person’s willingness to yield his will to the overall good of the family, community, or local church is a mark of true wisdom.

Fifth, wisdom is full of mercy and good fruit. A wise person will demonstrate obvious marks of goodness, charity, and forgiveness toward those who have injured him.

Sixth, wisdom is impartial, never valuing the face or status of someone instead of that person’s actual deed or need.

Finally, wisdom is sincere. A wise person is not hypocritical, but possesses a deep, inward authenticity. With him, what you see is what you get!

Establish your life on these seven pillars, and you will “plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness” (v. 18).

Edify Yourself

Speaking with tongues is a means of spiritual edification. And if you want to be able to edify others, you’re going to have to be edified yourself!

I believe this is the reason that many people are not the blessing to others that they could be – they don’t edify themselves. They don’t take times to build themselves up spiritually by speaking in tongues. But when believers get themselves built up, they can then help and bless others.

When we pray and speak with other tongues, it helps us to be conscious of God’s divine, supernatural presence in our lives through the Person of the Holy Spirit.

Howard Carter was one of the pioneers of the Pentecostal Movement and the founder of one of the oldest Pentecostal Bible schools in the world. He once said: “We must not forget that the speaking with other tongues is not only an initial evidence of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling, it is a continual experience for the rest of his (the believer’s) life to assist in the worship of God. It is a flowing stream that should never dry up, and that will enrich the life spiritually.” [Read more…]

No One Can Keep You From Reaching Your Destiny But You!

No One Can Keep You From Reaching Your Destiny But You!

by Olga Hermans

I believe people have a destiny. But to a lot of people, that word is one that only belongs to another world. Can you remember the last time you talked about your destiny? Maybe with you family or your best friend? In today’s world, destiny is a word that isn’t used too much because it is lofty and can seem “beyond” us.

I want to tell you something “Destiny is real”. Every day, people just like you are living out their destiny all around the world. I will tell you what they are using, they are using the Sword of the Spirit and moving through their lives with something way more effective and that is “FAITH”!

We’ve all got a destiny or some might call it “destination“.You might want to use Noah Webster‘s dictionary as well. Any way, some people might have seemingly “larger” destinations to reach than others, but all of us are important.

We all have something to do that matter, whether it appears that way or not. If all of us would help just one person in this world and help him along in some way, it’s worth it. Some people are running toward their destiny by teaching children in a classroom. They are opening minds and teaching future generations.

Others are running toward their destiny by creating new and helpful things for the public’s use. They are inventing methods and objects that will change the way our world works! Still others are running toward their destiny simply by helping others to fulfill their dreams. They are the champions of dreams that can only get done with team effort.

We all have a place in this world; a destiny to achieve and a destination to reach. It’s a place rooted in goodness that, I believe, we should run toward in faith.

People are so busy with their own lives today. They are going to church, but their mind is on that, what they planned for the afternoon. They are driving past people, who need Jesus desperately. (this link shows you an awesome video).

Just a very few people are thinking about their destiny, not just in terms of their occupation, but their destiny as a son/daughter of God. It seems that there aren’t as many people who really hunger for God-like faith – the kind of faith that heals and moves mountains of problems into the sea. Think about it.

We recently attended a seminar with Peter Daniels here in Vancouver, BC; he encouraged all of us to read biographies. I love to read them and books about the faith-filled men throughout history. They were not perfect and each was still a product of his time and generation, but they were fiercely committed to bringing the Gospel to the world and fiercely committed to their faith in God. What a Destiny!

Will you be a next faith giant? Why not? It can be you! It can if your faith has a destination. You never will fulfill God’s plan for your life if your faith doesn’t have the destination. Faith is not your destination. It’s not the finish line. It’s the beginning line. Faith is like the perfect pair of running shoes. It is going to get you to the finish line quicker than running barefoot. Faith will  carry you to your destination. Go for it!!

One more thought:
“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” – Jesus Christ

by Olga Hermans

What does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, and can a Christian can blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

Is There An Unpardonable Sin?
Obviously, blasphemy against the Spirit has nothing to do with cussing; it has to do with mocking the works of the Holy Spirit, with the intent on keeping others from wholeheartedly following Christ. The term blasphemy may be generally defined as “defiant irreverence.” The term can be applied to such sins as cursing God or willfully degrading things relating to God.  To those Christians who think they may be guilty of having committed the unpardonable sin; it would be good to watch this video to find your answer and be released form all  your guilt.