5 Thoughts About “Abortion Is My Only Option”

This is a myth that lots and lots of people really DO believe. So, let’s talk about this myth, because it really got my attention through what we are hearing on the news. Right this moment is this couple deciding for a baby to be aborted or being birthed. Their question is: “Help us Decide, a Real Abortion Vote!” They have a poll on the internet and want the whole world more or less to decide for them.

What if the baby gets birthed and gets to know that his/her parents had a poll to make a decision about his/her life.There is a lot to say about this, but that is not what this article is about. Let’s look at this myth that men and women think that abortion is the only option they have.

Why do some Christian women abort their unborn children? Is it because deep down they don’t believe it is a child? No. Is it because they don’t think abortion is a sin (murder) and displeasing to God? No. Is it because they really believe in abortion and a woman’s right to choose? No.

I think it is because they feel alone.

Facing an unplanned pregnancy feels overwhelming and scary. It feels like life has come to an end. It feels like you are in a trap and there’s no way out.

But you are not alone.

No, your Heavenly Father knows and sees and he loves you just as much as He did before you got pregnant. No matter what your circumstance or how you came to this point in your life, He still embraces you and holds you in His hand.

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, the last thing you need to hear are preaching and stale advice. Let’s be realistic – you are in a very difficult situation. Sometimes abortion feels like the best option because it is the quickest fix, and no one ever knows. But don’t believe the lie that your life will go on as usual. If you have an abortion, you will never be the same. You will be haunted by guilt for years You will miss that child that could have been yours. You will wonder what God had in mind for that little life Jer 1:5

You will carry devastating emotional scars into every relationship in your future and you may carry physical scars as well.

Granted your other options are also difficult; raising the child on your own, under the scrutiny and judgment of so -called Christians and your friends and family. Or giving your child up for adoption, which involves all of the shame of the pregnancy and then the feeling of loss of giving up your child.

But abortion will not fix your problem. As hard as it is, adoption may give a couple who desperately wants a child the baby they had always  hoped for. And a true christian friend will love you and stand beside you; in the maternity store ad the delivery room. God can and will provide those types of friends.

Our God is a God of second chances, a God of untold grace and unending love. If you choose to do things God’s way, rather than compounding one sin with another (a sin that will change you for life), then God will bring beauty out of ashes Is.61:1-3, hope out of despair, new life out of the death of self you feel.

Exercise your freedom to choose and choose what’s right.

God loves you and He is with you!

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13

Is this a sin from your past that haunts you? Perhaps you fall into the more that 40 percent of women who have had an abortion. Perhaps you believed that it was your own body, your choice. Perhaps you were told it would be hard, but you have moved on and like to forget. But you have never forgotten.

For this sin or any other, do you feel like you crossed a line with God, a line that past which He doesn’t forgive. If you humble yourself, seek God and turn from your sin, you will discover that God will do even more than forgive you; He will heal you and make you whole.

If you need to talk to someone, you can always e-mail me olga@thechoicedrivenlife.com


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