Simeon and Anna’s Moment



Simeon and Anna’s Moment

by Olga Hermans

We have a beautiful painting in our living room from Ron DiCianni. It’s called “Simeon’s Moment”. It is one of my favorite paintings. It must have been such an awesome experience for Simeon to hold the Son of God in his arms! For Simeon it was indeed the moment of a lifetime as it showed the fulfillment of God’s promise to him and to the world.

Simeon’s Moment speaks to the joy and elation that Simeon must have felt at seeing that prophecy fulfilled. This is the moment that Simeon had chosen to live his life for God. Luke 2:21-35

The people of Israel had eagerly waited for centuries for the Messiah to arrive, but it wasn’t until the perfect moment in history, during the census of the entire Roma world, when the baby was born. Jesus was born right on time and in the right place, fulfilling many Old testament prophesies.

Jesus is consistently, perfectly, always on time. You may be waiting for God to fulfill a promise to you. Don’t lose your hope; he’s on time and always keeps his promises.

And than there is Anna; what did it mean to her to see the Messiah? Can we even imagine what was like for her? As a prophet. She had spent years waiting for the Messiah. She knew the promises that God had given to his people throughout the centuries and she had spent her life praying and fasting, longing for the Messiah to appear.

Anna exemplified qualities of anointing and steadfastness. After being married only seven years, her husband died and this widow chose a life of fasting and prayer in the temple. She did not depart from the temple, but made the choice to serve God. Luke 2:36-37, clearly chose to walk in moral purity and dedicated service. The name “Anna” means “Favor” or “Grace”. She did find favor in God’s eyes for He revealed the Messiah, the Hope of Israel to her.

So, when she overheard Simeon giving thanks to God because he had seen the Lord’s Messiah, she knew she had to see the child. In that tiny body was the hope for Jerusalem, the redemption of the people.

There is worth and value in whatever passage of life you may find yourself. Many people might consider elderly people worthless or those lonely years of widowhood unbearable. But our God can make any time in our lives worthwhile and useful. You may be washing floors and wiping up after young children right now. Or maybe you are in between jobs and uncertain about what step to take next. Maybe you’re waiting for a husband or for financial security. Choose to believe that promise that you have; God will come through for you!

Many who prayed and waited for the Messiah never saw Him. But one day the Lord allowed these two elderly people to see the Christ child and joyously praise God for that long-awaited answer to prayer!

Wherever you are in life, look for ways to serve God in and through your life situation. And I know this; If you choose to be faithful, God will honor you.


This morning I received this e-mail from one of my teachers in VBI in Tulsa. This is a great bibleschool; if you ever desire to attend a bibleschool, then you should certainly prayerfully consider this one. Any way Eddie Hyattt was one of my favorite teachers; he writes books on revival and is very knowledgeable on the moves of God. I so enjoyed this article that I want to share it with you. Here it is:


It is Christmas again and the world is again being confronted with Jesus. Yes, I understand that the real Jesus is too often obscured by all the tinsel and commercialism of the season, and I am aware of the overt attempts to completely remove Him from Christmas. Nonetheless, instead of cursing the darkness let’s light a candle and ask God for creative ways to make known to this generation who Jesus really is. [Read more…]

The Greatest Illustrated Sermon

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:10-11)

Merry Christmas

I believe it was a beautiful night with the stars shining overhead when Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem in preparation for the birth of the Christ child. Perhaps it was a crystal-clear night when, according to Matthew chapter 2, the wise men saw the star in the east which went before them until it came to the little town of Bethlehem and stood over where the young child was.

From Bethlehem, God preached His illustrated sermon through an infant child, our Savior, Jesus Christ! Christ’s arrival on the earth caused the moral climate of this world to be turned upside down. [Read more…]

A Christmas Greeting

by Dave Roberson

This year has been a world of discovery for me.  Every time I find out a little bit more about the love of God, His love always opens the door to find out even more.  And it’s with great pleasure and expectation that I look forward to the days ahead and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Looking back through the years, I thank God for the gift of praying in tongues, which is a foundational revelation gift that not only prays out the mysteries of God, but helps us understand those mysteries once we have prayed them out–such as the revelation the Apostle John shared when he said, God IS love (1John 4:16).

You see, of all the things I have experienced, love is genuinely one of the most powerful, life-changing attributes I have ever learned to draw from.  God does not have love, “He is love.”  What would be the point of being love if there was no one to love?  [Read more…]