Great Choices

The Choice Driven Life wants to help you to make the right choices in simplifying your life concerning your choices that make online like  social media choices: facebook, twitter and so forth.

Christians and non christians alike are facing heavier workloads, greater demands and hihger stress levels than ever before. The truth is, having an overly complex life will cost you more than you can imagine. But the good news is that there’s a way out. There are resources that can help you manage your time better in sharing your faith and your business with others online.

The sites in this resouce area will allow you to link to articles, videos, music, and blogs that grow you and reflect Christ. Remember: If you know your goals, know your community, and know where to get the goods, you’ll be more effective sharing your faith online.

Tutorials & How To’s, Twitter Tools and Great Christian Content and more to come.

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