NingXia Red

NingXia Red


NingXia Red is Young Living’s supplement specially firmulated to energize, fortify and replenish the body and mind. As Young Living’s mot popuplar nutritional product, NingXia Red contains pure lemon and orange essential oils, renowned wolfberry puree from China’s NingXia province, and a variety of vitamin-rich whole fruits such as raspberries, blueberries, and pomegranates.

The complex nutrient profile offered in just 1 ounce of NingXia Red supplies the body withe vital antioxidants and phytonutrients. These powerful ingredients synergistically provide the body with a natural energy supply that doesn’t rely on cafeine or other stimulants. NingXia Red’s intense, concentrated nutrtion also fortifies and supports you immune system while replenishing and rejuvenating your body.

NingXia Red is a naturally delicious, nutrient-infused wolfberry drink. Drink it and discover a refreshing way to energize, fortify, and replenish.

Drink it and enjoy:

  • A powerful antioxidant-rich infusion.
    • Ningxia wolfberries offer health, energy, and longevity benefits used for centuries.
    • Nutrient-dense blueberry and pomegranate juices include a variety of antioxidants.
    • Lemon and orange essential oils are rich in the antioxidant d-limonene that promotes healthy liver function.*
  • The highest levels of naturally occurring, age-defying S-ORAC activit yavailable.
    • S-ORAC helps support immune function, cardiovascular health, and nourishes the eyes.*
  • Energy and stamina without stimulants, such as caffeine and guarana.
  • Great taste with no sugary, nutrient-light juices, such as apple, white grape, pear, etc.
  • Essential nutrients to help support normal cardiovascular function, normal eye health, normal cell growth, and healthy liver function.*

All this with only 19 calories per serving.

How to Use: 1 fl. oz. daily or as needed.

Here’s what others are saying about NingXia Red:

I have had high blood pressure (134/95) for as long as I can remember. The first time they ever checked it was when I was playing semi-pro football and they were shocked that an athlete in great physical condition would have such high BP at only 24 years old. I kept it manageable all these years (I’ll be 60 next month) with lots of exercise and occasionally I had to take BP meds when under a lot of stress. I started drinking the NingXia Red, and two or three months later when I decided to check my blood pressure it was 120/73! I was so shocked, I rechecked it four times because I couldn’t believe it – it had NEVER been that good. Then about a month later, I was at the doctor’s office for a leg injury and the doctor checked my blood pressure while I was there and he said it was perfect! I’ll never be without my NingXia Red.” D.McL.

I have been drinking 2 ounces of NingXia Red Juice every morning, and now, I cant imagine my day without it! The Juice, keeps my energy and vitality high throughout the day. Before, I would have never dreamed of working 14 to 16 hours a day, but now with the NingXia Red anti-aging juice its possible. I feel healthier and ready to face any challenges that come my way. I feel revitalized and looking younger than 10 years ago. I would recommend this juice to anyone. C.Y.

I hadn’t had a sore throat like this, since I was 9 years old. I wasnt even able to sleep. When I finally thought about my bottle of NingXia Red, my throat was raw. I took a big swig right from the bottle oh my goodness did that feel great!! I went to bed and slept the night through. The next morning, I had a slight scratchiness in my throat, so the first thing I used was NingXia Red. Now, I use NingXia Red every day – and so do my granddaughters. N.S.





  1. Thanks for sharing this relevant content with us. I have had high blood pressure (134/95) for as long as I can remember. The first time they ever checked it was when I was playing semi-pro football and they were shocked that an athlete in great physical condition would have such high BP at only 24 years old.

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