Lavender Essential Oil



Lavender is the most versatile essential oil and is my favorite! I use it every night to relieve my allergies and to help me experience restful sleep.enhance the flavor of foods. 

How to use: Diffuse or inhale directly. Apply topically to skin irritations, cuts, or wherever desired. Add to food or rice rice milk as a dietary supplement.



Lavender Essential Oil Tips

  • Burns & Sunburns  – Apply lavender oil to a burn and experience almost immediate relief.
  • Drop Lavender oil on a cut to clean a wound and kill bacteria. Also use it to cleanse & soothe cuts or scrapes.
  • Apply 2-3 drops of Lavender oil to a rash to stop the itching and heal the skin.
  • Use lavender: to calm and relax, anti-stress, anti-depression, insomnia (just inhale), headaches, PMS,poison ivy and poiso
  • Spritz several drops of Lavender oil mixed with distilled water on a sunburn to decrease pain
  • Suffering from insomnia? Try dripping 3-5 drops of lavender down your spine. 1-2 drops on the bottom of each foot, hop in bed and breathe the remaining oil
  • Rub Lavender oil on the feet for a calming effect on the body
  • Put a drop of Lavender oil on a bee sting or insect bite to stop itching and reduce swelling
  • Drop Lavender oil on a cut to stop the bleeding
  • Mix several drops of Lavender oil with V-6 Vegetable Mixing Oil and use topically on eczema and dermatitis.
  • To alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness, place a drop of Lavender oil on the end of the tongue or around the naval or behind the ears.
  • To stop a nosebleed, put a drop of Lavender oil on a tissue and wrap it around a small chip of ice.  Push the tissue covered ice chip up under the middle of the top lip to the base of the nose and hold as long as comfortable or until the bleeding stops (do not freeze the lip or gum)

Lavender Essential Oil (PDF) EarthKosher Certified

Here’s what others are saying about Lavender oil:

“Lavender helped me with insomnia just rubbing it on my feet and pillow at night. Inhaling the oil and taking Young Living’s Lavender internally helped me as a natural anti-histamine. I was able to get off everyday anti-histamine use just by using Young Living’s Lavender oil. Now, I just use it as needed. Years ago the whole top of my foot was seriously burned 2nd degree, this oil made a huge difference so much so I don’t even have a scar today.
– Dr. Mary Starr Carter

Whenever I get a new cut I put Lavender oil right on it. This allows for cleaning and a quick healing process, so I don’t have to worry about it getting any worse. I am a new mom, so I don’t always have time for myself! I keep a bottle of Young Living lavender oil in my diaper bag.
Ronalda Roumer 



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