38 Are You Holding On To Losses?

Are You Holding On To Losses?


Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.
Luke 17:33 NIV

Have you ever heard about how monkeys were trapped? The hunters would fill a large barrel with bananas, and then cut a small hole, just barely large enough for the monkey to get his hand and arm through.

A monkey, completely unaware of the trap, would reach its arm into the barrel, and grab a banana. But when it tried to pull its arm out, the banana enclosed in its clenched fist could not come through the small hole.  The monkey wanted the banana so badly that it wouldn’t let go.
It’s interesting that at any point prior to its capture, the monkey could easily have released the banana and pulled its hand out of the barrel, but it was so focused on what was in its hand that it didn’t even realize it was in a trap.
By holding on to what is a small, insignificant and temporary gain, the monkey lost its freedom.  Some people become so familiar with their loss, that it becomes the thing that identifies them.  The loss becomes distorted into a something positive, something they can count on.  Like the monkey, they are focused on “the prize,” and just can’t release it. When you choose to hold on to the past or old mind-sets, you are actually falling into Satan’s trap, a trap designed to keep you from fulfilling your destiny.
Today, many people cling to losses.  With both hands clenched, their focus is keeping hold of the very thing that is robbing them of the freedom and victory God has in store. Don’t let this be you!
Your life has seasons; there is a season to mourn a loss, but there is also a season to press on to new things God wants to do. It is so important to reach a point where you are ready to let go of yesterday and embrace the future God has for you.  God is a God of progress. He always wants us to rise higher, letting go of anything that would hold us captive.
Have you experienced a loss in your life? Do you need to reposition yourself today? Whether it was the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or even the loss of a dream, God still has a wonderful plan for your life. Don’t get stuck thinking that there aren’t any good options. There is always the God option.
God always gives you the grace to move forward.  Choose to release anything that’s keeping you from God’s best in your life.
 Will you choose to to stay open and be willing to change?  Now, that’s the choice-driven life!
Today’s Bible Reading: 

Lev 15-18; Heb 6; Psalm 31





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The Most Important Choice You Can Make:

Prayer for Salvation:

God in Heaven, I come to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus. I confess that I haven’t lived my life for You. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that He died on the cross and rose again from the dead so I might have a better life now and eternal life in heaven. Jesus, come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. From this day forward, I’ll live my life for You to the best of my ability. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

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  1. Thank you Olga for speaking into my life today.God richly bless you

  2. Olga! Story about monkey is great! Of course i,ve recognized myself (in some situations).
    Thank you for explaining serious things in so funny way.

    • Thank you Elena fro your comment; I didn’t know I was funny, I thought I was very serious!!! 🙂

      • Dear Olga! I didn,t mean that your article was funny – monkey,s behavior was funny wasn,t it?
        I just imagined how monkey did it and started laughing.
        Of course the article made me think about very serious matters.

  3. Char[es Allen says

    Another good study, you always got what people need to hear and always on time.Charles

    • So happy for you Charles that you are so open to the Lord for everything that He has for you!

      • Olga, God bless you for this great message. I know what it means to be held by the bondage of past and old mindset,’ but God in His mercies delivered me and today I look at my future with high hopes because my trust is in the Lord who made the Heavens and the Earth. Am now on twitter. Was unable to link you up. Rechab

  4. Peggy Raesetja Sema says

    Hi Olga

    I just lost my Dad and felt that holding onto the fact that my dad has left us cried so much but with this message I realise that I need to mourn and shake off the forever complaining that it was not fair for my dad to leave us. Thank you very much. Your messages are making me a better person spiritually.

    God Bless you

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