06 Your World – Without Worry


Your World – Without Worry

 Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray.
Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.
Php 4:6 Msg

Google.com defines worry as “to give way to anxiety or unease; to allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.” But why should we be overly concerned about worry? Doesn’t everyone worry a little bit? Why is it so difficult not to worry? How can worry be conquered?

Why Worry is Like Playing with Fire

The most important reason not to worry is because God tells us not to. In other words, worry is disobedience to God – yes, worry is a sin. Worry is the opposite of faith. It steals your peace. It wears you out physically, and can even make you ill. Worry colors your thinking about all things. Instead of dwelling on the faithfulness of God, you are anticipating the negative. Finally, worry, left unchecked, can progress to deeply-rooted, crippling and dark emotions. With all of these negative consequences, why do you continue to worry?

Why Worry is Difficult to Give Up

Worry is one of the most devious tools used by Satan. Satan is a persistent creature who delights in spreading doubt, defeat and discouragement. Because your thoughts are rapid-fire and subtle, you may not realize that you slipped into worry. For some, worry is such an engrained habit that they don’t know any other way. You may have been brought up to believe that worrying about someone is a way to show that you care. The world constantly bombards you with negativity that can stir up worry. Not least, worry is a false way to exert a sense of control. By worriedly anticipating a negative outcome, you believe that you can figure out how to fix the problem. If you’re ready to give up worry, you’re in for at least a skirmish, if not a battle, to root out the offending thoughts.

When and Where Worry is Fought

Now is the time to fight the good fight of faith.

You must make up your mind because that’s where this battle will be fought. The choice before you is between the Word of God and the lies of Satan. Don’t accept Satan’s lies and allow them to come to pass in your life. Whatever you allow to rule in your mind will rule in your life.

There will always be cause for worry but you can exercise your mind to choose the intake and output of thoughts, words and confessions that bring about peace.

Make a firm choice to overcome worry. Dig in your heels and stand immovable upon the promises of God. When thoughts come that are contrary to the will of God, choose to cast them down. When you recognize you are worrying, stop immediately. Replace worried, fearful and doubtful thoughts with the Word. With your determination to resist worry, now all you need is God’s remedy to worry.

God’s Remedy to Worry
The antidote to worry is “by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.”
God has promised that He will cause you to triumph in Christ – all the time. You already have the victory over today’s worry.

Will you choose to not fret or worry, but instead of worrying, pray? Now, that’s the choice-driven life!


Today’s Bible Reading:

Genesis 16-18; Mark 6; 





Click Here for your 5 Day Weekly Bible Reading plan!

The Most Important Choice You Can Make:

Prayer for Salvation:

God in Heaven, I come to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus. I confess that I haven’t lived my life for You. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that He died on the cross and rose again from the dead so I might have a better life now and eternal life in heaven. Jesus, come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. From this day forward, I’ll live my life for You to the best of my ability. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Click Here if you need more information.



  1. Abram and Sarai got tired of waiting. They were weary as they watched for God’s promise to come to pass, and they wondered if they might do something to help move things along. Sarai decided to see if her handmaid, Hagar, would conceive a child by Abram (see Gen. 16:2) She thought that, that could be God’s way of giving her and Abram the child He promised. God had promised Abram a son by Sarai see Gen 17:16, but since it appeared God wasn’t doing anything, she did what most us do. She decided to go her own way and thought what was best for the situation.

    Does that sound familiar? Have you ever tried or wanted to “help” God in your life?

  2. I love your devotionals and positive, Godly tweets! And I have really good taste I would like to think. Such a blessing you are!

    • Olga, this message about worrying is a great one. You have taught me how to avert worries and focus more on positive things and the word of God.Am somebody who gets worried especially when things are not done right. I pray that God should help me overcome any kind of worry. Thank you for the blessings you’ve always poured into my life. God bless you abundantly.

  3. What you say is so true, Olga, about being in for a battle when you try to give up worrying. Thought patterns that are ingrained since childhood are the hardest to let go of I think. Great post!
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